


      This place has not been here for a long time. After reading the original article, I found that I was also changing slowly with the passage of time, but everything was fine, because I never forgot my original intention, small dreams, and steady happiness.
      Since the beginning of the year, we have started our team's clothing customization studio. So far, we have produced some exclusive customized clothes, which many Meiniu like. We have watched our team's fine preparation of fabrics, accessories, linings, to making, revising, sample clothes, and large goods, and finally sent them to Meiniu, who liked them very much and gave us super beautiful body photos, I'm really happy. Although it is just starting, I believe that your presence will certainly turn a small dream into a steady happiness.
    Here are some clothes designed by us. I hope you like them! http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___7485ZH00SIGG.gif

















(2014-01-18 20:41)

Qu Dan Qu Tong





I haven't come back for more than a year. I'm still familiar with coming back again. Come and share a wonderful trip with you.


About the scenic spots in Saipan: (everyone can choose freely according to their own preferences)

U.S.A American Memorial Park



The museum in the American Memorial Park has recorded the historical relics. When entering the main gate, there will be a screen that will play the war documentary irregularly. Here, the price of the Zippo lighter is very low. There is a seal on the back of the lighter. Don't tear it off. It's OK to take the plane with you.

Warship island( Managaha Island)

If you haven't been to the warship island, you can't be counted as Saipan, Saipan Just like a bright pearl in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by soft sand beaches, the blue and clear water embraces her, not only the scenery makes people daydream, but also many entertainment projects on Saipan Island, such as umbrella holding, banana boat, underwater walking, snorkeling, etc..

Bird Island( Bird Island)
http://www.mafengwo.cn/poi/28588.html The Blue Hole Grotto)

Located in Saipan northeast The Blue Cave at the corner is a natural cave connected to the Pacific Ocean. The geology is limestone formed by coral reefs. The most amazing thing about the Blue Hole is that the limestone has been eroded and collapsed by seawater for a long time to form a deep hole. The seawater passes through three channels at the bottom of the hole and fills the deep hole with dark blue seawater. The channel can lead to the outer sea, so the blue hole pool can show a light blue luster. This is how the famous Blue Hole came into being.

Suicide Cliff Cliff)
http://www.mafengwo.cn/poi/34977.html Last Command Post)

Saipan the last one Japan The military fortress, the bullet holes on the karst cave wall, the witness's smoke of war, the rusty war wreckage, seem to tell the world about the cruelty of the past

Forbidden Island Island)

It is rumoured that the natives of Forbidden Island used to beg for rain here, and they wanted to find strong men to climb the cliff and kill the worshippers. Therefore, the natives thought it was very evil here, seldom came here, and there was no one at night. Don't go there at night, respect the local customs!

    It has been a month since I came back from Saipan Island, and I have been busy all the time. Now I finally have time to share my travel experience with you. I hope I can tell you some of my good experiences, and I wish my friends who are going to this beautiful island a perfect trip.

    We have eight people in our party. We are together with our boyfriend, cousin and sister-in-law, cousin and boyfriend, mother and aunt. Because we usually get along with our family like friends, this group is very loving and harmonious!

    Saipan gives me a lot of feelings. It is suggested to ask more friends to go together, which is lively and affordable. If you want to have a honeymoon with two people, I feel personally Maldives More suitable. If you want to play well, Saipan deserves it!

    Before going, I believe you can see that other friends' travel notes have been introduced, so I will not explain more. Anyway, try to be fully prepared, because the preparation process is also very good. Next, I will share photos with you and tell you some details.




We stayed at the Mariana Hotel, also Saipan It is the most remote hotel, but it is also the most beautiful. You can snorkel on the beach of the hotel itself. Like the warship island, you can see many small fish. The photo above was taken at the seaside of the hotel


When we arrived at the hotel, we found that our room was a single villa, which was very large. There were two bedrooms, and the bathroom, washing table and bathroom were all separate rooms

There is an exclusive courtyard outside, with lounge chairs, hot spring pool and swimming pool. The sea is not far away. You can walk directly from your own courtyard to the seaside, which is 100 meters away.


