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 Zhang Nuoyman 90
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How did the hero James become?

(2013-06-21 15:27:22)



Miami Heat



Classification: About basketball



The Heat win is a classic epic

Spurs losing the championship is a inspirational legend


 How did the hero James become?

The new era of the emperor, the old time of stone Buddha


      lift The world famous "Battle of the Seven", or "Battle of Mount Tianwang", Heat seized the throat of their destiny. They survived the sixth war and finally proved with their actions that if they survived a disaster, they would be lucky. So, how was the Heat's championship forged, and how was James the hero forged?
    From this game alone, James, who scored 37 points, Wade, who scored 23 points, and Battier, who hit 6 of 8 3-pointers, undoubtedly provided the most important fuel for the Heat. James, the "little emperor", stepped forward when he needed to stand out most. His accurate three points in the external line in this battle were like roaring arrows flying to the Spurs' territory, which made Spurs coach Popovich very helpless for a while.

      Since the hair band of the "Little Emperor" was knocked off in the sixth scene, he seems like a Monkey King who has taken off the hoop curse. Although his skill has not changed much, it is like a baptism after experience, which has been sublimated in the realm of life. Heat fans all over the world are waiting for their heroes. In the era of heroes, only after experiencing the "fire" can we verify who is the "real gold".

      In the last 27 seconds, "Emperor" made a jump shot to open the gap to 4 points. This key score not only shows his solid basic skills, but also shows the value of a pitcher, and also shows the responsibility of a hero at a critical moment. If Ray Allen used a three point shot in the last 5.2 seconds in Game 6 to pull the Heat back from the death line, James' score in the "Game 7" will ignite the spark of defending the championship in Miami night sky.
    James proved his worth with his performance on the court, and deserved to be awarded the MVP of the finals for the second time. In the NBA history list, James scored 33.8 points per game in the championship game, which ranked first in history over Jordan (33.7 points) and Iverson (32.5 points). In recent two years, the comparison between James and Jordan has often become a hot topic. Just putting two players from different times together, it is inevitable that Guan Gong will fight Qin Qiong. Both James and Jordan have their own times. The wheel of history rolls forward. When the "Flying Man" Jordan's once heroic performance became a "classic recording" in the history CD, the 29 year old "Little Emperor" James' game still has too many "live broadcasts" that have not yet started.
    The times create heroes, and heroes lead the times. The changes of the times provide different soil for human beings. The emergence of heroes is based on the full understanding and utilization of soil, and can make this land open a flower of success that belongs to personal color. From the mirror image of history, we can see that neither a hero nor a team of heroes exist in isolation in many cases. Just like red flowers without green leaves, how can they show their own femininity and flamboyance without color conflicts? James is a hero, while Wade, Battier, Chalmers, Miller, Allen, Cole, Lewis and others standing beside him are heroes. James certainly knows that he can now sit on the "throne". Some of his coaches and teammates are people who pave the way for him, and some are people who help him move forward.
    There are too many unforgettable moments behind a trophy. Even years later, when we think of the "Battle of Mount Tianwang" of the NBA in 2013, when the past scenes appear in our minds, perhaps the tension of watching the ball has disappeared, and perhaps we will not cry out for a controversial decision of the referee, But we may mark the summer of 2013 like this: the Heat's winning is an NBA epic, and the Spurs' losing is an inspirational classic.
    The Heat stood at the top of the league, but in their hearts, more than one player expressed sincere gratitude to the Spurs. If there is no such good opponent, how can there be such a wonderful finals? If the journey is smooth, how can this championship be heavy and precious?
    Like the Heat, the Spurs also have the "Big Three". Ginobili, Duncan and Parker have constantly created difficulties for the Heat throughout the series. The "GDP" combination can proudly say that there is no inevitable relationship between excellent status and age. Role players such as Green and Neil also found their own highlights on this big stage. To describe the Spurs as "glorious even though defeated" is not an excuse for consolation. It is only because the team oriented Spurs show their fighting power throughout the series, which makes people respect and admire them.
    The crazy sand has dissipated, and the heat has become the king. This season, the NBA has ended in the sound of people's comments. I hope there will be more suspense and excitement in the NBA next season.


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