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 Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
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Walking and shaking will hurt! What happened to the breasts?

(2016-08-26 16:18:12)

Miscellaneous talk

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

Editor's language: What is the experience of female breast pain? It is estimated that many people have experienced it! Dull pain, dull pain or distension pain, even acupuncture or knife like pain, sometimes even clothing friction or walking shake will hurt! Why do breasts ache? Chief physician of breast surgery @ Zhang Dongxiao Detailed science popularization for all women! The original text is as follows:

What you need to know about breast pain

Periodic pain of breast

In many cases, breast pain changes with the menstrual cycle, with obvious periodicity, which is a typical manifestation of breast hyperplasia. More common in 30-40 The female with exuberant sexual function during child-bearing period at the age of 20, especially those who are unmarried, married, childless or have had children but not breast-feeding, but rarely before puberty or after menopause. The symptoms are dull pain, dull pain or distension pain, even acupuncture or knife cutting pain, sometimes accompanied by clothing friction or shaking pain when walking. Pain usually occurs in the outer upper quadrant, either on one side or on both sides, and its degree can vary. Pain usually occurs in the whole chest and radiates to the shoulder, back, armpit and medial upper arm on the same side. Obvious before menstruation, relieved or disappeared after menstruation. It can be aggravated in case of emotional changes and fatigue. Although this kind of pain is related to periodic endocrine changes, it is mostly physiological.


Non periodic pain of breast

Breast pain does not change with menstruation. In most cases, this pain is also caused by hyperplasia of mammary glands. Its manifestations are as periodic pain, sometimes mild and sometimes severe, but can be significantly affected by emotional changes. In addition, pain caused by various inflammation, including acute mastitis, plasma cell mastitis, traumatic inflammation, breast tuberculosis, and intracystic hemorrhage. Another is breast cancer. Generally speaking, pain is not a common symptom of breast cancer, but a few patients, especially postmenopausal breast cancer patients, sometimes pain of unknown causes is an early symptom of breast cancer. Advanced breast cancer may also cause obvious pain when it invades the nerve or ulcerates the secondary infection.

Whether the degree of breast pain is consistent with the degree of breast lesions

The answer is no. In particular, the pain caused by hyperplasia does not mean that the more severe the pain, the more serious the hyperplasia. There is no obvious lump in the breast of mastic pain type, and the pathological change is slight, but there may be obvious pain. Once the obvious nodules are formed, the pathological changes are obvious, but not necessarily accompanied by obvious pain. In addition, most benign breast tumors or breast cancers have no pain or only slight pain. So there is no need to be too anxious when breast pain occurs, but if the pain is severe, you should go to the hospital in time.

Relationship between breast pain and mental factors

Breast pain is closely related to mental status. It is especially obvious in patients with proliferative diseases. When patients are angry, worried, anxious, fearful, sad, angry, etc., they obviously feel breast pain or pain aggravation, while when they are calm, happy, etc., the pain is relieved or disappeared. The signs can also change accordingly. This may be related to the endocrine changes caused by changes in mental status. Therefore, our female friends should cultivate an optimistic, cheerful personality and calm down when things happen. Even in a complex social environment, they should try to put down their burdens and laugh at life, which will benefit your physical and mental health without harm.

Cervical spondylosis can also cause breast pain

Cervical spondylosis can also cause intractable breast pain, which is caused by cervical degeneration and cervical nerve root involvement. This kind of pain is mostly chronic and unilateral. The degree of pain is often related to the position of the neck and is proportional to the involvement of other cervical nerve roots. In addition to breast pain, there are also general symptoms and signs of cervical spondylosis such as tenderness of pectoralis major muscle, pain and discomfort of neck, pillow, shoulder and arm, changes in muscle strength and sensation of affected nerve root innervation area. X-ray films often show signs of degenerative diseases, such as bone spurs, narrowing of intervertebral space, etc. The sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae are most commonly involved. The breast itself has no abnormal findings.


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