This is the view from my own yard. It's very beautiful.


This is the private swimming pool in the yard. Lu Xiansen has suntanned a lot!

So my personal recommendation is the Mariana Hotel. Although it is far away, it is very quiet. Every day, there are many free buses to and from the city, so it is also very convenient. The only disadvantage is that the network charges, but we are lucky to get on the network in the next room! http://images.mafengwo.net/images/i/face/12.gif

                                                                  Day 1

After arriving at the hotel, it was already more than 5 o'clock in the morning. I entered the room and had a rest. Because the guide's bus picked us up at the hotel at 10 o'clock, I went to the restaurant at 9 o'clock to have breakfast, which was not bad. It was about the same as the breakfast in domestic five-star hotels.




After breakfast, sit in the lobby and wait for the tour guide





Because it was almost Christmas, there was a strong Christmas atmosphere in the hotel. Every morning, an old man would take a small basket with flowers just picked. When he saw you coming, he would give them to you warmly. Very loving!

Soon, the bus came.

We started our first day of travel with the guide's bus (in the following days, we changed to free travel instead of following the group)

It should be the same for all tour groups on the first day, taking you to see some scenic spots on the island.

Suicide Cliff Japan After the defeat, there was nothing beautiful about those monuments where the Japanese committed suicide. But there was a vast Pacific Ocean in the suicide cliff, which was very beautiful.




Then I went to some other scenic spots, some of which were left by the previous war. What about the last Japanese headquarters, Blue Hole, etc.

In fact, the Blue Cave is a holy place for those who can dive, but for us, it is just a simple scenic spot. The main thing is to see the Blue Cave and walk a section of mountain road. The steps are steep and slippery, so everyone must pay attention to safety. If you are an elder, there is really no need to run down to see it.













After seeing these scenic spots, it was already noon. The guide took us to have a group meal. It was a Chinese restaurant, a simple Chinese meal. Because we were together for eight people, the whole family had a table, no one else was arranged, and the food was pretty good.

The arrangement of the tour group in the afternoon is to go cross-country in the jungle, but we don't like the travel mode of the tour group, (that is, the bus pulls a lot of people to a scenic spot, and then gives about 10 minutes to go down and have a look, and then gets on the bus 10 minutes later, and takes them to another place), and because it was an overnight flight last night, everyone was very tired, so we decided to let the guide arrange a car, Send us back to the hotel, we go back to the hotel, take a hot spring bath, relax, and then sleep for a few hours, all the fatigue is gone. The fact proves that this arrangement is very reasonable, because we have enough time to play in the afternoon, so we don't have to follow the tour group completely, You can arrange the most comfortable schedule according to your own situation.

In the evening, everyone adjusted very well, so they contacted the guide and asked him to arrange a car to take us to the city, (The tour guide will certainly not be very happy when you leave the group, because he can't earn money from you for other self funded projects. But when you are in Saipan, you can tell the guide where you need to go or have group meals, and ask him to arrange a car pickup, or ask him to tell you the most convenient route, because even if you leave the group, these transportation costs and group meals are also included in our We chose a local steakhouse to have dinner. The price was similar to that of a better steakhouse in China. After dinner, we started shopping in the city. The night in Saipan was beautiful, which was another feeling










That is to say, during this shopping trip, you need to buy the items you need in the next few days (the prices in the supermarkets in the city are the same, you can buy them directly or in the supermarket, tell the staff the address of the hotel, and they will deliver them to the hotel for you, without mentioning shopping)

1. Sunscreen and post sun repair (it's the kind of sunscreen in the store with sunscreen of 100 or more. In fact, the function of sunscreen is not to prevent sunburn but to prevent sunburn. I spray it when I have nothing to do. After four days, I get a little dark, but no sunburn at all. One bottle for two people is enough for about this trip)

2. Drinking water

3. Souvenirs (I suggest that you don't buy souvenirs on the first day, but you will visit them in the next few days. Because every time you have a group meal, you can have a look, and buy them on the last two days. You can also have a comparison)

It's good to wander aimlessly in the street,

Then when you are ready to go back, go to the duty-free shop nearby. Things in the duty-free shop are relatively cheap, and MAC cosmetics are very cheap.






