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Cyclic stocks continue to go crazy, and changes in the Dragon and Tiger List are worth noting!

(2021-09-13 18:43:58)

three hundred and sixty-five


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Classification: Wave unraveling

Gold Wave Break

Market day Line level:

Potential: Continue to shake up, and a breakthrough is imminent;

Bit: Year high 3731 No pressure 3630 is short wire support

State: The contraction is small, and the bull still dominates, but the upward attack is hesitant.


Analysis of hot topic leaders of the day

week 1、 The hot spot leading the rise is the world of all cyclical stocks. Although the consensus expectation is too strong, there is no new theme and such a large capacity direction switch. The funds simply follow the calculator and continue to hype around the concept of price rise. Of course, the enthusiasm of retail investors to pursue higher prices is also one of the reasons why the market remains high. What needs to be vigilant is that the Dragon and Tiger List shows that there are often soaring varieties sold in different institutions. The cycle direction is to stay sober and drunk. It's hard to find something to buy if there is no difference. At the same time, the funds on the market are digging up and replenishing. You can also try to track the replenishment of nonferrous aluminum, copper, etc.

On Monday, from the perspective of the leading board players, the number and height of the board players showed that there was little difference in funds, and they were in the acceleration stage of holding the leading board players together. Later, pay attention to the differences of the leading board players to observe when the board players entered the strong emotional divergence stage.

  Cyclic stocks continue to go crazy, and changes in the Dragon and Tiger List are worth noting!

  nine point one three Changes in the Daily Dragon and Tiger List

Tongling Nonferrous: Shenzhen Gutong +It was bought by Xinyi+Brother Zhao and sold by 1 agency, with a net purchase of 362 million yuan

Jiangte Motor: 2 institutions+Brother Zhao bought and sold Xinyi, with a net purchase of 137 million

Ruixin Technology: hot money game, net purchase 83 million 340 thousand

CNNC: hot money game, net purchase 78 million 380 thousand

Oak shares: One agency+Sun Ge buy, one agency sell, net purchase 73.23 million

Ziguang Guowei: 3 institutions bought against the market, Shenzhen Stock Connect+2 institutions sold, net purchase 60.88 million

Chuanfa Long Mang: Shen Gu Tong +2. Purchased by institutions and sold by hot money, with a net purchase of 52.17 million yuan

Baiyin Nonferrous: bought by Brother Zhao, net 39 million 230 thousand

Yahua Group: hot money purchase, Shenzhen Stock Connect +1. Institutional sales, net sales of 42.17 million yuan

Zhongchen Shares: hot money difference, net sale 91 million 720 thousand

Lyon Micro: hot money difference, net selling 319 million

Hubei Yihua: 4 institutions sold, net sales of 331 million

Hesheng Silicon Industry: differences in institutional funds, net sales 853 million



Analyze the latest trends of the main force according to the changes of the Dragon and Tiger List and the panel:

Hot money Popular stocks gather together to accelerate

mechanism Still focusing on cyclical stocks, but there are big differences in chemical direction

Specific interpretation skills can be focused on after hours pronunciation class)


Operation Strategy

Index view: The market is still there It fluctuates above the 5-day moving average, which is relatively strong on the whole. If the cycle and the big financial resonance are expected to break through, but the probability of a wave of washing up combined with the attitude of capital is large, but 3731 will not be the high point in the future.

5 minute details Gold moving average Pay attention to the live broadcast room for the inflection point signal)


Specific operation The cycle stocks are partially overheated. Before there is a new theme to replace them, funds will still be tossed around. However, it is obvious that differences are increasing and risks are accumulating. You can follow the trend of the subdivided leaders, but don't chase the high. Stay sober and stay drunk. In the short term, pay attention to the weak and keep the strong.

At present, it is also possible to tap the direction of poor expectations and do latent waiting rounds. The key point is also to buy support and stack performance factors and policy support as bands.


direction can Attention:  

Organization: cycle (chemical industry +Non-ferrous aluminum, copper, etc.)+energy infrastructure, etc

Potential direction: military industry +MINILED+industrial software, etc                                                              

(Personal view, only for reference, not as a basis for entering the market, the stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious!)

  Cyclic stocks continue to go crazy, and changes in the Dragon and Tiger List are worth noting!

Every day, Sister Jing VIP phonetics class +VIP The live broadcast room provides a detailed interpretation of the situation, teaching everyone to select stocks hand in hand from two aspects of logic and method, creating a model of learning while eating meat, and finally becoming a master of the stock market through learning! Time limit two In the opening of meta experience class, interested friends are welcome to experience!

Participating channels: https://tzxy.sina.com.cn/buy/buy/765?priceId=12


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