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 Dr. Zhang Youping
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Modern stomach care

(2016-08-26 16:28:38)

Miscellaneous talk

Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - General Internal Medicine Department - Chief Physician   Zhang Youping


Due to the fast-paced lifestyle and greater work pressure, most people's stomachs are in a sub healthy state. Among them, 70% of people do not attach importance to stomach health, and 90% of people have high gastric acid index to varying degrees, which has seriously affected people's quality of life.

Helicobacter pylori is closely related to gastritis and gastric cancer. However, some people infected with Helicobacter pylori are ill, some are not, and the incidence is different. Some people have chronic gastritis, some have peptic ulcer, and some have gastric cancer. At the same time, according to epidemiological data, Helicobacter pylori is considered to be a high-risk pathogenic factor for gastric cancer. Experimental studies show that Helicobacter pylori can cause excessive cell proliferation and make DNA vulnerable; Helicobacter pylori can also cause proto oncogene activation, tumor suppressor gene inactivation, oncogene overexpression and gene mutation. Therefore, it is considered that Helicobacter pylori is a promoter of gastric cancer.

High incidence of chronic gastritis

The incidence of chronic gastritis is very high. The detection rate of patients with upper abdominal discomfort can reach more than 80%. A large number of basic and clinical studies on Helicobacter pylori have been carried out in China. It is found that the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic active gastritis is 95%. Most gastritis with positive Helicobacter pylori is active gastritis. After killing Helicobacter pylori, it becomes inactive gastritis. Chronic active superficial gastritis can gradually develop into chronic atrophic gastritis, and then exacerbate atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia, becoming precancerous lesions. Atrophic gastritis is considered to be a precancerous disease of the stomach. Therefore, patients with atrophic gastritis need to have gastroscopy reexamination every 1-2 years, so as to detect early canceration in time.

Peptic ulcer is common

Peptic ulcer is common, and the detection rate of gastroscope is 16.5%~28.9%. Peptic ulcer is closely related to Helicobacter pylori infection. In China, the detection rate of Helicobacter pylori in gastric ulcer is about 70%, and that in duodenal ulcer is about 90%. After the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, after long-term follow-up observation, the recurrence rate of ulcer significantly decreased to less than 10%. Therefore, someone put forward the saying "no Hp, no ulcer".

Prevention of gastropathy starts from "separate meals"

In case of stomach problems, you should go to a regular hospital for examination in time. At the same time, we should "live in a proper way and work moderately". In general, gastroscopy should be performed for nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, belching, heartburn, hunger, epigastric pain, epigastric fullness, epigastric lumps, adverse swallowing, sternal pain, burning, choking, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, hematemesis, black stool and other symptoms. Gastroscopy can directly and clearly observe the whole upper digestive tract lesions from the esophagus, stomach, duodenal bulb to the lower part of the patient. Endoscopy is relatively safe, and the surgeon can perform pathological and cytological examinations in vivo while observing with the naked eye, so it is widely used in clinical practice.

At the same time, although the traditional "meal sharing system" in China is conducive to the harmony of the dining atmosphere and emotional exchange, there are many hidden dangers of the "meal sharing system", which directly spreads infectious diseases of the digestive tract, in which Helicobacter pylori will also infect each other during the meal sharing. Therefore, the prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection should be given priority, with separate meals, personal hygiene, frequent washing of hands, frequent brushing of teeth, not eating contaminated food, etc. In modern society, due to the tight work, fast life and disordered diet, many people's intestines and stomach began to fight. How to protect the intestines and stomach is the key to this article. Next, we will introduce how to protect the intestines and stomach most effectively.

First, eat less fried and greasy food. If you eat a lot of such food, it will not only increase the burden of digestion, but also cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc., which is harmful to the body without any benefit.

Second, it is not advisable to eat more pickled food, which contains a lot of salt and some carcinogens; It is not advisable to eat more raw and cold food. Irritant food such as raw and cold food will seriously stimulate the digestive mucosa in the human body, causing diarrhea and other symptoms.

Third, eat less and more meals, eat regularly and quantitatively, and eat more stomach nourishing food. Try to eat three to five meals a day at the dinner time. No matter whether you feel hungry or not, you should eat actively. People often forget to eat because of busy work. It is recommended to find someone to remind you not to be too hungry, which will lead to stomach diseases and other stomach diseases,; Noodles are the most nutritious food for the stomach. Noodles are the best choice for dinner.

Fourth, chew carefully and swallow slowly. The speed of eating should not be too fast. Eating too fast will increase the pressure on the stomach. You should learn to chew carefully and swallow slowly to reduce the burden on the stomach. It can not only protect the gastric mucosa, but also help to reduce weight, which is called killing two birds with one stone.

Fifth, avoid stomach cold and irritation. Keep your stomach as warm as possible, and do not get cold. If your stomach gets cold, it will cause damage to your stomach function; Avoid spicy foods such as chili and peppers, smoke less and drink less to avoid various stomach diseases caused by damage to the gastric mucosa and reduction of resistance.

Sixth, supplement vitamin C. If there is a serious lack of vitamin C in gastric juice, it can not play a role in time, and can not resist the invasion of external bacteria, reducing its own resistance to disease. Therefore, timely supplement of vitamin C in the body will help protect and enhance the resistance of the stomach. It is advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.



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