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Does the obstetrician and gynecologist also have a baby?

(2016-08-26 15:45:44)

Miscellaneous talk

Peking Union Medical College Hospital - Gynecology - attending physician   Zhang Rongya

Editor's Note: How can you stand being unable to take a bath and wash your hair for a whole month? And this can't eat that can't eat, really scientific? Let's count the customs of traditional confinement...... Teach you how to sit in confinement scientifically! The original text is as follows:

Do you want to have a confinement

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, one of the most frequently asked questions is: Do you want to have a baby after giving birth? To answer this question, I wrote this article four years ago. Because there will be a popular science lecture "How to Sit in the Moon Scientifically" in the WeChat class of Fengxinzi tomorrow, I will turn over this previous article and make some modifications for your reference.

"Do women want to have a confinement?"

My answer to this is: "You should sit in the month, but you should sit scientifically!"

In many places, there are various traditions of confinement: no going out, no going down to the ground, no opening the window, no blowing, no seeing the sun, no touching water, no brushing teeth, no bathing, no washing your hair, no hair dryer, no eating vegetables, no eating fruits, no holding your baby, no bathing for your baby, no watching TV, no using computers and mobile phones No reading, no sewing …… There are many taboos.

On the contrary, there is also a concept that there is no need to sit in the moon, and sitting in the moon is just a bad habit of Chinese people. This view advocates that postpartum people should do whatever they want just like normal people.

In front of these two diametrically opposed concepts, most Chinese mothers are confused. The mothers of these mothers, that is, the elderly, are often traditional children And urged new mothers to abide by the tradition. But so many taboos make many expectant mothers and new mothers shudder: how can they bear not to take a bath and wash their hair for a whole month? And this can't eat that can't Eating, is it really scientific? Let's count the customs of traditional confinement ……

one Can you eat salt in confinement? Eating food? Eat fruit?

One of the bad habits of traditional confinement is that salt is not allowed to be eaten during confinement. In fact, you can eat salt after delivery, but it should be light. Excessive salt intake will easily increase the burden on the kidneys, but if you do not eat salt at all, it will lead to imbalance of water and electricity media in the body.

Another bad habit is not to eat vegetables. In fact, you can eat vegetables after delivery, and you need to eat more. Vegetables contain a large amount of dietary fiber. Eating early and more after childbirth is conducive to maintaining intestinal patency, promoting early defecation after childbirth, which is essential for postpartum recovery, and can also avoid the aggravation of postpartum hemorrhoids.

The third bad habit is not to eat fruit. In fact, you need to eat more fruits during the month. However, it should be noted that the fruit should not be too hard to chew, Should choose easy to eat, easy to absorb, easy to digest, should choose seasonal fruit. When eating fruit, try to cut it into small pieces and eat it at room temperature. Don't eat it cold. After delivery, the body should quickly discharge excess body fluid, which will volatilize greatly Measure sweat. Eating too cold at once will easily lead to capillary contraction, which is not conducive to sweat evaporation. The custom in some places is to cook and eat the fruit, which is actually wrong, because the heating process will destroy many nutrients in the fruit.

The fourth bad habit of confinement is not to drink plain water, only rice soup or rice wine. Postpartum women will sweat a lot, so they need a lot of water when they are in confinement To maintain the balance of water input and output, drinking more water can also promote the secretion of milk, because postpartum needs more water. Drinking water, rice soup and rice wine is to supplement water, but it is not advisable to replace plain water with rice soup, because Rice soup contains sugar, and three meals are OK. It's easy to hurt your teeth if you drink it late one day.

Chinese mothers have been in the United States for a month, eating salt, vegetables, fruits, and ice water. They have recovered well, and both mothers and babies are healthy. As Chinese people, it's OK to eat and drink abroad, but we have to avoid this and that at home, which means that it's not a matter of constitution but a matter of concept.

two Should the confinement be on fire or on fire?

My mother in Zhejiang said that it was the custom to eat fire and drink brown sugar water ginger tea desperately in my hometown when I was in confinement. It was hot enough until my lips were blistered. Shanxi Po But the old woman said that in their hometown, brown sugar and ginger were not allowed to eat at all, and hot food was definitely not allowed. When I first heard their arguments, I thought it was fun. The custom of taking the moon in different places was different, and even might be totally different Anti. But after careful consideration, you will find that these customs are actually related to the region. The south is relatively hot and humid. It is suggested to eat "Shanghuo" food to help dispel dampness and maintain electrolyte balance; The north is dry. If you want to remove dampness, it will be too Dry, easy to dry eyes and mouth, electrolyte disorders.

three What are the taboos during the month?

