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 Dr. Zhang Youping
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Self test pulmonary function

(2016-08-26 16:33:58)

Miscellaneous talk

Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - General Internal Medicine Department - Chief Physician   Zhang Youping


The lung function will increase with age, reaching the peak at about 25 years old, and then will decline year by year. How much air can be inhaled and exhaled is a barometer to show whether the lung function is good or not. Commonly used in medicine "Vital capacity" and "one second capacity" are used to detect lung function. The former refers to the maximum volume of gas that can be blown out after taking enough air and blowing hard. Generally, it takes 3-4 seconds for healthy adults to blow all the air out of their lungs The volume of gas that can be blown out in the first second is "one second volume", and that of healthy adults is about 3-4 liters. Some studies have shown that when the amount of one second drops to 1.5-2 liters, you will feel bad breath when doing intense exercise; Down to 0.5 - At 0.6L, there will also be obvious dyspnea in a quiet state. Liu Youning reminded that people over 45 years old should go to the hospital to check their lung function at least once a year; Those who smoke for a long time and are exposed to indoor and outdoor pollution should start at the age of 40 At the beginning, check the lung function every six months. In addition, in daily life, we can also simply carry out pulmonary function self-test.   

Match blowing method: light a match and try to blow it. If it cannot be blown out 15 cm from the mouth, it indicates that there is a problem with lung function; If it can't be blown out at a distance of 5cm, it means that the lung function is very poor, such as in patients with emphysema.   

Stair climbing method: climb to the third floor at a leisurely speed without feeling obvious shortness of breath and chest tightness, indicating good cardiopulmonary function.   

Breath holding method: hold your breath after deep inspiration. If you can hold your breath for 30 seconds, it means that your cardiorespiratory function is very good. If you can hold your breath for more than 20 seconds, it is also good.   

Small amount of exercise test: Run for a while in situ to increase the pulse to 100-120 times per minute. If it can return to normal within 5-6 minutes after stopping the activity, it means that the cardiopulmonary function is normal.  

To nourish the lungs, first reduce the inhalation of pollutants

It is difficult for the lungs to expel pollutants after inhalation. Therefore, He Ming, a professor in the Department of Respiratory Fever in the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that reducing inhalation is the key to maintaining the lungs.

Reduce inhalation. When the air is bad, the elderly, children and people with basic respiratory diseases should not do outdoor sports. If you need to go out, try to choose between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Workers should do a good job of personal protection when going to and from work, and must wear masks when going out.      

Clean in time. Wash your face, rinse your mouth and clean your nose in time when you come back from going out. When washing your face, you'd better use warm water to wash away the particles on your face. When cleaning the nasal cavity, you can use a clean cotton swab dipped in water or light salt water to clean repeatedly, or repeatedly use your nose to gently absorb water and blow your nose quickly. In addition to cleaning the face, other exposed parts should also be cleaned.      

Drink plenty of water. Especially people who are often in a smoking environment should drink more water, which can accelerate the discharge of harmful substances from the body.   

Keep the room warm and moist. The indoor temperature should be kept around 24 ℃; The humidity is maintained at 50% - 60%. In case of severe smog, it is better to open less windows.   

Diet protects the lungs. Eat less or no food harmful to lung health, and eat more food that can help lung health. For example, green leafy vegetables and fruits can increase lung ventilation; Onion and fish oil can prevent and treat asthma; Jujube, tremella, potato, yam Pears, watermelons, lotus roots, grapes, radishes, etc. can produce fluid to stop coughing, moisten the lungs and nourish the lungs. Eat more food rich in vitamin C and vitamin E to help the body expel dust particles.      

Massage maintenance. Massage the nasal wing with the thumb to help clean the nasal cavity; Patping the back can help the elderly and long-term bedridden people to discharge the dirty things in the lungs; Take the initiative to cough. You can choose a place with fresh air for deep breathing every morning and evening Suck, timely remove the accumulated sputum, and keep the respiratory tract clean; Doing balloon blowing exercise, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with chronic bronchitis, can keep the elasticity of lung cells and bronchi by blowing at least 40 balloons every day, Prevent or reduce emphysema.


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