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 Emei Jingsong
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I talked about sex with the old man

(2014-10-11 22:03:43)

Senile sexual health

Senility concept

Senile sex life

Classification: Miscellaneous talk


        Please read @ Professor Pan Suiming's article "Today's Elderly," Sex "is Younger" http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4dd47e5a0102v27z.html Seeing the gratifying changes in the sexual life of the elderly in China also confirms what I know about the changes in the sexual concepts and attitudes of the elderly in China. The following are some interesting experiences involving "sex" in my interactions with the elderly:


experience one :  One night while working in Chongqing, I was busy and approached twelve I went home at o'clock. Although it was late at night, there was still the sound of shuffling mahjong cards in the elderly activity room at the lower corner of the house. When I entered the elevator, I met an old lady and an old man who had just finished the mahjong battle and was going to go upstairs to sleep. I could see that they were just card friends. In my experience, old people usually go to bed early and get up early, so I casually asked the old lady beside me: "If you don't sleep so late, you can still play mahjong so late?"

She replied, "I can't sleep early."

The old man on the side made a joke and said, "Of course, you can" touch yourself "every night and sleep well!"

The old lady didn't get angry, didn't argue, and smiled. It is estimated that such words have long been a joke of these old card friends.


experience two : A one-time public lecture on health was held in Chongqing through a lecture advertisement issued by a health magazine. The lecture was originally targeted at young and middle-aged groups. However, most of the readers of the magazine may be the elderly, and the elderly are more likely to have time to listen to the lecture than the young, so more than half of the lectures were middle-aged and elderly people. One elderly loving couple left a deep impression on me: from entering the meeting to the end of the lecture, they had almost always linked their fingers. The old lady looked very good and her face was full of happiness. In my lecture, I mentioned the importance of physical caress in sexual life, especially for the elderly. After listening to the lecture, the old lady came to me, smiled and said, "I know what you said, we are like that."


experience three : In Shenzhen, I have to go to the park near my home for morning exercises every morning, so I have met many elderly people who do morning exercises. One of them is from Hunan (Shenzhen is an immigrant city) for nearly years seventy She is a short woman with short hair and ears. Although her hair is mostly gray, she is hale and hearty. She has a loud voice, a moderate spirit, a quick pace, and a frank personality when walking. She even has the temperament of a "dumb boy". Other old people call her "old urchin". The feeling of being with her can be described as "cool".

      One day, after playing Taijiquan, she left the park with me. She sighed, "Alas, it's comfortable to play boxing today. It's as comfortable as making love!"

I smiled and asked, "It seems that you and your wife are always comfortable during sex?"

She made no secret of her pride in her wife and said, "The old man is in good health. He will come every few days. Sometimes when he does it well, it is like getting through the" Sunday ", and his whole body is full of blood."

Me: "You were like this when you were young?"

She: "Sometimes it was the same when I was young, but I was busy working and raising children, so I didn't have much energy to do it. Now I have retired, and I have nothing to do. I usually pay attention to health care and health care. I can live as I please. I always think about it when I go to bed at night. --- I'm not conservative, unlike other old women ----

      The other day, I ran into this old lady at a bus stop. She happened to be waiting for me on the same bus. After getting on the bus, there were fewer people in the bus and there were many empty seats in the front of the carriage. She took my hand and went straight to the back of the carriage to sit down. I asked her, "Why don't you sit in the front?"

She quickly replied, "The front is for those old men and women."

I was surprised: "Aren't you an old lady?!"

Without thinking, she shook her head and said, "I'm not an old woman seventy eighty It is only the one whose hair is completely white at age of.


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