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 Yogi Xu Wen
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One of the journey of fearless giving a hundred days of freedom

(2014-12-14 22:18:40)





One hundred days of release is slowly approaching the end



From September 9 to December 17, it took more than three months to accumulate every day. If there were some merit, virtue and happiness reports that valued life release before, there was no idea at last! There is no joy or complaint. Watching the calendar approaching the end day by day, my heart is gradually relaxed and serene.

If there is any reason why we should vow to release life every day for a hundred days, we should still be grateful for the fearless release of life and its initiator, Xia Jia Russian fever Rinpoche, in March and May this year, it is the Tibetan god changing month and the month of Saga. We have practiced releasing life every day for two months. Although releasing life in March and May is just a month of daily practice, we have experience and accumulation. Looking at the 100 day release launched by the charity city Luozhukenbu, we feel that we can also practice once. Practice is our own thing, Although Guru Rinpoche can guide us, the "cultivation" of this heart is an internal matter, not an external requirement and guidance.


    Ten years ago, my teacher Xiraoje Rinpoche was very happy that we insisted on releasing life every month. On our wedding anniversary, my husband and I also paid 500 yuan for us to release life and pray. Thank you, Master, for finding his disciples over the age of 70, and spending more than three months at his home, time flies. These precious times have passed through in a certain time and space. I believe that Master is resting in the golden temple of Master Lian, and the sky and the earth have lasted for hundreds of years! When I look back, I must not bear the sadness and loneliness of my disciples. My desire to return to reincarnation is so profound. My teacher has contributed his life to the whole Dharma world, leaving no trace, but like the sun and moon, he is always enveloping you.



Wealth, health and happiness in one's life seem to be very important, but wealth, health and happiness in mind are rare! We always pray for the Three Treasures of the Guru to bless us. We always pray for our own life, old age, sickness and death. Why can't we do something for the Guru? Pray for others and cultivate wisdom! Why should we compare our abilities? Why can't I make a wish to do something to thank my teacher! Because this is because I made a vow to release my life in 100 days.




        I didn't think so much. I would be timid if I thought too much; I don't have such a grand plan. No matter how big the plan is, I still need to take action; I didn't join any guru's hundred day release, so I just wanted to make myself: painstaking, hard working, tired, empty, patient, Zeng Yi can't do it!



        Indeed, in the early stage of life release, he was full of confidence and vitality, but in the middle stage, he was exhausted, and all kinds of pressures poured on him. The money for life release was gradually scarce, the manpower for life release was gradually reduced, and his company's affairs were noisy and busy, family complaints, friends did not understand Sick due to physical and mental fatigue! I knew that this was the last 800 meters of my heptathlon, a game between physical strength and endurance! Try every means to use all available power, and bear all the patience that can achieve the cause of releasing life!


What should I do if I don't have money? What if no one helps? What should others do when they are released? How to adjust the release during the season change? What to do when releasing life conflicts with career? What to do surrounded me... At that time, seven moves were adopted to overcome the danger:

        For one thing, if there is a shortage of free funds, go to the local largest aquatic wholesale market, which is generally half the price of the vegetable market. But the wholesale market operates at three o'clock at night, so it often goes to wholesale late at night. Although this is more tiring, it can get twice the result with half the effort.




        Second, the release of life is big, regardless of form and scale, and the place and time of release are not fixed. In addition to taking care of some older senior brothers on Sundays, the release of life for 100 days is basically completed in the morning and midnight. This is very safe for the life of the released animals, because there are fishing people everywhere in big cities. In the daytime, the released fishermen will catch them when they see them. We release them before others get up, and the fish will swim away at dawn. The possibility of being caught is very small.



        Third, we have established a fearless group, which has won the support and donations of hundreds of people. But for the joy of every living creature in the group, and for the purpose of getting every sum of money and blessing in place, we have almost registered and announced it at any time. We have issued a prayer and charity announcement for every contributing friend, day and night. We don't know how much information has been distributed in the past 100 days, The eyesight of the eyes drops sharply. But such timely and hard work has won everyone's trust and firmness!




        Fourth, let life go with a sense of pride and tenacity, and never give up your commitment to yourself. At that time, I thought that if there was really no charity money, I would put 100 yuan every day, and I would go to the vegetable market with a bucket without help. In a word, I would finish it in 100 days! When a person's will is really strong, God will look after him. The three treasures of the guru must be taken care of. In the middle of the period, I suddenly understand that it is not one or several people who are doing this business. It is Longtian Dharma Protector Kongxing who is helping you and achieving you.




        Fifthly, the strength of the family is immeasurable, and the carrying force of the small family is the joint force of everyone. Because of the reason of releasing life, our family is closely united. Although there were complaints and did not understand at the beginning, the inheritance of blood thicker than water became a positive energy. Parents, siblings, teachers, children Auntie all participated in the cause of 100 day release, and everyone loved each other, respected and cooperated with each other, and had never been peaceful and happy.







        Sixthly, we joined forces with powerful external forces. Finally, because of persistence and continuous infection with many relatives and friends, our colleagues took the initiative to continue releasing life in batches and days when I went abroad. All kinds of friends I didn't know kept calling for donations. Each time, the willingness to release life was a red heart, and the accumulated amount was a huge force.



        Seven, at the end of the day, more than 3 million lives have been saved by the sword. In any case, these lives are saved by us from the slaughter. Although the release of life will also be affected by various causes, such as environmental water quality, etc., the killed life will choose even if it lasts for ten minutes. There are many magnetic fields in the world that are disturbed by anything, Many people can't help but can't pay, but there are a lot of gossip and obstacles. They can't let go of what they eat, what they hibernate, what they don't read, what they can't let go of when they get up too early, what they can't do when they have work to do, what they can't do when they send their children to school, what they can't do when the weather is cold, and what they can't do when the weather is hot, It's better to do charity than to release life... In short, there are too many excuses and more theories. I think a hundred days of freedom has taught me that it seems that we have done nothing. The so-called "nothing" means that after doing, there is nothing but emptiness. Maybe we don't read enough scriptures, but the moral of all scriptures is to really verify and understand in action.


        If so, as the law, as the reason, to do, to do, so it is!




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