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Exclusive Interview | Xiao Pi's Dialogue with Yao Ming

(2015-10-15 16:24:00)

Bordeaux Wine King


Classification: Related to alcohol (disorderly writing after drinking)

Yesterday, my cousin Yao Ming launched his new wine "Jinfeng" on Tmall( https://yaoming.tmall.com/ )The reservation price is two bottles of 398 yuan. Compared with the previous Yao Family wines, the price is very close to the people. In view of this latest move, I conducted an exclusive interview with Yao Ming at the first time A dialogue between Virgo and Virgo, the highest degree of wine circle and the most handsome wine circle, as well as a dialogue between two wine lovers.


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@Small skin:

This is the third baby in Yao Ming's wine series. It is still a Cabernet Sauvignon. Do you have a special preference for Cabernet Sauvignon? (Flagship wine: "Yao Ming Family Collection" and "Yao Ming Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon"; Napa Valley classic blend: "Napa Medal"; new brand: Gold Peak))


@Yao Ming:

Yes, I like Cabernet Sauvignon because Cabernet Sauvignon has strength, strength and great aging potential. My personality is quite consistent with it 。-:)

In addition, my winery was established in Napa Valley. We know that the most famous and excellent variety in Napa Valley is Cabernet Sauvignon, so it is natural to choose Cabernet Sauvignon as the landmark variety of my brand. Of course, I do not rule out that other grape varieties with local characteristics may be introduced in the future.

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@Small skin:

As you said, Yao Ming's previous three wines are all Napa Valley, and this wine is from Lodi, a star producing area in California. What's the special story?


@Yao Ming:

Our winery was established in Napa Valley. From the beginning, we hoped to brew classic and excellent representative works of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. And we know that, Napa Valley is too small. It is an elite production area, and its output is very small. It can only be contacted by a very small consumer group. However, there are other high-quality but less well-known production areas in Greater California. I always hope to introduce these high-quality production areas to Chinese consumers. Lodi stay The market is a new star producing area, but it has a long history of wine making It is one of the oldest grape producing areas in California The local fruit farmers are very experienced.

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@Small skin:

When you talked about the original intention of producing your own wine many times, you said that you wanted to let friends and family drink your wine With the launch of Peak, we seem to see that Yao Ming's wine is becoming more and more popular. Is this top-down product upgrade related to your original intention?


@Yao Ming:

Yes, I am not an expert in wine. I fell in love with wine at the beginning because wine has led me to appreciate the other possible attitudes and ways of life. When I am working hard for my career, wine has brought me a better leisure time when I get together with my family and friends. Wine is a good carrier, and every bottle of wine will leave a good memory.

Of course, I am still a person with high requirements, Virgo -:)。 So at the beginning, I asked my team to produce high-quality products, and then slowly introduce some other options. Our current three brands basically represent the style of Napa Valley and California's excellent wine, slightly changing the situation that before the Chinese market, there was basically only popular California wine, and consumers believed that California was a place for mass production of cheap wine. With the listing of Jinfeng, we have provided consumers with different choices.

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@Small skin:

Many wine practitioners who have made achievements around me are Virgos. Do you think this constellation is particularly excellent?


@Yao Ming:

Do you want to tell me that you are also a Virgo?

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@Small skin:

Let's change the topic. Previously, Yao Ming Wine paid more attention to offline traditional channels, but this time, Jinfeng Gold Does it mean that Peak's debut is on the Tmall platform of the Internet?


@Yao Ming:

Previously, we only launched Napa Valley wines with small output, so we still focus on traditional channels and targeted sales. Now this "Golden Peak" can make a leap in quantity, so this product can start to enter the Internet sales platform and be known by more people. However, for our previous "Napa Medal" and "Yao Ming Cabernet Sauvignon" series products, the traditional offline channels will still be our focus. After all, offline is still irreplaceable for consumer education and experience.

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@Small skin:

Why didn't you choose vertical wine e-commerce such as Jiuxian or buy wine?

@Yao Ming:

In the future, we will also actively strive for cooperation with vertical e-commerce. At the beginning, we chose to open a flagship store in Tmall because it can better explain our brand, and our customer service can directly answer consumers' questions about wine.

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@Small skin:

What are your expectations for the debut of the Double 11?

@Yao Ming:

I certainly hope that this "Jinfeng" can be liked by your little skin, all experts and all consumers , the product sells well -:)。 But, I know it's impossible to be liked by everyone. Now I find that many things will be different from what I expected So I just ask the team to do the best thing they can, and then see whether the consumers accept it, and then adjust. So I only produced 24000 bottles of this product in the first year. Let's look at the consumer feedback and see the production plan for next year.

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@Small skin:

What is the biggest feeling of entering the wine industry these years?

@Yao Ming:

The wine market is booming, but the market is large and the demand is different, so We should stick to our original intention. Keep going and keep going. This is a product that takes time to accumulate. It is different from basketball which is determined to win or lose on the spot, so be patient.

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@Small skin:

More and more celebrities have joined the wine industry, such as Zhao Wei, Carina Lau, Huang Xiaoming, Guo Degang, etc. What's your opinion on this phenomenon?

@Yao Ming:

This shows that wine is a popular product. I Believe Everyone enters this industry because they like drinking, otherwise there are many other channels to make money.

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@Small skin:

Have you ever drunk wine from other stars?

@Yao Ming:

Not yet, why don't you arrange one

@Small skin: (You wait)


Q&A 11

@Small skin:

There may be many stars or celebrities joining the wine industry next. Do you have good experience to share with them?

@Yao Ming:

If you like wine and this lifestyle, welcome to join this industry, at least you can drink your favorite wine. The name of a star on the wine label may not bring you all the positive effects, but sometimes it may be the opposite. Because consumers and the market ultimately pay for the wine itself.


After some interviews, I think it is not easy for my eldest cousin to make wine. When he was engaged in the wine business, many people neither understood nor valued it, because they thought he did not understand wine, and because they did not value it, they thought he could not persist. But as Yao Ming himself said, "Wine is not a basketball game. You will win or lose on the spot. But wine is something that needs time to accumulate. Be patient, stick to your original intention, and stick to it again and again." He is treating his wine with the same serious attitude as basketball. I believe it has something to do with his being a Virgo. (Don't black us)

And every time I host his wine event, Yao Ming will not only make fun of me, but also make a request that basketball signing should not be arranged. I asked him inexplicably: "Do you not love basketball?" He said: "Of course, I hope everyone will focus on wine tonight, and taste my wine with my original intention. I think my wine deserves such respect."

Respect, yes, this is the right attitude we should give Yao Ming and his wine dream.


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