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3. To scare the hairdresser, Jimmy's School will teach you how to perm and dye your hair without being killed

(2013-01-08 10:15:22)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jimmy Fashion


      I'm afraid that everyone has a history of blood and tears of hair beauty, right? In the future, you have to burn and dye your hair like this. You can't be trapped!! today Jimmy School 10. I will tell you one by one. You must remember!


 3. To scare the hairdresser, Jimmy's School will teach you how to perm and dye your hair without being killed


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1、 Hair dyeing

      /Common sense:

      The color code of dye paste is two numbers, such as 6/2. The former number is chromaticity, the smaller the number, the closer to black, and the latter number is color system. Another hair dyeing material is dioxygen milk, that is, hydrogen peroxide, whose basic function is to bleach. The dioxygen milk is labeled by concentration, such as 3%, 6%, 12%. The higher the concentration, the stronger the bleaching. Therefore, you should choose according to your needs. Dark colors require lower concentrations, while light colors require higher concentrations.


First sentence: Does your dye paste color fast?

      The hairdresser will probably say: very soon! Good dye paste!

      As a matter of fact, the better the dye paste, the slower it will be painted. Only low-quality dye paste will be painted quickly.


The second sentence: What is the degree of hydrogen peroxide you use?

      The commonly used hydrogen peroxide is 6% and 9%. If you want to dye it very light, such as 9 degrees, the hairdresser may use bleaching powder to bleach it first, so that the dyed color is more straight and bright, and will not be gray. However, bleaching powder can cause severe hair damage. You can ask to use 0/00 dye paste, 9% hydrogen peroxide to complete bleaching, and then use your chosen dye paste, 3% hydrogen peroxide to color.


Sentence 3: Don't heat it. I have time to wait.

      Heating will speed up the opening of hair scales, double the speed of coloring, but also double the damage to hair. There are two purposes to heat hair in hair salons: first, speed up and improve efficiency; The second is to give customers a very professional and complex feeling of hair dyeing, and collect a lot of money. The more responsible hairdresser will not ask for heating, but if you meet someone who is not so responsible, you must resolutely refuse!


 3. To scare the hairdresser, Jimmy's School will teach you how to perm and dye your hair without being killed


2、 Perm


      The basic process of perm is divided into two steps. The first step is softening, and the second step is shaping. Correspondingly, the basic combination of perm agents is two agents. Curly hair is liquid medicine, ionic perm is ointment, and the first dose of ceramic perm is cream, and the second dose is water. The first dose will have obvious ammonia smell, which is a necessary chemical component for softening, and also the culprit of hair injury. So judging the quality of perm products is basically in the first dose, and the second dose is almost the same.


      first, Before deciding to perm your hair, you should have an understanding of whether it is resistant, damaged, weak, or normal and healthy. Good brands will have products specifically for various hair qualities.


      secondly, It is to judge whether the hairdresser is professional and honest. The responsible hairdresser will first ask your needs, carefully observe your hair quality, and make reasonable suggestions according to the actual situation.


      Again, It is strongly required to see the product packaging. There are several key points that must be noted: domestic brands must have production licenses, hygiene licenses, ironing and dyeing products must also have special cosmetics licenses, and none of the three is dispensable. The name and address of the factory must also be clearly marked. Any of these missing items can be identified as fake. Imported brands must have an import license and a Chinese manual. Don't believe in such nonsense as "parallel goods". In addition, there is also a nominal "supervised by a certain company in a certain country", which is no doubt fake. Ask about the softening time. For normal hair, it usually takes about 30 minutes for a good softener to soften without heating, while it may take 15 minutes for a poor one to soften.


 3. To scare the hairdresser, Jimmy's School will teach you how to perm and dye your hair without being killed

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