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Wine tasting is a very particular thing. How much do you know

(2015-08-24 17:00:07)

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww3/large/4a23d06djw1evdt5p0pnzj20k00c0wfa.jpg Wine quality evaluation includes physical and chemical analysis and sensory identification. Physical and chemical analysis relies too much on machinery and equipment and is too professional. There is a gap with ordinary drinkers and it can be ignored. Sensory identification of wine quality is a manual operation, which relies on the senses of the appraiser to identify wine. Although it is simple, the identification is very complicated and depends on experience. It is also a technical activity with art. I can learn some simple common sense from it, so I like it and would like to sing praises for it.
As far as I know, at present, the most authoritative and reliable conclusion on evaluation of all kinds of wine quality is issued by professional experts, not machines. It is not surprising that wine belongs to the product series, but it is a sensory perception product with color, fragrance and body. The cold instrument depends on data to speak, and it must lack sensory color. How can it compare with the living people? Go to the side to stop cooking first.
So how to taste wine? Or what are the procedures for wine tasting? I am not an expert in the industry, so naturally I deliberately avoid positive answers. Even experts in the industry can't do this job thoroughly in a short time. Moreover, experts tend to cover all aspects. It is better for me, a layman, to give a small lecture. Although I may be superficial and pedantic, I at least know what the readers want to read. Scratching the readers is the feature of this book.
Color is the most intuitive expression of wine, and wine tasting should first observe color. But this color is color, not the so-called color. In ancient times, the wine container lacked transparency, and the color could be seen only when poured into the cup. Nowadays, glass bottles are often used to hold wine. There is no need to open the bottle. The color of wine can be seen through the bottle. The first impression should be quite deep. Wine color and wine quality belong to a joint relationship. What color represents a specific wine, or different types of wine will have different colors. In this link, those who are interested in drinking will be able to identify the type of wine based on their experience, and can more easily evaluate the length of the wine. If they are wrong, no one will be held accountable.
The color of the wine stimulates the drinker's senses, and the wine has already started to associate with the taste, which is the charm of color. Moreover, the color is also in revolution. Through the change of color, we can perceive the improvement of wine, which actually indicates the change of the times.
Learn from me a few lines of poetry, enough to see the charm of wine and sex. Li He thought that "the small tank of wine drops pearl red", Du Fu thought that "goose yellow is like wine", and Bai Juyi concluded that "it is as green as bamboo leaves". The first three are all from the Tang Dynasty. There are three colors in their eyes, red, yellow and green. They must have different flavors.
The experts in the industry should pay special attention to the transparency, fluidity, capillary characteristics, etc., while looking at the color, they should also extend their vision. In this way, the composition, age, process and degree of liquor can be basically judged by comprehensively comparing the colors. Letter? Anyway, I believe that this is called magic.
Compared with experts, ordinary drinkers like me don't have to be embarrassed. It's enough to master some ordinary standards. For example, the color of liquor should be colorless, transparent, free of suspension and sediment. To test this, it is easy to lose sight of the wine bottle or glass just by keeping an eye on it. You can use one or two small tricks. Suddenly, turn the wine bottle upside down. If there is no violation, it is up to standard; You can also pour the wine into a cup, align the top of the cup with the eyebrow, and then look at it head up. It's simple enough. It's very convenient to operate at the banquet. In winter, if sediment appears in liquor, hot water can be used to scald it to 30 or 40 degrees. If sediment disappears, it should be regarded as normal. As early as the Han Dynasty, Zouyang's "Ode to Wine" said: "The pure is wine, the turbid is li, the pure is sage, and the turbid is stubborn". Translated into modern language, it emphasizes that the quality of sake is better than that of turbid wine.
After watching the color, I have a little spectrum in my heart. It's time to smell the fragrance. There is a fashionable saying, which is called "smelling fragrance and recognizing women". It is also applicable to wine. Many wines are famous for their fragrance. Liquor is the most typical. Its classification rule is based on the flavor, which produces Maotai flavor, Luzhou flavor and Qingxiang flavor.
There is no shortage of poems chanting the fragrance of wine in the history. It sounds so fragrant that I want to have a drink when I travel to ancient times. Quan Deyu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, wrote "Singing and Singing" about drinking yellow rice wine: "When spring wine is filled with amber light, you can smell the fragrance of blue musk deer in the dark". Yan Shu of the Song Dynasty used the words in Jiuquanzi to evaluate the osmanthus wine: "If there is a cup of osmanthus wine, don't forget to drink under the flowers.". It is also the key of the building of Song people. In the poem "Passing Cang Ridge", it was written that "passers-by Jin Yunpin asked who the Bixiang wine is". There are also a number of literati and poets who publish wine reviews, all of which take fragrance as the starting point.


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