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Great love and responsibility behind the war against "epidemic"

(2020-03-18 07:49:26)


              The vanguard will not retreat before the battle of "epidemic". In the battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, the Third Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital emerged a group of brave and retrograde figures. They have different identities, positions and responsibilities, but their goals are firm and consistent! At this moment, everyone is a checkpoint. A defense line is set up around them, and a position is firmly guarded at their feet. They go up in the face of danger, strictly guard against death, dare to take responsibility, and build a solid wall of security protection. Persistence, firmness and persistence until the final victory of the war against "pestilence".
Put love in your heart and shoulder responsibility
      The south area is the "red area" for the central isolation of suspected patients, but the most dangerous places have emerged a group of the most beautiful "traitors". Zhao Qian, a nurse employed by the Second Department of Critical Care Medicine, received a transfer task on the first day of the New Year. Without hesitation, she immediately said, "Nurse, please rest assured, I have rich experience, and I will go first "Mom, you are so great, you have to refuel!" Looking at her daughter Yaoyao's childish face, Zhao Qian felt extremely reluctant and tears filled her eyes. Everyone has the fetters of kinship, but in the face of the call, they resolutely choose to care about the safety of the patient, shoulder the responsibility of the mission, and come forward with no regrets. The moment she put on her heavy isolation clothes and walked into the isolation area, Zhao Qian's heart trembled. It was a lie to say she was not afraid. However, once she faced the patient, all her worries were forgotten. Seeing the patient's nervous and trembling hands, Zhao Qian came forward to hold them tightly and said softly, "Don't worry, there are professional medical staff here, and we will try our best to take care of you!" They ran a race at the same time against the disease. They were not afraid of risks, and lit up the hope of life for the patients at the most dangerous line.
Change of identity, unchanged spirit of courage and responsibility  
        Zhu Zhantao, the attending physician of fever clinic, is a cadre who has been transferred from military to civilian. What remains unchanged is the courage and responsibility to take risks in times of crisis. "Xin, I am a soldier. Although I have changed, my blood is still there. You are a military subordinate, and I hope you can also charge ahead, so please give the child to his mother!" When the epidemic just broke out, he sent such a message to his wife in the Intensive Care Department of the Fifth Medical Center, "Don't worry, Zhan Tao, Mom called to let us work at ease. The children will be handed over to them without worry, and you should also pay attention to protection! I believe that we will be able to join forces successfully in the near future, and stick to it! Come on!" It is a husband and wife, but also a comrade in arms, who knows how dangerous it is, but is desperate. The truth between the lines reveals, which further explains the brave "retrograde" of fighting side by side in times of danger.
You fight side by side on the "epidemic" road, and husband and wife fight against the epidemic hand in hand
        "Dad, I'm sorry, my daughter is unfilial and can't come back to see you in time!" Yan Nan, a nurse employed by the Respiratory Department, had a sudden cerebral infarction and was hospitalized in his hometown. After the end of the second day shift, she was ready to go home to visit immediately, but the epidemic broke out, so she gave up going home and chose to stick to her post. "Head nurse, I have returned my ticket, please put me on duty!" Her lover is Lu Hangchao, a civil servant of the Central Medical Engineering Department, who has been working hard in the isolation area to prepare for the establishment of front-line posts, responsible for the transfer and commissioning of medical equipment, and worked overtime until the wee hours on New Year's Eve On the New Year's Eve when thousands of families are reunited, in the same unit, the husband and wife choose to stay on duty firmly in their respective posts. Although they have never met, they are very warm in their hearts, because you and I are guarding the lights of thousands of families together.
Three Golden Flowers Pledge to Be the Scout of the "Epidemic" Front
        "A patient I checked was diagnosed, and now I think back, I am really afraid..." "Don't worry, we have done the most rigorous protection!" "The shift handover report, there were 15 fever patients checked yesterday, 2 suspected patients, the examination room has been disinfected, and the members of the examination team have been well protected, without cough and fever symptoms.". When the epidemic broke out, the Radiological CT Department, in order to fully guarantee the screening work of patients, set up a special examination room and sent special personnel to provide 24-hour DR and CT examinations for the fever clinic. Three girls in their twenties in the department, Zhao Lin, Fang Yafeng and Zhou Shanshan, became the first members of the fever clinic examination team. The resident department took turns to check suspected cases. Three girls, one married less than a year, and two single, are newly married wives, the jewels in their parents' hands, and weak ordinary women. When they are exposed to high-risk suspects and face the risk of infection, they also have the fear and anxiety of ordinary people. But as doctors, white clothes are armor, and responsibility is faith. They break through cowardice and fear, become fearless soldiers on the front line of the epidemic, and assume the responsibility of detecting "diseases"!
      The protective clothing will wrap you so that you can't see your face clearly, but through the goggles, the firm and persistent eyes in your eyes are bright and dazzling! Health is the key to life. This is the pledge made by the first-line anti epidemic medical staff, and it is also their original determination to treat patients consistently. Too many stories of people who are fresh and active bloom around us, like the faint stars, but converge into light. It is they, ordinary and brave medical workers, like the lights of hope, that ignited our confidence and strength to overcome the epidemic!
        This is our war, and no one can stay out of it. Before the epidemic, no one is an island, and everyone is responsible. Although he took off his military uniform, his soul was still there. Although he could not rush to the front line, he still maintained his fighting posture. Gong Jingping, the retired head nurse of the former central nursing department, wrote a book of heroes for the sword, which boosted the morale and cheered up the comrades and colleagues who had fought side by side!
Anti epidemic Spectrum

Gengzi's battle against "epidemic" in the New Year
There is no smoke in the brutal battlefield
The white clad soldier wears armor
Bloody battle on the front line
General Hospital
Three center people shoulder the heavy burden
Jichi Jingxi Medical Area
Overcome difficulties together without fear
Leading and commanding at the front
Take the lead and fly wild geese
High political leadership
Encouraging morale
Fever clinic is the most dangerous
Screening is at the first level
Doctors and nurses work together
Rush forward at every moment
It's not easy to isolate the south area
Wartime speed and time
Angels in white show their charm
One cavity of warm blood, one heart
Emergency outpatient service side by side
Wide range of points and lines
Ensure zero infection in hospital
The masses are safe and sound
Contribution of Respiratory Medicine Department
Anti epidemic treatment is not neglected
New Year's Eve screening
Director Jianpeng Bomei talks
Mobilize to fight against the epidemic
CT、 Test aid diagnosis
Don't let the slightest trace pass
Behind the scenes heroes work silently
Disinfection and isolation is the key
Blocking the "New Crown" infection chain
Infection handling personnel should do their best
Fighting day and night
Guarantee work first
Make every effort to find resources
Extensive financing of protective articles
Zero infection is the bottom line
New chapter of anti epidemic heroes
Yan'an spirit passed down from generation to generation
Heal the wounded for the people
See the liver and gall at a time of great difficulty
Anti epidemic entered the battle
All difficulties and dangers are just waiting
Everyone is a commando
The dawn of victory is in sight


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