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In what circumstances does Viagra not work well?

(2014-06-30 21:30:54)


erectile dysfunction

Sexual relations

Sexual therapy

2014 World Cup

Classification: Male sexual psychology


                Merkel and the German team are like harmonious sexual partnership to male erection

A joke about taking Viagra: A man suffering from erectile dysfunction hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take Viagra to solve his erectile problem. According to the doctor's advice, after taking the pills, he asked twenty Minutes later, he started chatting with his wife, caressing and making love while waiting for the medicine to take effect. Unexpectedly, when talking with his wife, they quarreled. When she was unhappy, she stopped doing it with him. But then the medicine worked again. The poor man had to be patient and try hard to please his wife. He was busy for most of the night and finally waited for her "It's sunny after rain", but the effect of Viagra has weakened.

PDE5 Inhibitors, including tadalafil, sildenafil, and vardenafil (sildenafil is commonly known as "Viagra"), are often the first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction, but there are often other key problems that hinder the successful use of these drugs. The elder generation of American sex therapists Rosen Acknowledge that although PDE5 The effectiveness and overall safety of inhibitors may prove ineffective if obvious relationship problems, lack of desire, partner sexual dysfunction or other drug conditions are ignored. Moreover, the results of the clinical trials that proved the successful efficacy of Viagra masked the fact that people with depression or important relationship problems were excluded from the experimental participants.

A pair eight Countries over twenty-five thousand Men( MALES )A large sample of transnational studies found that people with erectile problems 58% Men discussed their sexual problems with health experts. Although less than half of them received prescriptions for Viagra or other drugs, only 16% And continued to use those drugs at the time of the study (Rosen et al., 2004) There are many reasons to explain this high dropout rate, including lack of education, lack of doctors to consult, worry about partners, fear of side effects, and distrust of drugs. The expectation of treatment failure may be an important reason for patients to give up drug treatment, because many men or their partners have been disappointed by the lack of change in the quality of their sexual relations.

PDE5 Although inhibitors may be better at promoting male erection, they cannot solve the key individual or partner problems. Sexual problems caused by partners or other couples often occur after taking oral drugs successfully Theatrically Be exposed (Rosen,2000) A follow-up study of patients treated with Viagra found that 1/4 Twenty five percent of the samples could not maintain the initial improvement of drug use, and the individuals in these studies had difficulties in restoring or maintaining an active sexual relationship. That is to say, when the superficial erectile dysfunction is removed, the underlying relationship problems will reveal the truth, or they have no reason to avoid relationship problems.

For example, for the treatment of the erection of older men, strengthening the direct physical stimulation of the genitals is often the key factor, but in reality, their female partners often do not realize his need for this stimulation, and mistake his erectile dysfunction for his complete loss of erectile possibility, or that he is not interested in sex Or the female partner thinks she has lost her sexual attraction to him. At the same time, women's menopause or sexual desire and arousal problems also hinder men's sexual responsiveness in turn. Therefore, yes ED It is very important that the individual patient and his partner make a joint assessment.

  With ED The first stop of men's consultation is often in the busy primary care doctors, not the sex therapists, so the impact on ED Comprehensive evaluation of drugs, individual psychology and partner's sexual problems, and partner relationship factors. Only when the treatment was less successful did they realize that they should seek the help of a mental health doctor (sex therapist). In terms of the clinical practice of sexual medicine in the United States, sexual therapy intervention, emphasis on relationships, and sensitivity to the psychological problems of men and their partners, all these will bring about positive overall treatment satisfaction.

      So, although PDE5 The drug intervention of inhibitors has revolutionized ED Treatment, but the most successful outcome may be an integrated or linked treatment. The emergence of this drug not only did not replace the treatment, but proved that the treatment of genital manifestations alone could not bring long-term success, and individual treatment must be accompanied by relational treatment.

      Lenovo is on the air two thousand and fourteen In the Brazil World Cup, if the penis erection is compared to the forward who is responsible for attacking and shooting, then the sexual relationship is equivalent to the center and winger, and the individual's mental health can be roughly classified as the guard. To win a game depends on the coordination and cooperation of the whole team, which is not achieved by a striker in one move.


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