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Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives!

(2015-02-02 12:50:04)

Miscellaneous talk

Winter goes to spring, ready for vacation, happy? Are you happy? But life is hard to be complacent. Looking around, so many relatives and friends, three aunts and six wives are preparing to open their mouths at the party. When you are unprepared, they are relentless in their pursuit. They ask about achievements, salary, marriage, savings and everything, forcing you to rethink the meaning of life every minute. They want to die by spitting blood on the table. In order to spend the Spring Festival in unity, stability and harmony, we have carefully prepared a guide for dealing with relatives during the Spring Festival. It is only for you, who are as delicate as white lotus flower, to make silent moves in the place where you play cute, like Wu Meiniang, and live with a super Marisu aura.

Wen_Guan Minyi

Ask learning

Attacking relatives one Recruit

A series of questions with nowhere to escape

http://www.smweekly.com/photocenter/2015/201505/a/P635584783252759911.jpg "How about your grades? How many points did you get in the final exam? What was your ranking in the grade? Did Xiaoming next door get good grades or did you get good grades? I heard that you were caught playing truant? How about playing computer every day during the holiday? Which university do you think you can go to? Do you understand the English on TV? Is there puppy love?"


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! How to solve it: act silly and cute, and poke at the pain

One after another, we have to ask about the secret. At the moment, the most effective way is to counter the pain of relatives' lives with an innocent face: "Auntie, when will you move out of the old community to change a house? The new buildings are very beautiful." "Uncle, when will you change a new car? My classmates' dads drive millions of cars to the school to pick them up." "Uncle, I saw you shopping with a strange aunt last time, who was that.

Ask about work

Attacking relatives two Recruit

Real life barbeque


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! "Have you found a job? What kind of job do you do? How much is your monthly salary? Is the company paid well? How much will you buy for five insurances and one fund?"


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! Breaking move: send out an invitation to work together

Serious practical problems are coming, poor cancer patients and forced migrant workers can't afford to be hurt, so please face life wisely and flexibly! For example, in the tone of pyramid selling: "Aunt, have you heard of Amway?" Continue the tone of pyramid selling: "Uncle, WeChat agents are hiring now, do you want to invest 200000 yuan?"

The ultimate move: confess

He simply confessed directly with the feeling of showing off his wealth: "Ha ha, I am kept by Sicong."

Ask about marriage

Attacking relatives three Recruit

Amiable and crazy forced marriage


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! "Are you in love yet? Why don't you find someone when you are not young? Is it too demanding?"


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! Breaking move: take Gao Leng and Aojiao Fan out

Love or not, marriage or not is purely a personal choice. Now it's time for you to refresh the three views of seven aunts and eight aunts, and show that the life of men and women in the new era is still very open. There are many reasons not to talk about objects, which is of epoch-making significance! Tell them that everyone has their own cold choice: "Sorry, I want to be lonely." Tell them that Marisu's beauty is unique: "There are so many people chasing me slowly, and ugly people are eager to find someone." Tell them that men are too timid: "It's because I'm too beautiful that they dare not chase."

Ask about life

Attacking relatives four Recruit

It's coming ferociously


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! "How much do you have now? When and where will you buy a house? Why not get married? When will you have children? How much money will you give each month? Is the family condition of your boyfriend/girlfriend good?"


 Go home for the Spring Festival and teach you how to deal with the virus attack from relatives! Breaking move: kill with a knife

Please use the big move of killing by borrowing a knife. Use your own rhetorical questions to distract the other person's attention, guide them to start a long complaint, and take pity on themselves until they have no time to answer you, for example: "Auntie, why are there so many law marks on your face, and my uncle didn't buy you care products?" "Auntie, you look bad. Did my uncle take you on a trip to love this year?"


As the saying goes, you can't lose if you lose.

How about not having a partner? How about not getting married,

What about the low salary? In the face of the siege of seven aunts and eight aunts, we must do a good job,

If it's cool, it's cool. If it's cool, it's cool,

"To be a man, the most important thing is to be happy.

Are you hungry? I'll cook noodles for you. "

In addition, this article only represents views and does not guarantee that it will be effective in practice,

If you are chased by relatives,

Please call the off-site phone for help.


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