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 Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
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Beware of Painless Breast Lumps

(2016-08-26 16:30:06)

Miscellaneous talk

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

A physical examination was conducted for the staff two days ago, and one breast cancer patient was found, She has found the tumor for more than a year, but it is wrong to think that the tumor is not painful or itchy and needs no treatment However, it also reflects the prejudice of many women that they only want to see a doctor when they are in pain. They think that breast lumps that do not hurt have no impact on life and can be left alone.


Clinically, the more painless breast lumps, the more attention should be paid. Because painless breast lumps happen to be one of the characteristics of breast cancer. Generally speaking, inflammatory breast lumps are often accompanied by severe breast pain. The local area of the lumps is also accompanied by obvious inflammatory reactions such as redness, swelling, heat and pain. The lumps can fester and fester. After anti-inflammatory treatment and local drainage, the inflammation subsides and the lumps can disappear. Proliferative breast lumps are often accompanied by premenstrual breast pain. After menstruation, the pain can be alleviated, and the lumps can also be reduced. The lumps are often multiple, soft or firm, and local pain can be mild to moderate. After symptomatic treatment, they can be improved to varying degrees.

and Breast lump of breast cancer, usually without obvious pain and discomfort at an early stage Therefore, it is often found that it is already very big, and only when the local skin is ulcerated and infiltrated in the late stage, will there be pain, The tumor often presents progressive enlargement, with the characteristics of single, hard, poor mobility and other malignant tumors Of course, the breast fibroadenoma mass also has no pain, and is often found unintentionally, but fibroadenoma usually occurs in young women, and can be multiple. The mass is mostly regular round, tough and solid, with clear boundaries, large mobility, and generally no more than 3~4 cm in diameter. Almost no skin ulceration or infiltration occurs, These are important differences from malignant tumors.

Note: The pictures are from the Internet.    

Author: Zhang Dongxiao, Chief Physician of Breast Department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Doctor of Medicine. He is good at the discovery and localization of intraductal tumors by breast duct endoscope, surgical treatment, minimally invasive treatment of benign breast tumors, surgical treatment of breast cancer, and treatment of mastitis with integrated traditional and western medicine.


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