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The mountain is high and the road is far, the friendship is long, and the people are heartily helped

(2019-12-26 07:13:52)


Classification: Hospital News
          "The great doctor is sincere and beneficial. Your love, like sunshine and rain, warms the hearts of all the staff of Pengyang County People's Hospital and moistens the land of the old revolutionary base area..." In the middle of December, Gao Yong, the president of Pengyang County People's Hospital, traveled thousands of miles to send a letter of deep appreciation to Liu Liang, director of the Third Medical Center, and Yu Lanhe, political commissar, There is a sincere gratitude for the support work of the Center between the lines.
        Pengyang County is located at the southern edge of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, at the eastern foot of Liupan Mountain, which is an important part of Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Base Area. It has experienced 14 years of revolutionary wars, including the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Anti Japanese War and the Liberation War. However, this old revolutionary base area flowing with red blood failed to take off the title of national key poverty alleviation county. As the only comprehensive hospital in the county seat, Pengyang County People's Hospital undertakes the medical care, health care and first aid work of more than 260000 Hui and Han people in the county and some people in adjacent areas. The backward medical resources make it difficult to see a doctor a major problem that puzzles the local people's livelihood.
        However, since the beginning of this year, the red land has gradually changed. The Third Medical Center and Pengyang County People's Hospital have established a peer support relationship focusing on discipline construction, talent training, technology improvement, and medical management. Director Liu Liang, Political Commissar Yu Lanhe and other standing members led the team in six batches, and formed a team of more than 40 experts to help and support the "baton". In the past year, the medical team overcame many difficulties such as the lack of medical talents, backward medical technology and incomplete medical equipment system in local hospitals, warmed the hearts of the people of Pengyang County with the warm current of benevolence and benevolence, and helped bring out a high-quality medical team to stay with the people.
The military doctors in Beijing are here, and our illness is saved!
        The 74 year old Hui nationality old man, who suffered from multiple organ failure due to retention of water and sodium due to renal failure, even thought of giving up treatment when he was dying. "It's said that there are big experts from Beijing in our county hospital. At that moment, I felt my illness was saved." After the consultation of Geng Yanqiu, the deputy chief physician of the center's nephrology department, and the respiratory doctor of the county hospital, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit for bedside dialysis. After five days of treatment, the patient was saved. "You are really a living bodhisattva who can save the suffering!" The old man who had left the gate of death tightly held Geng Yanqiu's hand.
        There are countless "living bodhisattvas" in Pengyang people's minds, such as Dr. Geng Yanqiu, in the medical team. "Dr. Lei, there is an asthma patient in the emergency department who is not well. Come and have a look." A girl in her twenties was sitting in the consulting room, with a painful expression and dyspnea. Lei Lianhui, the deputy chief physician of the Center's Intensive Medicine Department, carefully inquired about the medical history and found that the patient had suffered from lupus erythematosus for 14 years, hypertension and renal insufficiency. "This is not ordinary asthma, but heart failure, and must be admitted to the intensive care unit immediately!" Injecting diuretics, auxiliary breathing masks, intravenous drip of antihypertensive drugs... After two hours of rescue, the patient's condition gradually stabilized. "Thank you, doctor! I really felt exhausted just now. You saved me in time!" The girl out of danger shed tears of gratitude.
        "The military doctors in Beijing are coming! Our disease will be saved." This trust that can trust our lives is handed down from mouth to mouth. It is spreading more widely and farther in the local area. The trust and gratitude of the masses also deeply infected each medical team member. Although the burden on their shoulders is heavy, no one complains. There are more patients who are still patient. They often leave the clinic in the morning and plunge into the operating room in the afternoon. In the words of Hou Baojie, the director of the second department of central ophthalmology, "the original intention of doctors is to save one more patient. The joy of seeing them take off gauze and see the light again is our greatest happiness!" It is understood that Director Hou Baojie led Xu Qing, the deputy chief physician, and Zhao Jie, the chief physician, to successfully carry out 131 cataract operations in the local area, It has brought light to hundreds of people in the old liberated areas.
Refresh and innovate! Refresh the medical treatment in the old area