In some places, beef and mutton, vegetables and boiled water are forbidden …… The taboo varies from place to place. It occurred to me that there would be no food left to eat if I summarized the absolutely forbidden foods in various places during the month? If you really need to "avoid" in the month " In fact, the main reason is that the food tastes too "strong", such as spicy, hot, bitter …… Feeding Breast feeding mothers should try their best to choose foods with mild taste and no irritation, so as to avoid stimulating the digestive tract of the puerpera, and avoid food affecting the taste of breast milk or causing baby allergy. Identify foods that cause allergy to nursing mothers, such as seafood or nuts, It should be taboo. Foods that may cause reduced milk secretion, such as leeks and burnt malt, should be avoided. A small amount of alcohol can stimulate lactation, but excessive drinking will lead to excessive alcohol concentration in the blood entering the milk, which is not good. Coffee You should also drink less or no coffee. Some drugs can also enter the milk through the blood milk barrier, and some drugs may even be harmful to the baby, so mothers should inform doctors that they are in lactation and choose safe drugs for lactation. Tobacco and drug abuse …… The harmful ingredients in it can enter the milk and affect children's health, which are clearly forbidden.

four Can I take a bath in the month? brush one 's teeth?

In ancient times, the sanitary conditions were limited, so the old rule that you can't take a bath by confinement was passed down. In fact, in the case of vaginal delivery, after the recovery of physical strength, you can generally take a bath; If the side cut is performed during normal labor, generally postpartum three to five It can be washed in the morning; If it is a caesarean section, it is generally postpartum 7~10 The wound is healed, and you can take a bath and wash your hair. But you need to keep warm when you wash your hair. Family members should preheat the toilet in advance, take a shower instead of a bath, and dry, dress, blow dry their hair in time to avoid colds.

In some places, there is a saying that "you can't brush your teeth during the month". In fact, you can not only brush your teeth during the month, but also need to brush your teeth. You need to pay more attention than usual Italian oral hygiene. The postpartum resistance of the puerpera is reduced, and they are more prone to oral infection. In addition, the number of meals in the month is high. If they do not brush their teeth, the food residues will stay for a long time, which will easily lead to gingivitis, periodontitis, caries and other oral diseases. but It should be noted that: pregnant women should use soft hair or super soft hair toothbrush, soak the toothbrush with hot water in advance, and gargle with mouthwash or physiological saline after each meal.

five Can I use a hair dryer during the month? Can you ventilate?

Many people criticized the hair dryer, saying that it could not be used during the month, and some people promoted it to pregnant women and babies. In fact, it is a good thing to use hair dryer to dry hair and body during pregnancy and postpartum to avoid colds.

In some places, the tradition is: no wind, no They can open doors and windows, and they also cover their heads with red cloth and thick bedding to avoid "postpartum wind". In fact, "puerperal fever" mostly refers to tetanus infection caused by failure to fully disinfect during delivery in the past, but now it is not Often rare. If there is no ventilation for a long time, the air in the room will become worse, the concentration of bacteria will increase, and the resistance of mothers and babies will decline, making them more likely to get sick. The rooms of mothers and babies should be regularly ventilated. Fresh and circulating air not only makes People feel comfortable, and also ensure that there will not be too many pathogenic bacteria in the room. The correct way is to ventilate every day two to three Times, every time fifteen to thirty minute. If the baby is born in a cold winter, the mother and baby need to change rooms during ventilation to avoid direct cooling.

six Can I get out of bed during the month?

In some places, the custom is to stay in bed for eating and drinking during the month of confinement, and stay in bed for a whole month. In fact, this is very unscientific and even very dangerous Love! Compared with ordinary people, puerpera need to stay in bed more, but not stay in bed! The puerpera are in a hypercoagulable state after delivery, which is very prone to lower limb deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Every year, many puerpera have this problem Such situation. Therefore, the puerpera need to have proper activities during the month, often walk down the ground and do more physical activities in bed, which can not only prevent lower limb deep vein thrombosis, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, exhaust and defecation, and lochia Discharge is conducive to postpartum recovery. Proper ground movement can also exercise the basin muscles, strengthen the basin ligaments, and reduce the occurrence of uterine prolapse. How many activities are appropriate? It's up to your body. When you feel that you want to walk on the ground, walk more. When you feel that you want to rest in bed, lie down more.

seven Can you use your eyes when you are in confinement?

