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Should students hold umbrellas for teachers?

(2015-05-05 23:42:02)

Should students hold umbrellas for their teachers?

Hong Qiaojun

In the real context, I didn't expect that it would be very sensitive to take an umbrella. yes Netizens reported that when the school organizes students to play, a teacher, whether standing, sitting or walking, always has a student carrying a schoolbag to hold an umbrella for him. In the photo, the female teacher holds a fan in her hand and wears sunglasses. She is expressionless, domineering and full of queen style. ( two thousand and fifteen Year 5 Month 5 day Southern Metropolis Daily)

 Should students hold umbrellas for their teachers?
 Should students hold umbrellas for their teachers?

 Should students hold umbrellas for their teachers?

The reason for being sensitive is that after the incident was exposed, The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission said that the commission has asked the education bureaus of all districts and counties to actively investigate and confirm the facts, and at the same time, the education bureaus of all districts and counties are required to strengthen the education and publicity of teachers' morality and style, and actively create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual care between teachers and students. Look, when students hold umbrellas for their teachers, they demand to strengthen the education of teacher ethics. It seems that the teacher lacks teacher ethics. Since it is necessary to actively create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual love between teachers and students, isn't it to create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual love between teachers and students when students hold umbrellas for teachers? It can't be said that the teacher's umbrella for students is to create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual love between teachers and students.

It was previously reported that, "Students do exercises in the rain, and leaders enjoy it with umbrellas" , said yes Local "official standard" thought strong It should have rained heavily The exercise was stopped in time and students were organized to take shelter from the rain. However, officials watched with umbrellas while students were still doing exercises in the rain. It was not too critical of this behavior. But for students to hold umbrellas for teachers, I don't think it is necessary to go on the syllabus, Chinese parents sometimes coddle their children too much for fear of suffering. They must dote on them at home, and they cannot see their children suffer at school. If a child holds an umbrella for his mother like this, he will be said to be filial. Children can umbrella their parents, but not their teachers? In my opinion, respecting the teacher as the father, and students playing umbrellas for teachers, why not? If it is my child who holds an umbrella for the teacher, I must praise her. It should be a traditional virtue to respect the elders.

Some people may say that this is to cultivate students' servility, which can not be cultivated by an umbrella for teachers. In ancient times Ritual culture, It stresses that "one day as a teacher, one day as a father". How come countless heroes such as Qu Yuan, Wen Tianxiang and Yue Fei have no servility? What we need to discuss is not students' umbrella for teachers, but Chinese culture What is advocated is respect the old and cherish the young, Have we loved children, respect Did you? A spoiled child It's hard Know to respect parents, others and teachers Of To make students less servile, the key is that teachers should train students to have master Weng consciousness , not Overindulgence.

In this materialistic society, the status of teachers is declining with each passing day. I have seen too many teachers crowding into the ranks of civil servants, but I have never seen any official go to primary and secondary school teachers. Why don't teachers want to be teachers? Because of their low treatment and status, they are not respected. Only when our society has truly formed an atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education can teachers Respect students, Under their education, Students can learn to respect others, love others, love the society love This country.

        In this matter, I think the public opinion has deviated. A matter can be interpreted differently from different perspectives. Shanghai Education Commission does not need to make a mountain out of a molehill. It should be unfair to deal with this teacher because of the unlimited amplification of public opinion.


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 Should students hold umbrellas for their teachers?


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