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"Defecation" is also a technical work

(2013-11-14 08:24:37)







   people It's said that you can't even shit when you grow so big. Don't worry, defecation is really a technical job.
      Intestine can also affect people's mood
      Before talking about defecation, first understand the function of the intestine. Do humans have a second brain? Yes, it is the human gut. It has 100 billion nerve cells, mainly responsible for human subconscious activities. 95% of serotonin, dopamine and a variety of happy hormones that control human and some mammals' emotions are synthesized in the gut. Emotion is mostly affected by the intestinal nervous system, and even the experience of human happiness depends on the information uploaded from the intestinal tract, the second "brain", to the brain. The first brain of human is the central nervous system, whose main function is to transmit, store and process information, generate various psychological activities, and dominate and control all human behaviors. When people are at rest, their intestines are still moving. In addition to participating in the digestion and absorption of food, they also participate in the regulation of other organ functions in the body, including affecting people's emotions. Is there age in the intestine? This is true, but it is not calculated according to the length of time. It is based on the stage response of intestinal flora distribution changes with the growth of physiological age. Take bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract as an example. Most people will gradually reduce bifidobacteria after their adolescence. In youth, the proportion of bifidobacteria gradually decreased from 40% to about 10%, and the intestinal tract also began to age; When we enter the middle and old age, the number of bifidobacteria and other beneficial bacteria will further decrease. Therefore, the number of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract is often used as an important indicator to judge the age of the intestinal tract, and is also a health data reflecting the physical condition. Supplementing beneficial bacteria will help provide a beneficial environment for the intestinal tract. For example, soy oligosaccharides contained in soybeans will help increase the value of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria.
      Focus on defecation when using the toilet, don't read newspapers or play with mobile phones
      If the feeling of defecation is obvious, you should defecate immediately. After going to the toilet, you should defecate specially. Don't do anything else to avoid distracting your energy. Remember to defecate according to the regularity and scientificity of the defecation action. After the first defecation action is completed, you should quietly wait for the feces to move down from the upper part of the rectum to have a second sense of defecation, and then do the second defecation action. If the squatting time has exceeded 5 minutes and there is still no sense of defecation, it should be ended. When defecating, do not use too much force to avoid damage to the anus. Slowly increase the strength and use force to defecate. If bleeding occurs during defecation, do not be nervous, and stop bleeding after defecation is stopped; There is a prolapse during defecation. After defecation, slowly press it back to the anus to avoid incarceration and swelling. At the end of defecation, you should first raise your hips, and then slowly stand upright to prevent dizziness or syncope after standing upright. In case of constipation and difficulty in defecation, do not exert yourself. This is not conducive to defecation, but may increase the pressure on your cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. Many heart patients suddenly get sick in the toilet, because of improper exertion, they do not discharge, and the blood vessels burst first.
      Properly lift anus when defecation is not smooth
      It is effective to lift the anus properly when defecation is not smooth. In addition, the time of going to the toilet should not be too long, the pressure should not be too high, and regular defecation can be achieved. In addition, friends can also try the following two natural therapies to help defecate. Hot water defecation method: the patient sits on a bedpan containing about 2000ml hot water. Due to the stimulation of hot air, it can enhance intestinal peristalsis and soften feces to facilitate excretion. Salty radish strip defecation method: cut the salty radish into a cone, with a bottom diameter of about 3cm and a length of about 8cm, clean it with cold water, apply lubricating oil on the outside, and gently insert it into the anus for about 5cm. Because of the mechanical stimulation of the salty radish strip, the intestinal peristalsis is accelerated. At the same time, hypertonic saline can also promote part of the tissue fluid to infiltrate into the intestinal cavity to soften feces. After a few minutes, it can automatically defecate. Note: It is not suitable for those with anal mucosal ulcer, anal fissure, or severe anal pain.
      The toilet posture varies from person to person. At present, the toilet is increasingly becoming the main toilet in families and hotels, so more and more people are sitting to defecate. The biggest advantage of the toilet is that the body is relaxed and easy to prevent accidents. Especially for patients with constipation, the toilet time is relatively long, and sitting toilet is better. Squatting in the toilet for more than 3 minutes can directly lead to rectal varices and congestion, which is easy to cause hemorrhoids. The severity of the condition is related to the length of time, and the longer the time, the higher the incidence. It is also safer for patients with high blood pressure to go to the toilet sitting than squatting. But for normal people, squatting is more effective than sitting. Squatting in the toilet can stretch many meridians of the human body, such as the gallbladder, kidney and stomach meridians. If the squatting posture is adopted, the muscles around the anus will be more relaxed, which can alleviate the phenomenon of stool obstruction. Moreover, the squatting posture can increase the abdominal pressure and help smooth defecation.

        Stool and rub the appendix door

      The Lanmen point above the navel is an effective "target". This point is 1.5 inches above the navel. The 1.5-inch words here vary from person to person. To be specific, when the other four fingers apart from your thumb are put together, half of the width is 1.5-inch. In traditional Chinese medicine, the point of Lanmen is a strange point outside the meridian. In anatomical position, it is the place where the large intestine meets the small intestine, and it is also the place where the chyme is easy to stay after digestion. Therefore, pressing this part has a good effect on promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and exerting the function of the spleen and stomach to raise the clear and lower the turbidity.
When self massaging, you can overlap two hands, aim the palm at the position of Lanmen point, and massage clockwise with a certain amount of force by 20~ 30 circles, and then 20~30 circles anticlockwise. The strength should be increased from small to large, so as to feel that the abdomen is deeply massaged, rather than just rubbing the skin. It can be repeated 2-3 times a day. This method is simple and can be used by people of all ages. However, if there is abdominal pain, and the pressing pain is aggravated, self massage is not suitable, but should be sent to the hospital in time.
In addition, if you want to keep your stool smooth and relaxed, you should also pay attention to eating more food rich in fiber, such as oats, vegetables and fruits, drinking more water, keeping a light diet, exercising moderately, and being in a good mood, which will help your intestinal health.


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