      Xia Yixin, director of obstetrics and gynecology, was the second group of experts who accompanied the team to Pengyang. On that day, a pregnant woman who was 35 weeks pregnant suddenly had convulsions and dyspnea. Director Xia quickly diagnosed it as severe preeclampsia with acute left ventricular failure. The situation was very critical, so she urgently cooperated with the central medical experts stationed in the hospital and the local staff of relevant departments to carry out rescue. One hour later, the mother successfully escaped and delivered the baby girl. The father of the child sent the banner to us and said sincerely, "You are the great benefactor of our family!" This is the first case of severe pregnancy induced hypertension and acute heart failure that was successfully treated by experts stationed in the area together with local medical staff.
      As soon as Li Zhiqiang, director of dermatology department, arrived at the county hospital, patients came in an endless stream. An old man has suffered from a persistent disease for many years. He went to many hospitals for medical treatment, but doctors were unable to make a clear diagnosis. "This is a strange disease. Why is it so long?" Although the medical conditions are simple and there is no professional inspection equipment, Director Li Zhiqiang, relying on years of clinical experience, accurately diagnosed the patient as a rare disease - mottled pigment simple epidermolysis bullosa, And timely symptomatic treatment. "The level of military doctors in Beijing is really high. We have diagnosed a rare disease that we have never heard of with the naked eye!"
        The experts of the medical team poured their blood into the assistance work, constantly breaking new records of local medical technology. The support team composed of Wang Weian, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, and Li Jun, deputy chief physician, carried out the first case of ascariasis in the digestive tract, the first case of small polypectomy in the digestive tract, the first case of endoscopic lithotripsy of gastrolithiasis, the early diagnosis of gastric cancer with acetic acid staining, and carried out new businesses such as painless gastroscopy and enteroscopy in the local area, making the number of outpatient clinics triple, Break the status quo of zero diagnosis of difficult cases.
Leave a high-quality medical team
        In order to comprehensively and thoroughly implement the Implementation Plan of the Joint Service Support Force for Promoting Counterpart Assistance in Health Poverty Alleviation by 2020, the joint service support force hospital comprehensively launched the assistance work. The Party Committee of the Third Medical Center resolutely implements the spirit of the instructions of the superior, and clearly proposes to leave a high-quality medical team for Pengyang County!  
        In order to let the people in the old area see the serious illness at their home, the resident experts carry forward the military style of being able to bear hardships, fight and contribute, bravely challenge the big beam, tackle key problems hard and face difficulties. New departments have sprung up like mushrooms, and a large number of medical backbone have emerged, injecting new vitality into the local medical resources.
      The hemodialysis room set up by Zhang Chengying, the chief physician of the Center's nephrology department, and the ICU ward set up by Yang Guirong, the chief physician of the Intensive Care Department, passed the acceptance of the Health Commission of the Autonomous Region one after another, and successfully opened the department, receiving more than 30 critical patients. Jin Zhigeng, the chief physician of cardiology, focused on the construction of chest pain center and heart failure center. Through unremitting efforts and continuous promotion, the two centers were officially established in the local hospital, filling the gap in the field of cardiology in the local hospital. The resident experts used full energy, practical work style and practical achievements to deeply practice the original intention of "hemopoietic" assistance, help the overall improvement of the medical strength of the resident people's hospital, and achieve the goal that people in the old area will not leave the county when they are seriously ill.
        Earnestly help and show effectiveness, and stick to the original intention of warming old areas. In the past year, the Third Medical Center has sent medical experts to receive 3862 patients, 936 free clinics, 247 expert lectures, 111 surgical demonstrations, 476 difficult case history discussions, 644 critical patients, 25 backbone talents, 78 new technologies and businesses, 57 standardized processes, and 46 remote consultations. At the same time, the outpatient and inpatient visits of Pengyang County People's Hospital increased by 6% over the same period last year, the business income increased by 3%, and the average length of stay decreased by 0.1 days.
        The resident medical service capacity has soared, and the people in the old area have gained unprecedented health and happiness. In Pengyang, the old revolutionary base area, the central medical team entered villages, walked streets, and joined companies... It kept in mind the original intention of assistance, shouldered the responsibility of assistance, and focused on the work of assistance. With "the tenacity of not breaking the orchid will never return", it is still making its own contribution to the development of the medical cause in the old revolutionary base area.


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