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Answer the member's question: spinal disease causes physical changes

(2014-10-14 13:59:27)


the menopause




Classification: Knowledge gas station
  Answer the member's question: spinal disease causes physical changes
1. Dysphagia: there is a sense of obstruction and foreign body in the esophagus when swallowing, and a few people have nausea, vomiting, hoarseness, dry cough, chest tightness and other symptoms. This is due to the direct compression of the anterior edge of the cervical spine on the posterior wall of the esophagus, resulting in esophageal stenosis, or it may be due to the stimulation of the soft tissue around the esophagus caused by the formation of bone spurs.
2. Visual impairment: manifested as decreased vision, eye pain, photophobia, tears, different pupil sizes, and even visual field reduction and sharp vision loss. Some patients may also be blind. This is related to the autonomic nervous disorder caused by cervical spondylosis and the ischemic lesion of the visual center of the occipital lobe caused by the insufficiency of blood supply of the vertebral basilar artery.
3. Carotid heart syndrome: It is characterized by precordial pain, chest tightness, arrhythmia (such as mid stroke, etc.) and changes in ST segment of ECG, which is easily misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease. This is caused by the stimulation and compression of the dorsal cervical nerve root by the cervical spine spur.
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4. Hypertensive cervical spondylosis: it can cause the increase or decrease of blood pressure, most of which is called "cervical hypertension". Since both cervical spondylosis and hypertension are common diseases of middle-aged and elderly people, they often coexist.
5. Chest pain: It is manifested as stubborn unilateral pectoralis major muscle and breast pain with slow onset, and there is pectoralis major muscle tenderness during examination. This is related to the compression of cervical spine spur on C6 and C7 nerve roots.
6. Paralysis of lower limbs: early symptoms are numbness, pain and lameness of lower limbs. Some patients feel like stepping on cotton when walking, and some patients may also have defecation and urination disorders, such as frequency of urination, urgency of urination, dysuria or incontinence. This is due to the stimulation or compression of the vertebral lateral bundle by the cervical spine, resulting in the movement and sensory disturbance of the lower limbs.
7. Sudden fall: people often fall down when standing or walking because they suddenly turn their head and lose their body support. They can wake up quickly after falling to the ground, without consciousness disorder or sequelae. Such patients may be accompanied by symptoms of autonomic nervous dysfunction such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc. This is due to the abnormal blood supply of the basilar artery caused by the compression of the vertebral artery by the proliferative changes of the cervical spine, resulting in temporary cerebral insufficiency.



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