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 Dr. Zhang Youping
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How to Correctly Popularize Scientific Knowledge of Medication

(2016-08-26 16:58:33)

Miscellaneous talk




delicious food

Classification: Health care

Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - General Internal Medicine Department - Chief Physician   Zhang Youping


http://pic.dr.wenwo.com/fimg/457859185.jpg At present, it is difficult to see a doctor, and the cost of medicine is extremely expensive. In fact, many minor diseases can be cured by controlling the use of medicine. Now I will introduce some basic knowledge to you. Please note that this is just a reference. If the symptoms of the disease are serious, you must go to the top three big hospital for treatment, so as not to delay the treatment. Because some of the symptoms described below may not really reflect the accurate diagnosis of diseases, the science popularization I wrote is just for your reference. Many diseases are very cheap and can be cured with only a few dollars. Today's society, Affordable pharmacies are constantly emerging. If you have a minor illness, you can go directly to the pharmacy or go to the pharmacy to buy medicine after you have written a prescription in the hospital, which has become the first choice for many patients. In addition, the popularity of the Internet has also led to many "online pharmacies". However, how to reduce the blindness in the process of buying medicine and avoid some adverse consequences has become a hot topic at present.

1、 swelling and aching of gum Bezoar antidote tablet, effective in two hours, good in 24 hours.

2. Ear itching, the hospital dermatology diagnosis is Eczema of external auditory canal "Skin Relaxation" is priced at 1 yuan. Wipe your ears with a cotton swab, which is good for several times and is not easy to recur.

3、 mouth ulcer , Oral ulcer powder, only one yuan, just a few smears.

4. Watermelon frost treatment Oral fire Jiuwei Qianghuo Pill is used to treat headache and general pain caused by colds; Jingfang Granule for the treatment of runny nose and cold; Antiviral Granule for Yellow Nose Cold; Use Tongxuan Lifei Pill for cough.

5、 Sore mouth and tongue With oral ulcer powder, Tongrentang's about one yuan, and Huanglian Shangqing Pill for three yuan a box, the effect is absolutely good

6、 Rotten corners : Take orally Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, add vitamin B2, and externally use essential balm and erythromycin ointment.

7、 Toothache , acetylspiramycin 1 2 metronidazole tablets.

8、 Acne on face With Nanxue Acne Removing Cream, 28 yuan, and red bean barley soup, the dehumidification effect is great.

9、 hyperthyroidism : A bottle of tapazole, 3.8 yuan, will be effective if eaten. Continue taking it later. But it must be used under the guidance of a doctor.

10、 suffer from diarrhea : Norfloxacin or aflatoxin hydrochloride tablets.

11、 Infantile Diarrhea : Take half a tablet of bismuth hypocarbonate and it will take effect in two hours. But you must check your stool.

12、 Toothache, often swollen and painful teeth( Most of them are caused by fire): vitamin B, prednisone, metronidazole, erythromycin. You can go to the pharmacy and ask the doctor to prescribe the four medicines for two days. If the people in the pharmacy can't make it, they should take 12 pills each, two pills each time, three times a day. Generally, the medicine is taken six times every two days, and it starts to work the second time.

13、 Suffering from cold, At the beginning, use brown sugar water and onion white to boil ginger soup (with a little pepper), drink it while it is hot and cover your sweat.

14、 Cold, fever and vomiting The TCM doctor said that it was a cold in the stomach and intestines. Half of the Huoxiang Zhengqi Tablets (20 tablets), which cost 0.3 yuan a bag, took effect half an hour later. If you have diarrhea without abdominal pain, you usually use Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

15、 Cough, sneeze, runny nose, low fever caused by cold : Take chlorphenamine plus vitamin C, or Xiaochaihu Granule, and you will feel uncomfortable with a common cold. You will feel better after drinking it several times.

16、 Prevent colds : Astragalus is stewed with honey, a few drops into a cup of water every time, one cup every day. In winter, adults and children can prevent colds.

17、 Cold, fever, sore throat , use Vitamin C Yinqiao Tablets, 1 yuan 100 pills/bottle, take two pills at a time (do not use it to clear the nasal mucus in case of cold).

