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 Yu Yuetong
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Why can't A-shares keep rising like American shares

(2021-04-06 17:01:46)



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 Why can't A-shares keep rising like American shares

During the three-day long holiday, investors were obviously a little worried. Why did the Dow Jones index quietly hit a new record high A Shares are still three thousand and five hundred Check below? In fact, the reason lies in ourselves. For example, the market rebounded in a few trading days before the festival and gradually approached sixty Daily strong resistance level; For example, the rebound continued to shrink, making the market's foreign funds always afraid to intervene boldly; Another example is to use KDJ The high level passivation of the representative technical indicators needs to be repaired, which has led to the fact that the market on the first day after the festival is difficult to appear a gratifying red, but on the other hand, the market is far from that bad. four thousand The number of stocks rising is close seven As a result, the number of trading stocks exceeded 100.


The periodic stock market has not decreased, three thousand and four hundred Longji, a billion photovoltaic giant, announced its entry into hydrogen energy in a high-profile way, and the founder led the team, almost pulling the whole hydrogen energy sector with his own efforts, ten The blue ocean of trillion yuan has been boiling, and Houpu Shares and Furuite Equipment have even been directly pulled out 20CM Relatively speaking, the performance of liquor and technology is a little weak, and the overall performance of tourism and airports is also poor, which has significantly hit the confidence of investors. In fact, when looking ahead to April, I said many times that the overall market is not pessimistic, but the trend differentiation of individual stocks will be quite obvious. The reason why the early institutional holding stocks represented by liquor have split today is that the liquor sector has come after the recent continuous rebound sixty The daily position, and the recent rebound of some targets is strong, which is also an income variety with quarterly report exceeding expectations. However, in the medium term, the suppression of its valuation and the difficulty in continuing to ease its liquidity will increase the pressure on future redemption, so most of the early institutional holding stocks should pay attention to the operation of reducing their holdings at high prices. Then look at the performance of technology stocks. Today, semiconductor, national funds, integrated circuits and other major sectors all showed a narrow range of fluctuations, mainly due to the normal pullback under the pressure of their respective noon lines. Considering that the sub lines have been broken through, it is still worth paying attention to the sub line areas in the future.


 Why can't A-shares keep rising like American shares

For the next operation, it must be understood that the fluctuation will further increase when the valuation is downward and the profit is upward, so it is more necessary to return to the performance fundamentals. At the same time, it is necessary to pay more attention to the landing and realization of short-term performance rather than telling stories in the medium and long term. This is one of the characteristics that the current market needs to pay attention to. Compared to two thousand and nineteen two thousand and twenty We can make money by holding shares in the year until they rise and catch up. At present, people in the market have changed their minds, and liquidity is expected to fluctuate. We should try our best to choose varieties with high margin of safety for bottom layout and band operation. This is the second important feature of the market that is different from the past two years. At the operational level, the focus is on sectors with reasonable valuation and rising prosperity, such as the main line of performance growth exceeding expectations, such as pro cyclical, semiconductor, etc. In terms of thematic investment opportunities, we can focus on carbon neutral related sectors, such as the new energy industry chain. As for the market, don't worry too much sixty Daily line in three thousand five hundred and twenty Point, this is the first important resistance in the front, and the support below is roughly in the area from the main road sub line to the noon line, about 3440-3460 Point area. In other words, the existence of this position support means that the main force has not given up this rebound market, and your attitude should not be so pessimistic. You should try to focus on individual stocks rather than just watching the rise and fall of the index.


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