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Nightingale team enters the nursing home on the World Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day

(2019-12-20 07:22:21)


      The third Thursday in November every year is the "World Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day". On November 21 this year, the seventh "World Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day" was ushered in. In order to popularize the basic prevention and treatment knowledge of pressure sore, publicize the new concept and skills of pressure sore prevention and treatment, and help the elderly to create a healthy and safe living environment, the Third Medical Center Detachment of the PLA General Hospital of China Nightingale Volunteer Nursing Service Corps carried out the theme activity of "World Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day, Caring for the Elderly, Preventing Pressure Ulcer, and Entering the Elderly Home".
      In the afternoon of the same day, a volunteer team composed of senior nursing specialist nurses and a medical expert team composed of medical experts in geriatrics, integrated traditional and western medicine, and digestion came to Beijing Chunxuanmao Nursing Home for the Aged to give lectures on how to prevent falls for the elderly, foot care for elderly patients with diabetes, and prevention methods for pressure sores, Using easy to understand language, the nurses and nurses in the nursing home will be told the prevention and treatment knowledge of pressure sore, the correct turning over method, and the identification and treatment of pressure sore with pictures and texts. The Nightingale team also came to the elderly to give them professional guidance and skin care, and provide free clinic and health consulting services for the elderly.
      Grandpa Pei is 94 years old this year. He entered the nursing home in 2018, had hypertension for more than 20 years, and suffered from varicose veins of the lower limbs. After checking the lower limbs and skin of the elderly, Chief Nurse Guan Xiaoping and the nurse advised the elderly to loosen or cut the socks, and raise their lower limbs when lying in bed. Nurses should check the skin condition of the feet regularly every day to prevent pressure sores.
      The Nightingale team was welcomed by the elderly when they entered the nursing home. The lectures in their evaluation activities were easy to understand, caring and considerate, which made them feel warm and warm. Song Huina, the director of the nursing department, said that the Nightingale team would continue to carry forward and spread the Nightingale spirit in the future, go into the military camp, go to the grass-roots level, and do more medical and nursing services for the officers and soldiers and the people.
Links to pressure sore tips:
      Pressure sore, commonly known as "bedsore", refers to the localized damage of skin and subcutaneous tissue, which usually occurs at the bone protuberance and is generally caused by pressure or pressure mixed shear force. All patients with mobility, decreased mobility (or loss), and decreased tissue tolerance are high-risk groups of pressure ulcers, such as patients with spinal cord injury, the elderly, and patients with severe cognitive impairment. If you have a high-risk group of pressure ulcers around you, how can you prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers?
      First, keep your skin dry, clean and moist. When the skin is soaked with sweat and urine, clean it with warm water in time (avoid using alkaline soap), and treat incontinence in time. Observe the skin every day for redness and damage. If the skin is too dry, use moisturizer.
      Second, prevent skin damage. If it takes at least 2 hours to turn over in bed, use a 30 degree lateral position, and the head of the bed should not be raised more than 30 degrees if the condition permits. If you are in a wheelchair, you need to lift your hips for 30 seconds every 30 minutes. When changing positions, the body should be completely lifted and not dragged or pulled, because friction will abrade the surface skin and damage the blood vessels under the skin. Air cushion bed, roll over pillow, wheelchair decompression pad and other decompression tools can be used to avoid the use of annular balloon.
      In addition, we should also pay attention to improving nutrition, and eat enough carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, etc. every day according to the condition, so as to promote the recovery of the body and maintain the health of the skin.




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