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 Zhang Hanyi
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How to choose oil control products in hot summer?

(2015-07-31 14:45:14)

skin and flesh


Oil level



Classification: Secrets of beauty and skin care

Q1: Whether it is oily skin, neutral skin or mixed skin, the oil problem seems to be more serious in sultry summer. What are the reasons for the exuberant oil secretion of skin?
First of all, it is related to our own body metabolism, because in summer, people's sweat output and metabolism will accelerate, resulting in more oil secretion. Secondly, it will be affected by the hot climate, strong ultraviolet radiation and the environment.  
And most importantly, in summer, everyone will apply sunscreen products, and the skin after applying sunscreen will also be more prone to oil.

Q2: What type of mask is suitable for oily skin in hot summer?
It can be divided into two different types: 1) Girls who are accustomed to applying multi-layer care products to enrich their skin nutrition are suitable to apply a mask with moisturizing and sedative effects at night.  
2) For girls with less facial care steps, it is suitable to apply a moisturizing mask twice a week during the day and an oil control mask at night. It is not recommended to apply the deep cleaning mask to oily skin. You can choose exfoliating gel in the part with strong oil secretion.  

Q3: How to control the use frequency of oil control mask? What should be paid attention to when using?
When using the oil control mask, it should comply with the changes of the skin. In the daytime, the skin has a strong oil secretion. You can choose to apply an oil control mask at night, but you should pay attention to that after using the oil control mask, you must strengthen the water supplement, and then add a high moisture content emulsion to help lock the water.
The patch type oil control mask is suitable for the whole facial oil field skin. If the skin is oily in the T-zone, it is recommended to apply the oil control mask locally.

Q4: In sultry and hot summer, the maintenance should not be too complicated and sticky, but also let the skin drink enough water. How to simplify the maintenance steps?
Subtracting for maintenance steps in summer, if you use nourishing and sticky essence and strong fluidity emulsion, you can use emulsion directly without essence; If the essence is thin and is matched with moisturizing emulsion, then the essence will replace the emulsion, but for girls who make up, they need to add makeup lotion. For those who do not make up, moisturizing air cushion CC is recommended. Depending on your skin condition, you can also use moisturizing mask to replace essence, and then use emulsion to lock water.

Q5: Which products are suitable for oily skin in summer? What ingredients or textures help control oil?
When selecting the product, avoid glycerin, carbomer and other ingredients, which can thicken the skin, bring a sticky feeling to the skin, and make the oily muscle easy to secrete more oil. Test the emulsion or essence on the dry cheeks. If the texture has strong fluidity, simple skin moisture and low oil content, it can be quickly absorbed when applied on the cheeks, and the skin surface is fresh and smooth, the product is suitable for oily skin.

Q6: Will oil control products irritate the skin?
Whether oil control products will stimulate the skin depends on the skin type and composition. If you are sensitive to oily skin, it is recommended that you give up oil control. However, if the stratum corneum is thick and oil control is needed, or peppermint is added to the product, products with short-term oil control effects such as cooling agents will not cause too much skin irritation.  
It is suggested that we should be careful to control oil and over inhibit oil secretion, which will not only have a short-term oil control effect, but will also produce more oil due to water oil imbalance to protect the skin from becoming more oily.  

[Make up]
Q7: Which makeup products do you recommend in sultry summer? What do you think is the most effective makeup combination?
In summer, it is recommended to choose waterproof and sweat resistant products, which have some oil control effects and will form a protective film on the skin surface, but it is not specifically used for oil control. Makeup holding and oil control primer combination is foundation liquid spray, and UrbanDecay nude makeup foundation liquid and MAKE are recommended UP FOR EVER Hydrating Foundation, UrbanDecay Makeup Setting Spray

Oil absorption
Q8: Should we use oil absorbent paper? How to use?
You can choose very thin paper oil absorbent paper, spray a layer of moisturizing spray on the face before use, wait for a few minutes to absorb oil, so as to avoid sucking off makeup or directly contacting the skin to absorb more oil. But it is not recommended to use oil absorbent paper products that contain too strong gum.  

Q9: What other tricks can be used to control oil anytime and anywhere?
For delicate skin, it is recommended to use air cushion CC cream for coarse oily skin, which is convenient for concealing and makeup, inhibiting oil and maintaining natural luster of the face.
In fact, it is not recommended that everyone should think about oil control anytime and anywhere, but can do some emergency care. Visually, it is good to make the face look less shiny, because oil secretion has certain benefits, indicating that the skin metabolism is fast, helping to delay aging, and not prone to wrinkles. For the skin with external oil and internal dry, try to avoid excessive burden on the skin when choosing skin care cosmetics and sunscreen, and pay attention to cleaning, so as to better control oil.



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