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 Shuiguo Yan Hong
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Private words: like Miyue, men are predestined

(2014-07-31 13:23:06)



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Looking at Mi Yue Zhuan, what makes people envious is not the Queen Mother of Qin who eventually dominates the six countries, but her man affinity.

The 81 episode TV drama shows Mi Yue's love affair with three men who really love her. Mi Yue's first love was Huang Xie, one of the four gentlemen in the Warring States Period. Her lover was Zhai Li, the king of Yiqu who went through fire and water for her. Her husband was the first king of Qin, Qin Hui, who was both brave and wise. Mi Yue and Huang Xie are childhood sweethearts who are ignorant of love, Mi Yue and Qin Huiwang are father and brother's love, and Mi Yue and Yiqu Wang are hormone burst love of men and women.

The emotional thread of a woman's life is run through by such several men.

As a girl, the first man in her life gathered all the girls' imagination of the opposite sex. He brought her beautiful experience and fantasy of love. This is a kind of love like a dragonfly skimming the water, unable to penetrate into the core of emotion, just like fireworks, blooming in an instant, fleeting, without vitality.

Ask: Which pair of men and women did not sigh such a sigh when recalling their initial love: When we first fell in love, we did not understand love.

When she enters puberty, she will meet a man who is as vigorous as her. Calling and being called, respond to each other, love and being loved, hit it off. With the same ambition and the same language, we will walk through a journey of life together and feel the growth of life together. During this period, we will experience various kinds of things, such as opening and closing, dying and living again, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, astringent, and all kinds of flavors.

Such intense love is doomed not to last long, because it is young and has strong personality. Even if we live together, collide with each other, contradict each other, and suffer many scars, it will not last long. Love is easy to get along with, the more extreme love is, the more deeply hurt it is, and the end all ends in breaking up.

When she comes to maturity, she will fall in love with a man who is well trained in all aspects. He stands at the 100th step of life, and she stands at the 50th step of life. He is the man she admires and longs for in her heart. She can't help falling in love, even more crazy than ever before. Because she knows that this is the love she has always wanted to find.

Love is equal and equal. The love of the soul cannot be entered, no matter how intense it is, it will not last long. He is her mirror, let her see another self. His appearance reactivated her life and made her a brand new person. Such a man gives her positive and uplifting power and makes her life glow with flying sparks. To really love someone is a rebirth.


The ideal love is a perfect match between the strong and the strong. When two people with the same level of chess and drums meet together, it is like an expert fighting against each other. Both sides have the pleasure of meeting each other. Appreciate each other, understand each other, pay each other, cherish each other.

An adult woman with rich life experience will inevitably go through the stage of nirvana. Only after a woman has experienced the transformation of the phoenix nirvana, can her life begin to become rich. She will rebuild a mirage in her heart. She will fend off the wind and rain of reality, and learn to make fun of hardship on her own. Such a woman has a strong heart. She can chew pain and suffering like candy, and then digest and absorb them in her own way. She looks calm and gentle on the surface, but her heart is magnificent.

When looking at a woman's beauty, people who don't understand her will only look at her facial features and figure to see if they are standard. People who understand her will look at her eyes, her smile, and her expression to determine what level she lives in.

A person's eyes can reveal the true heart most. The label of happiness can be pasted on the face, but the smiling face that really comes from the heart cannot be put on.

The elegance and cleverness of an adult woman are the wealth bestowed on her by age. She is mature, no longer young and vigorous, no longer unruly and headstrong, and will not deliberately hurt those who love her. Time and experience have bound her into a book for reading.

There will be a man with the same inner strength and insight who knows beads. He has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, and has gone through the ups and downs of the world. He is a responsible man. From the first page of the book, he was attracted by the content revealed between the lines.

He is the one who really understands her, and can read the wisdom hidden in every tiny wrinkle on her face. He read countless people, only appreciated her and tolerated her. So did she. Such two men and women go through hardships together, because they understand, so they are merciful.

A mature woman will have such several men throughout her life, forming the emotional context of a woman with a story.

——Selected from essays My Time Married to a Shadow



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