18、 Cold and fever With paracetamol, the most expensive is 5 cents a tablet. Generally, you can take half a tablet at a time, and you can basically get rid of 2 tablets. What you want to use better is cold capsules, which cost 5 cents a plate, and you can take 2 tablets at a time.

19、 Cold cold : Cough, white tongue coating, afraid of cold. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, afternoon tea. If the stomach and intestines do not melt, afternoon tea is the best (a few cents a packet).

20、 Pediatric cold : The child coughs and does not have a fever. Take one vitamin C, one B1 and one cough syrup for children at a time; If your child has a fever, you can take Pediatric APC, and the effect is very good. For viral cold, use Virulin for 3-5 yuan. For traditional Chinese medicine, use antiviral oral liquid for 6.8 yuan.

21、 Chronic cough : If coughing for two or three months from autumn to winter to spring is not good, drink ginger slices to soak in boiling water, and it will work in a few days; Licorice tablets are good for coughing;

22、 Tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract inflammation, etc Xia Sangju Granules (Granules), a large package of 20 small packages. It costs 2.5 yuan for a large package. Usually, it can also be used as a cool drink, but it is not suitable for those who are seriously ill. It is suitable for those who just have symptoms. Eat it quickly. Or use a large dose of penicillin 960 for three consecutive days, but the daily cost is only 20 yuan.

23、 Sore throat : Take Lingqiao Antidote Pill and Pain Removing Tablet once in the morning and once in the evening.

24、 Wound antiphlogistic : It costs only a few cents to use anti-inflammatory powder, and it can also heal the wound.

25、 hypertension : Take felodipine sustained-release tablets, only 3.8 yuan per tablet, and the blood pressure can be lowered steadily.

26、 Insomniac He often sleeps during the day, stays up late and may catch fire. He can't pull out his bowels, and his stomach is distended badly. He has taken many medicines that have caused fire, which are ineffective. He boiled water and drank it for half a month with Ganoderma lucidum tablets. Moreover, he has no symptoms of poor spirit and trance that have lasted for more than ten years.

27、 The gum swelled very high after eating sea cucumber, beef and other hair Tongrentang's bezoar antidote tablets (a small box of 2 yuan), just eat three. Basically, it has achieved results. (Staying up late will also cause heat accumulation in the lungs and stomach, which will cause swelling and pain in the gums).

28、 Dizziness and brain heat, After taking Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid Taiji Zhengqi Liquid, you will feel refreshed.

29、 gastric ulcer Take metformin or cimetidine tablets plus scopolamine tablets, 12 yuan, two bottles. Continue to seek medical advice.

30、 The miraculous effect of treating gout , Xinhuang Tablets, three tablets for pain relief and three tablets for detumescence, but do not remove the root.

31、 skin Itch : Vitamin C and multivitamin B.

32、 Itchy skin with red pimples : Skin Disease Blood Poison Pill Black Snake Antipruritus Pill.

33、 Urticaria : Loratadine tablets, urticaria caused by common allergies (cold, eating wrong things, etc.), and chlorpheniramine. A few cents or a few cents a tablet, have a quick effect, but it is too cheap to be sold in pharmacies, and only Sismin with similar ingredients can be sold.

34、 eczema : Job's tears and red beans porridge has a very good effect, which is better than any other medicine. In the past, when eczema was serious, I bought anti allergy medicine. Then I applied hormone ointment, which has little effect and is easy to relapse. It has been committed since I drank Job's tears and red beans porridge.

35、 skin Itch : I have eaten too much raw seafood, and my skin is itchy. I bought a bottle of "chlorpheniramine" medicine, one hundred pills. Less than one yuan, one pill a day, two times a day. After one bottle is eaten, I can cure it! Small skin disease: Sanjiu Piyanping, but it can't be used for a long time. It has hormone composition.

36、 Prostatitis (chronic): Eat a few bottles of Qianliekang which cost more than 10 yuan each.

37、 Children have accumulated food, diarrhea and indigestion Symptoms: steamed bread is baked into carbon shape (previously it was placed at the bottom of the coal stove or stove), and it is completely black inside and outside. The rolling pin is crushed and then crushed together with brown sugar. You can eat as many as a quarter of steamed bread each time. After you pull off the black excrement (probably expel the accumulated food), it is basically good.

