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5.23 Morning news review

(2024-05-23 07:38:52)

Macro news:

1. The EU says it may impose tariffs on China's electric vehicles, but the practice is different from that of the United States Chinese response

Wang Wenbin said that China's development and opening up have brought opportunities, not risks, to Europe and the world. Protectionism cannot solve the problems of the EU. What we protect is backwardness, what we lose is the future. As the second largest trading partner of each other, China and the EU are both important forces in building an open world economy, and specific economic and trade issues should be resolved through dialogue and consultation.

Comment: The tax increase will definitely affect our exports, which is also bad for the overall economy

2. Civil Aviation Administration of China: will cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in pilot reform of airspace classification and low altitude airspace management Increase low altitude flyable airspace

The person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration of China said that he would cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in the pilot reform of airspace classification and low altitude airspace management, and increase the low altitude airspace; We will jointly strengthen the construction of the service support system for low altitude flight activities, and continue to improve the plan approval, air traffic control, meteorology, communication, surveillance and other service support for low altitude flight activities.

Comment: This is also to fully support the development of low altitude economy. Indeed, this field has huge space and unlimited potential

3. Securities Times: China Photovoltaic Industry Association recently held a "Symposium on High Quality Development of Photovoltaic Industry" in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that efforts should be strengthened to crack down on vicious competition in sales below cost prices; Encourage industry mergers and reorganization, and smooth the market exit mechanism. In addition, there are market rumors that the Saudi New Future City promoted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is on a global road show. Saudi Arabia plans to invest hundreds of billions of dollars to develop green energy. The first batch will build several world-class photovoltaic projects. It is expected that Chinese manufacturers will get the largest share. However, some analysts pointed out that the credibility of the above rumors is questionable.

Comment: In essence, it is necessary to clear up, making the industrial environment more relaxed

4. Surging news: Shenzhen District has relaxed purchase restrictions and the central bank's three property market policies, which has significantly increased the heat of the property market. On the first weekend after the new policy was issued, the monitoring data released by several leading institutions in Shenzhen showed that the number of second-hand houses seen and consulted increased significantly. Some new house project marketing centers were crowded, and the daily turnover of second-hand houses in intermediary stores hit a new three-year high.

Comment: The key point is how high the new three-year high is and how high the absolute number is, which is very important

5. First Finance and Economics: On May 22, 2024 ultra long term special treasury bonds (Phase I) ("24 Special Countries 1") were officially listed and traded, and prices rose sharply in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with the highest increases reaching 25% and 23% respectively. Due to the excessive increase of 24 Special Countries 1, which exceeded the red line of 10% and 20%, the two major stock exchanges suspended their trading temporarily twice, and finally resumed trading at 15:27. Judging from the final closing, the gains of 24 countries will fall back. Among them, the increase of Shanghai Stock Exchange 24 Special Countries 1 fell from the highest of about 25% to 1.3%, and that of Shenzhen Stock Exchange fell from the highest of about 23% to 19.7%.

Comment: This hype is really crazy. I paid ten years' interest in one year

Company News:

1. Jinrui Mining: the company's high-purity strontium carbonate and electronic strontium carbonate products are mainly used in the production of liquid crystal glass substrates Difference with semiconductor chip packaging glass substrate

Jinrui Mining (600714) issued a change announcement. Recently, according to relevant media information, the company was included in the glass substrate concept stock. Through self inspection, the company's high-purity strontium carbonate and electronic strontium carbonate products are mainly used in the production of liquid crystal glass substrates, which is different from semiconductor chip packaging glass substrates. Please invest rationally and pay attention to the risk of concept speculation.

Comment: Just to tell you, this is a different story. Don't fire

2. Quan Yangquan: Directors and persons acting in concert plan to reduce their shares of the company by no more than 1%

Quan Yangquan (600189) announced in the evening of May 22 that Zhao Zhihua, a shareholder and director holding more than 5% of the shares of the company, and Zhao Yongchun and Chen Aili, the persons acting in concert, planned to reduce their total shares of the company by no more than 7.152 million shares, that is, no more than 1% of the total shares of the company.

Comment: It's a bit excessive to reduce our holdings now

Lv Changshun (Keynes) Certificate No.: A0150619070003. [The above content only represents personal investment views, and does not constitute a basis for buying and selling. The stock market is risky, and investment should be cautious]


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