There will be a free shuttle bus back to the hotel in the duty-free shop. You just need to remember that you are taking the south line or the north line. There is a bus schedule. If you can't find it, ask the shop assistant. Many of the shop assistants are Chinese and their Chinese is very good.

The night sky is very beautiful. You can see some constellations and find your own!


                                                                  Day Two

The next day we were going to the warship island, and we contacted the local guide: Wang Beibei

                                                      WeChat: wangbeibei2013


Wang Daoren is very good. Everyone can find him if they have any questions. He is very enthusiastic.

The things that need to be prepared for the warship island are 1, swimsuit (in fact, one suit is enough)

                                    2. Rubber shoes (they must be used when snorkeling, if not prepared, tell the guide in advance)

                                    3. Sunscreen (spray if you have nothing to do!)

                                    4. Repair after sun exposure (actually, it's OK to wash and wipe after returning to the hotel)

                                    5. Post sun repair urgent mask (I applied it when I had a rest after playing, which is actually a water supplement                                           Effect of temperature)

                                    6. Sunscreen clothes, sunshade hats (I wear sunscreen clothes when I go snorkeling, which will have some effect)

                                    7. Snorkeling equipment (the ground guide actually has it, but I still think it is not clean, mainly because I have prepared                                               Set to Houhai It will come to all islands)

                                    8. Camera waterproof sleeve (some photos are blurry because of the waterproof sleeve, but this is still                                           It is necessary, because without this, the camera will be flooded.)

The ground guide will take photos of everyone snorkeling. Snorkeling is very simple, and it's OK to not swim, so you must try it.

Early in the morning, everything was ready and we were ready to go.

This is on the shore, ready to take the banana boat to the warship island









Banana boat is a must see project. It's very exciting and fun. People will wear life jackets. Bags are placed on the speedboat pulled in the front. There are at most four people in a boat. The first one must remember to bring swimming goggles or diving goggles, because when you get to the back, the water will make you unable to open your eyes. The jewelry on your body should be taken off, which is easy to shake off, It's really looking for a needle in a haystack. It is recommended to put your swimsuit on the inside at this time, and take it off when you go to the island.



We arrived at the warship island as a banana boat, about 10 minutes later. You can see the color change of the sea water. Along the way, you can see the change of the color of the sea water.





There are a lot of vegetation on the island. The guide will choose a cool shade as a rest area. Everything will be there, and people will watch it.

Now you can play with your heart's content. Remember that you will have to reapply sunscreen after a period of time!














Umbrella project, a project that must be participated by friends coming to the warship island




You must also play with the umbrella. Even fear of heights is fine. There is no sense of weightlessness. It is safe. Overlooking the whole island from high altitude, it is beautiful!


By the way, there are many such garbage cans and ashtrays on the warship island. It's absolutely fashionable to say~~see Saipan Pure and beautiful, really no one will have the heart to litter. Protecting the environment starts with you and me.



Warship Island, let's play freely! There is nothing too particular. The island will be closed at about 5 o'clock. Everyone will go back by speedboat. Remember to take away all the garbage produced!

Back at the hotel, it was evening again, and Mariana felt very much in the evening.














In the evening, I went to eat the barbecue made by the local guide Wang Beibei, which was delicious. Then I strolled around the city again, rented a car for the third day, and returned to the hotel to rest.

                                                                  Day 3

On the third day, we didn't follow the local guide or the tour group. We rented two cars ourselves and began to drive around the island!

Many local car renters, eight of us, four of us, a car, rented two Mustangs, one of which cost about $165. At 10:00 that morning, the car dealer drove the car to the door of the hotel. Lv Xiansen and his brother went to confirm the car condition with the car dealer, and our self driving tour began!
















Saipan The route is not very complicated. The hotel usually has a map, so you can ask the way while looking at the map. We drive all the way. Of course, when we drive to the city, the speed must be reduced. It's about 30-40. Because Saipan's traffic regulation is to let people drive. At the intersection, whether there is anyone or not, we must stop for three seconds before walking. So when shopping in the city, As long as you stop at the side of the road, the car will stop to make way for you.

