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Tips on Whitening with White Vinegar

(2014-07-25 17:06:47)

White vinegar, which can be seen everywhere in life, is a very common condiment. But the beauty effect of white vinegar should not be underestimated. It is difficult to use white vinegar correctly, even if the skin is not white. So how can we use white vinegar to whiten? Here is a brief introduction to the white vinegar whitening method.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0V8apABRYjXfSVSQJnm7sIwia8wJ9DqvZJGIEYROf25aIBw2XMhicNJFlQ/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

White vinegar can whiten, kill bacteria, resist oxidation, soften cuticle and remove aged cutin. But it can not be directly used for skin care, and methods need to be used. The white vinegar whitening method can realize the idea that people can whiten without spending money. The following section will introduce the white vinegar whitening method for you.

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White vinegar whitening method: wash your hands first, which can effectively avoid bringing bacteria on your hands to your face. Fill a small basin with warm water and 5-6 drops of white vinegar, not too much. Wash from bottom to top to prevent wrinkles. After about 5 or 6 times of washing, you can use facial cleanser. After washing, rinse it with warm water. Finally, you can apply cold water gently on your face, which can shrink pores.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0VHdSQKWDwAmkT8KiaS7M2TLRzuo5yUUgicGQIqHElibEpatRsDUUcgwickw/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

Ordinary white vinegar contains many skin care and beauty secrets. In addition to whitening, there are many other effects.

White vinegar wrinkle removal method: white vinegar can reduce wrinkles. After washing your face in the evening, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 3 teaspoons of water, dip it with a cotton ball, gently rub the wrinkles on your face, gently massage with your fingers, and then wash it. This method can help eliminate small wrinkles on the face.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0VdajefBwictqiaVtb0wia5xQG8j1X8tJrlibHAYKmWDZEladTM4CIdVTjxQ/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

White vinegar freckle removing method: use white vinegar to pound in an appropriate amount of traditional Chinese medicine Atractylodes macrocephala, and soak in a sealed bath for a week. After washing your face, wipe it to the spot. Over time, freckles can gradually disappear and fade away.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0VzwayicEUElmhH8N2vs5eTrtSmpaR8icS6HR1YNlicotianb68YTiaDZOxvw/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

White vinegar dispelling tired look method: for bath, add 1~2 tablespoons of vinegar in warm water. After taking a bath, it can not only remove the aging cuticle of the skin, but also eliminate fatigue, refresh the spirit, and make the face look very ruddy.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0VNphGrJRqALWq6HvzcFLbkJsFocJiaGZKGicF24wSQ48HcZ8RngX6m4Wg/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

White vinegar acne removal method: mix 5 portions of vinegar and 2 portions of glycerin evenly, and then apply it on the affected part of the skin with acne. Long term use can effectively eliminate acne and blackheads, and make skin smooth.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/msicppG5RgRHem70jJx1mSGMLQNFOOj0VBibiatOrL2F4h01QYQ6J8FODKXbr3tkQzugYNzkzIbfkJVtp2T3NILtA/0 Skillfully use white vinegar to create flawless skin "TITLE=" white vinegar whitening tips Use white vinegar to create flawless skin "/>

White vinegar anti dandruff method: before going to bed every night, use 1:1 vinegar and water to smear on the growth point of dandruff, gently rub the hair root, and then wash it with water 10 minutes later. This can inhibit the excessive growth of dandruff and ultimately cure it. Washing your hair with warm water mixed with vinegar also works.

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White vinegar hairdressing method: after each shampoo with neutral shampoo, rinse the hair with warm water with a small amount of vinegar, and then rinse with clean water 20 minutes later. Slowly, the hair will become soft, shiny, black and shiny



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