38、 Anorexia : Motiline. Within 20 minutes after taking it, you will feel hungry immediately. He is much better than Jiangzhong Jianwei Xiaoshi Tablets.

39、 rhinallergosis : The folk prescription is Liuwei Dihuang Pill with Renshen Tablets

40、 Inflammation of hemorrhoids , the pain is unbearable, use white chrysanthemum (no flower root), brown sugar, small miscellaneous fish equally, mash and apply it, and it will take effect half an hour later. Eye ointment should be a family necessity, and its anti-inflammatory effect is really good for external use. Hand protection in winter: Vaseline, 2-3 yuan a bottle, is enough for one winter, but the taste is not good.

41、 Scald by boiling water The cool and cool toothpaste should be rubbed several times. The faster the better. It is very effective. Once rubbed, it will not feel pain and blisters. After drying, it should be replaced and rubbed again. After a few days, the dead skin will naturally fall off, leaving no scars.

42、 Trauma and scald : MEBO can be compared with Yunnan Baiyao for wound healing. MEBO can cure all wounds and scalds. Magic effect.

43、 Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, In high school, on the eve of the college entrance examination, it was estimated that there were internal hemorrhoids and bleeding. I went to the outpatient clinic at home, and the whole thing was very painful, but not good, leaving the root of the disease behind. The recent attack lasted for three months, with bleeding, pain, and nearly 12 hours of pain a day. The use of various creams, suppositories, oral administration and internal application did not work. After returning home from the holiday, my mother said she would open the toilet before and clean it after defecation. Then she tried to smear erythromycin, and did so. Only 5 pieces of Kaiselu and 1 piece of erythromycin eye ointment (3 yuan in total) were used. All right.

44、 Gonorrhea: High dose penicillin for three days Within 100 yuan. Before use, please pay attention to the need for skin test, and go to the big hospital for infusion. Syphilis: Pioneer large dose within 300 yuan in ten days. Skin test is also required, Condyloma: Buy Youling yourself, less than 200 yuan. Herpes: Erythromycin ointment is applied to the festering area, wrapped with gauze, less than 2 yuan. But you must go to a regular large hospital for treatment

Eczema: Dactyline cream, less than 12 yuan, for reference only.

45. Eating too much seafood, Gout attack , the instep swelled more than an inch. Six bottles of penicillin were used, but the cost was less than 26 yuan. As a result, the swelling was really reduced in the evening. There is no cure for gout. The best treatment for gout is intravenous colchicine and oral allopurinol.

46、 Beriberi , itchy blisters on his feet 1) With hibiscus tincture, After several times of application, the skin will be peeled off, but the root will not be cured; Wipe it with garlic or soak it with vinegar to cut the root; 2) Erythromycin ointment, about 1 yuan each, is an oil to treat beriberi and skin diseases.

It is more effective than the creams that cost dozens of yuan each.

47、 Beriberi : Miconazole clobetasol cream, About 2.5 yuan per tube, 10 grams, can be used for nearly a month. The best way to treat tinea pedis is in winter. Use liquid medicine containing benzoic acid, or mixed with 1 to 20 alcohol, cheap liquid medicine ointment and garlic in the auxiliary drugstore. Change the dressing every three days. When the watch is good, if it cannot be cured thoroughly, rub some thinner or spray some olive;

48、 Foot odor : The essential balm drops a few drops inside the shoe or on the insole, with obvious effect. Beriberi and foot odor. Smear some white wine on your feet and it will soon stop itching. Pour a bottle of white wine into the basin every day and soak your feet for about an hour. It will take effect within ten days without recurrence

49. For nail cures, just use a blade to scrape off the surface, and then wipe it with glacial acetic acid several times a day. Especially for fingernails. Because it is convenient to scrape and wipe frequently.

50. There is a disease called myocardial neurosis, and doctors will misdiagnose it as myocarditis. In fact, it is caused by anxiety and fear. Take oryzanol and vitamin B12 for two days.



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