We went to the local one first U.S.A national park. There is a memorial hall in it. ZIPPO is very cheap.










After that, it was noon. I drove to the Chinese restaurant where I had a group meal, and then went to TANK BEACH advance, which is known as Xingsha Beach, has beautiful scenery along the way, and there are some beautiful buildings along the way.


The car drove all the way to the mountains, then asked the local people, and finally found Xingsha Beach







But you can't swim here. Because there are many undercurrents, you must pay attention.

Because my cousin and boyfriend are going out for a sunset dinner, we played for a while and then prepared to go back to the hotel. After taking a break, we drove out for a night tour again!






After returning, I went to the SPA in the hotel. I was tired all day and slept comfortably


                                                                  Day 4

On the morning of the fourth day, we got up more than 9 o'clock, had breakfast, strolled around the hotel, took a walk on the beach, lay on the recliner in the yard, dazed, very leisurely, and shared the photos taken in the hotel with everyone
































In the afternoon, I went to the jungle cross-country. Brother Wang, the local guide, ordered it for us. It was fun Very simple driving skills

A car will pick us up at the hotel. When we arrive, we can simply grasp the accelerator and brake

Then two or three local people will lead us out. The path in the mountain is very narrow and can only accommodate the width of one car, so everyone will follow one car, and the first one is their own guide, a very honest Chinese.

There will be a little black in the middle. If there is any problem with the car on the road, you can find him. In fact, there will be no problem

The scenery on the road is very beautiful. You can stop to take photos, look at all kinds of vegetation nearby, and then accelerate to catch up with everyone

They will first walk through the jungle and take everyone to the beach for a rest. Then they will go to the deep jungle. There is a family who is a local resident. There are some wreaths and fruits such as coconut and carambola. You can take photos of wreaths and eat coconut freely. They are free, which is included in the fees we paid earlier.


















Ha ha, is the child cute? Guess whether it's a boy or a girl?








At night, I went back to the hotel to pack my luggage, take a hot bath, and prepare to get up at 3:00 in the morning Shanghai Has. In the evening, I had a feeling that I would leave here because I could not see the sunrise tomorrow. At night, Lv Xiansen insisted on taking me to visit the Mariana Hotel again at night to bid farewell to this beautiful island. Since we were getting up at three o'clock, we went to bed soon.

At half past two, the phone rang. I thought it was the tour guide who woke up, but I was told that Shanghai had serious smog and the plane was seriously late. Go back to bed and get up tomorrow. You can stay on for another day?? http://images.mafengwo.net/images/i/face/12.gif

After getting up in the morning, I contacted the tour guide and told him to assemble in the lobby at 12 o'clock at noon. The flight can only go back in the evening. It really took another day. Then I went to find my mother and brother and found that these people had gone snorkeling on the beach of the hotel. How nice!

At noon, we had a good group meal. The afternoon was free. The flight was more than 8 p.m., so we spent the afternoon shopping in the city

I just pocketed all the things I didn't have time to buy!










At half past eight, the flight was not late and took off on time. Destination: Shanghai

After a trip, it is still perfect. There are two other points to remind you

The first is sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, I also have clothes on my hat when the sun is very strong. This is much better. It's ugly. http://images.mafengwo.net/images/i/face/15.gif

The second is sunglasses. You must prepare sunglasses because the sun is very strong, especially on the beach. You can't open your eyes without sunglasses, and you must wear good sunglasses. The lenses are exquisite, otherwise it will hurt your eyes. The local duty-free shop sells Ray Ban and other brands, and the price is not expensive.

The third is the upgrade. After booking the ticket, it's better to find someone to handle an upgrade. For a 4-hour flight, the position of ordinary class is really not big, especially for those with parents, it will be very tired, so it is necessary to upgrade!

Well, that's all. When you travel, the tour guide will tell you something about other things. Don't worry.

In addition, if you have any questions, please ask me again!

