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For 40 consecutive hours of rescue practice, this medical team passed the retest with zero error!

(2019-10-30 08:07:09)


Classification: Hospital News
      On the evening of October 22, the National Earthquake Rescue Training Base received encouraging news!
      After 40 consecutive hours of rescue practice, the China International Rescue Team passed the retest of the United Nations heavy rescue team grading evaluation with excellent results. The medical rescue module in charge of the Third Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital successfully completed 137 examination points with an unprecedented record of zero points deduction and zero mistakes, which won the high praise of the chief examiner of the United Nations medical evaluation. "The Chinese medical staff are great! I am proud of your great medical team!"
      The medical team of the Third Medical Center, relying on years of practical rescue experience and medical professional advantages, has passed all the assessment points involved in the retest with excellent performance in difficult assessment items such as under the ruins, in narrow spaces, high-risk environment at night, etc., for the treatment of amputation under the ruins, crush injury syndrome The treatment and experience of bone marrow puncture infusion and front line rescue at the mini emergency station provide a "Chinese model" for rescue teams in other countries.
      We successfully carried out and completed the first simulation test of physical examination injury and limb bandage under a 12 meter deep well in the world, and established corresponding operation specifications, medical care settings and diagnosis and treatment standards. With professional and exquisite rescue technology, the medical team successfully completed the retest 3 hours in advance, and many medical experts on the scene gave high praise, "China's medical treatment of earthquake victims has reached the world-class level!"
      At 10 a.m. on October 23, the flag awarding ceremony of the China International Rescue Team was held in Beijing. Lv Jiyun, Vice President of the PLA General Hospital, Liu Liang, Director of the Third Medical Center, Yu Lanhe, Political Commissar and former Deputy Director Sun Zhenxue, and Liu Tao, Minister of the Health Service Department attended the ceremony and took a group photo. Peng Weiping, Deputy Leader of the Medical Team of the Third Medical Center, took the stage to receive the flag, Three female members of the medical team received qualification badges. Ramesh Rajeshim Khan, the representative of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, fully affirmed the excellent performance of the rescue team in the evaluation and retest process, and looked forward to China's greater contribution to international humanitarian affairs!


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