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Those heart healthy eating misconceptions you once believed in

(2014-09-14 18:28:25)

Miscellaneous talk

 Those heart healthy eating misconceptions you once believed in

Myth 1: One glass of red wine a day to prevent heart disease

The French like to drink red wine. The incidence of cardiovascular disease in the French is lower than that in other European and American countries. Some people attribute this to the benefits of drinking red wine. Apart from a few French studies that believe that red wine is better than other wines, most studies do not believe that red wine is healthier than other wines, and that red wine protects the heart more may be a French beautiful lie. The French have a low incidence of cardiovascular disease, which is related to the French diet culture. You can't see that the French are mainly Mediterranean diet, which is not closely related to red wine. It is also not recommended that people who never drink wine drink red wine to prevent heart disease. Red wine, like other wines, is not good for your heart even if you drink it moderately. Recent studies have shown that drinking alcohol increases the risk of atrial fibrillation. Drinking one unit a day (one drink is equivalent to 355ml of beer, 150ml of wine or 45ml of 40 degree liquor) will increase the risk of atrial fibrillation by 8%, and atrial fibrillation will cause stroke, so even a small amount of alcohol is not beneficial to prevent cardiovascular disease. Drinking alcohol will increase the chance of cancer in oral cavity, throat, esophagus, colorectal and breast. In particular, there is no threshold relationship between female breast cancer and drinking alcohol. As long as drinking alcohol, it will increase the risk of breast cancer, and it has no relationship with how much and how long to drink. Those who never drink should not expect drinking to prevent heart disease, especially girls' shoes.

Misunderstanding of Eryu Oil to Prevent Heart Disease

Fox reports that Americans spend $4 billion a year on fish oil! The blind worship of fish oil can stop. Don't continue to waste money on fish oil! Most studies have confirmed that although fish oil can reduce triglycerides, it really cannot prevent heart disease. According to the British Guidelines on Lipid Management, Omega-3 fatty acids (the main component of fish oil) can not prevent coronary heart disease and stroke, but will have gastrointestinal adverse reactions. It is not recommended to take fish oil or compound preparations containing fish oil to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Eating fish twice a week can prevent heart disease and stroke. It is better to choose deep-sea fish with low heavy metal content, such as salmon, tuna and sardines, which are rich in fish oil. A few freshwater fish, such as perch, are also rich in fish oil. Do not eat fish rich in unhealthy fatty acids, such as tilapia and catfish. Do not use frying cooking method, which will lead to the loss of fish oil and other nutrients. The amount of heavy metals should also be controlled to minimize the intake of heavy metals. Eat fish twice a week, one of which is a deep-sea fish rich in fish oil. Each time, the amount is about a deck of playing cards. In addition, you can eat shrimp, crab or freshwater fish every week. Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age should appropriately reduce their intake of fish.

Mistake 3 Drinking fruit juice is the same as eating fruit

Some people don't like to eat fruit, so they drink fruit juice and even add sugar. This is to discard the essence and leave the dregs! The intact fruit preserves the original soluble dietary fiber, which can slow down the absorption of sugar, and also has the function of scraping oil to carry out oil and fat. Fruit juice discards cellulose, and sugar is absorbed after drinking, which will increase the burden of pancreas, and it is easy to cause diabetes after a long time. Drinking only fruit juice instead of fruit will increase fat absorption and increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Fruit juice not only loses fiber, but also loses some nutrients due to heating when processing fruit juice. This is true of fresh juice, not to mention juice drinks. Therefore, fruit is the healthiest to eat! British research shows that an apple a day can prevent heart disease as effectively as statin, and an apple a day keeps doctors away from me!

Myth 4: Nutrition is in the soup

Many people, especially the elderly, believe that the soup when cooking is the most nutritious, with essence in it. So many people drink the soup after eating, or eat it with steamed bread dipped in the soup. In fact, this practice is very unscientific. The content of oil and salt in the soup is very high. People who drink the soup for a long time are likely to suffer from hypertension and hyperlipidemia, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After eating the vegetables, pour out the vegetable soup to reduce the salt intake by 1/3. Usually, try to drink less vegetable soup and instant noodle soup. If the soup is light, it is better to use a salt control spoon to calculate the salt content.

Myth 5: If you have heart disease, you should be vegetarian

People who have suffered from coronary heart disease and let go of stents are always struggling with whether to eat meat or simply eat vegetarian food. Research shows that completely vegetarian diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease due to unbalanced nutrition. Although vegetarian diet can provide enough protein and calories, it is easy to cause the deficiency of nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids and some B vitamins, reduce high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol, which is the most harmful to cardiovascular system, is mainly converted from saturated fat in red meat. White meat, such as chicken, duck, poultry, fish and seafood, is low in saturated fat and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, making it a good substitute for red meat. Eating a little red meat with less saturated fat every week has little effect on health. Healthy people should pay attention to a balanced diet, and do not need to excessively pursue vegetarian diet; On the basis of a healthy diet, people with cardiovascular diseases replace red meat with white meat.

The US Cardiovascular Prevention Guidelines highlight the role of Mediterranean diet in cardiovascular prevention. The Mediterranean diet uses vegetable oil instead of animal fat, olive oil as the main edible oil, whole grains as the main food, vegetables, fruits and nuts as the main food, and white meat such as deep-sea fish, seafood and poultry as the moderate intake instead of red meat and processed meat. Research in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and stroke in people at high cardiovascular risk. The Mediterranean diet is a very good choice for both healthy people and patients with cardiovascular disease.

Mistake Six: Too Much Nut Oil Is Not Healthy

Many cardiovascular patients think that nuts are high-energy and high-fat food, which is not good for cardiovascular health. In fact, research has found that moderate nut intake is very beneficial to control and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Nuts are rich in n-3 unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin E, plant fiber and L-arginine, which can reduce cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The New England Journal of Medicine published research that a small amount of nuts every day can prevent heart disease and prolong life. However, 80% of nuts are fat, most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, but the calories are still high. It should be appropriate. Nuts can also be used to replace the saturated fat in meat, eggs and milk. The American College of Cardiology recommends taking nuts more than 4 times a week, and no more than 50g each time.

After all, nuts are high in calories. Although nuts are good, they should not be greedy. It is better to stick to them for a long time and eat them in moderation. A small handful of plain nuts without sugar, salt and oil is the best at breakfast every day, and can also be put in afternoon tea. It is also a good choice to add some nuts when mixing cold dishes or nuts instead of red meat when frying vegetables, which can reduce the intake of saturated fat, ensure the calories and essential fatty acids, increase the intake of trace elements, and maintain the delicious taste. For example, cashew nuts and celery.

Mistake 7 Eating sugar will not cause diabetes

There is a saying that diabetes does not come from eating sugar. In fact, eating too much sugar and high fat will increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease, including glucose, sucrose, fructose. As long as you eat too much of a high calorie dense diet, which exceeds your physiological needs and does not consume it, it is a burden and garbage to your body, which will increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Myth 8: lemon juice+ginger juice+garlic juice+apple vinegar=top secret formula for opening blood vessels

This magic recipe was once forwarded crazily in the WeChat circle, and many friends asked me whether it was really effective. It is certain that it is ineffective to open up the blood vessels. Don't expect any special effect recipe to produce miraculous effects. The widespread spread of rumors is the mentality of catching people and taking shortcuts without effort. This kind of mixture is not good for your heart. If you drink it for a long time, your stomach can't stand it. It's strange not to drink it.

A down-to-earth and healthy life is the root - keep your mouth shut, step out of the way, do not smoke, and have a good attitude.


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