In some places, it is a custom to never read books, watch TV, do needlework, let alone play mobile phones with computers during the month …… this A custom cannot be said to be all right or all wrong. After pregnancy and childbirth, the puerpera's body is weak and all organs are in a fragile stage, so they need more rest, so do their eyes. Use less eyes and more sleep to increase milk secretion It's good to increase resistance. However, there is no need to go to extremes and completely prohibit them, otherwise there will be no recreational activities and it is easy to cause maternal psychological diseases, such as postpartum depression. Reading books, newspapers, watching TV, playing computer In fact, mobile phones are all OK, but we need to pay attention to the scientific use of eyes: the posture should be correct, not lying in bed reading and playing with mobile phones; The time should be appropriate, each time should not exceed half an hour, nor too frequently; Watch TV Distance; Every once in a while you should get up and walk and look at the distance.

eight Can I visit during the month?

The traditional rule is that relatives and friends are not allowed to visit mothers and babies during the month, which is basically correct. After experiencing great physical exertion in childbirth Women's resistance decreases, and they need more rest to recover their physical strength and adjust to new living habits; The baby has not received enough breast milk and antibodies, and the resistance is poor. Too many visitors, easy to catch cold and other diseases, and affect mother and treasure Bao's rest. But the rooms of mothers and babies are not absolutely forbidden. Pay attention to changing clean clothes and hand washing and disinfection after entering the room. It is possible to enter the room of the mother and baby, and also to hold the baby. Of course, there's a front It is necessary to make sure that the visitors have no infectious diseases such as colds and tuberculosis.

nine Is menopausal arthralgia really the root cause of confinement?

"If you don't have a good confinement, you should be careful about the future!" "If you don't pay attention now, you should be careful about joint pain and headache when you get old …… All the trouble! " In fact, the joint pain and headache in "old age" are the manifestations of menopause, which have nothing to do with the confinement, but are caused by the lack of estrogen in the body during menopause. Moreover, even if menopausal discomfort does occur, it can also be treated by hormones.

ten Do you want to have a confinement?

Some people will ask: Do you criticize this and that?

My answer is: Sit! And to sit forty-two Days. But instead of sitting in the traditional lunar month, it's sitting in the "scientific lunar month" —— Take the essence of both Chinese and Western moons and discard their dross.

I have been criticizing the "bad habits of confinement", but I am not criticizing the "confinement" itself. The lunar month should not be a month in the traditional concept, but should It is calculated as 6 weeks (42 days) after delivery, because women generally need about 42 days to recover after giving birth. Sitting in confinement is not a dead rule, but a concept, which is to pay attention to physical and mental health - eat, It's time to sleep, wash, move, pay attention to hygiene, nutrition, rest, exercise, ensure physical health, and pay attention to mental health. Sit in the confinement, but don't put yourself into the dead frame!

eleven What is "science" confinement?

"Yuezi" is just a popular concept. Its medical term is "puerperium". Sitting in confinement is not to sit still, but to reflect the scientific impact on labor The concept of puerperium may be more appropriate to replace "scientific confinement" with "puerperium precautions". There is a concept of puerperium in Chinese and foreign obstetric works or textbooks, such as the American and Chinese scientific bible Williams Obstetrics and the domestic The textbook authority Gynecology and Obstetrics stipulates that puerperium refers to the stage from the delivery of the placenta to the recovery of all organs of the maternal body (except the breast) to the pre pregnancy state (including morphology and function) Generally, the period is 6 weeks (42 days). However, if there are special circumstances in the process of pregnancy and childbirth, such as serious complications during pregnancy and major rescue during childbirth, it is necessary to extend the confinement according to the circumstances.

Finally, summarize several sitting methods of scientific confinement:

1. Pay attention to rest, stay in bed properly, and avoid lifting heavy objects to prevent organ prolapse;

2. Properly exercise to promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function and avoid venous thrombosis;

3. Open windows and ventilate regularly every day to strengthen sanitation and reduce visitation;

4. Keep warm and avoid cold wind, but do not cover your sweat. Change wet clothes in time after sweating;

5. Take a bath and wash your hair regularly, pay attention to keeping warm and dry in time to prevent colds;

6. Brush your teeth every day and rinse your mouth after meals;

7. Drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, ensure adequate intake of protein and grains, but do not overdo them, and avoid drinking large amounts of oil soup;

8. Use your eyes reasonably. Watch TV, computers, mobile phones and books less, but not impossible;

9. Keep close contact with the baby and sleep in the same room, which is conducive to the establishment of mother baby contact;

10. Avoid roommates and bath;

eleven If your physical strength allows, you should go out and commune properly Family members should pay more attention to the lying in women and pay attention to their psychological counseling. Generally, after the baby is born, the whole family will focus on the baby, but a senior told me: "In fact, the whole family should focus on the baby Mom. When Bao Bao was just born, he had to eat milk and sleep. At most, he could use some potty tidbits. He didn't need any care. Take good care of the mother, let the puerpera eat well, sleep well, feel good, and work and rest regularly, so that the milk can be of high quality and Well, the baby will be healthy after eating. "


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