(2012-04-11 16:20)

Qu Dan Qu Tong



Twin Qu Danqu Tong


leisure time


Twin Qu Danqu Tong


leisure time


In December, I was so busy that I suddenly felt that time passed quickly.


My sister and I live our favorite life step by step and feel very happy


In the impetuous and busy city of Shanghai


I'm glad that we can still keep this plain heart


A good attitude It makes our life happy





Our families in their 20s often say that we feel like children


Actually, we know We are already adults


Sister Tong will also enter the marriage palace next year


Now my wish is simple


People we love People who love us hate us People we hate


Can be healthy, happy and happy


All living creatures can meet Whatever happened


It's all fate

Front and rear of abutment


Maybe the image will change


But the mentality is extremely similar


I just hope I can live the life I like


Doing what you like


Simple and ordinary
Thanks to the friends who have always supported us and helped us


Only one or two years three years......




I hope the smile on my face is talking and my heart is warm

Hope to go home early at the end of the year


Accompany the elderly in the family


Sit around them and hold their hands


Talk about your heart


I hope I can get them to live with me


But I know this city may not be suitable for them

Just hope there are more opportunities and more time


Give back your love to them


It's also because they put too much love on us


Every time I call to listen to their voice


I feel my voice is old, but my tone is more like a child


It's time to take good care of them
Although Shanghai is busy and impetuous


But I seem to have been used to this atmosphere


And we have more love in this city


Dear families miss you


Wait a little longer and you can go home
Wait, want to travel


Go to a place full of sunshine


There is sea and sunshine


Take Mom If she insists on holding her dog


I can accept it
Just let it go







Horse hooves

Qu Dan Qu Tong

<I am a beauty>

Hunan Satellite TV



    When a man is big enough to marry, when a woman is big enough to marry, Sister Tong has finally put on her wedding dress! Although it is not a formal wedding, everything is as sacred as a wedding. It is not intended to take away tears from everyone. In the face of this topic, everyone's reaction was tears of joy. The scene was moved to tears

I only love those who love me, because I don't know how to love someone who doesn't love me, and I don't know where to start. He loves you. Everything is easy. He will move you. He doesn't love you. How hard you try to move him is futile. I can't afford people who don't love me, nor can my youth. My smile, my tears, my deep feelings, my young days are only for the person I love and love me------ Zhang Xiaoxian

One of the most successful things in a woman's life is to choose the right man. The smoke is rising. I'm waiting for you at the door. I am waiting for you at the edge of the mountain. The leaves are yellow. I'm waiting for you under the tree. The moon is bent, I will wait for you at the 15th. The light rain is coming. I'm waiting for you under the umbrella. The water is frozen. I'm waiting for you by the river. Life is tired, I am waiting for you in heaven. We are old. I will wait for you in the next life.


We should not envy others' happiness. What you think you don't have may be on the way here. What you think others have may be on the way there. Some people treat you well because you treat them well. Some people treat you well because they understand you well!!

Thank you Mr. He, Director Wu and all the guests on the scene for your good wishes
Always thought that happiness was far away, in the future that could be pursued. Later, it was discovered that those who hugged, held hands, sang songs, shed tears, loved people, the so-called once, are happy. In countless nights, the words I said, the calls I made, the people I missed, the tears I shed! We have all passed through what we saw or could not see, and then in the shuttle of time, everything became eternal

When you meet the right person, you can integrate life with each other. No matter simple or complex, don't hesitate. He or she may become her or his person when hesitating. Don't be greedy for material enjoyment, nor for spiritual nobility. There is no perfect person in the world, nor perfect life. It's better to be happy if you are poor and rich.

If I could, I would like to travel with you. It may be a desolate island that has not been developed, or it may be a famous ancient cultural city. We can use the camera to record each other's smiling faces and our scenery along the way. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Maybe they didn't eat well, but they still wiped the oil stains from the corners of their mouths for each other. It doesn't really matter how the scenery is. The important thing is that you are beside me.

Meet the person you want to meet among thousands of people. Through thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, neither earlier nor later, just By chance, there was nothing else to say but to ask softly: Oh, you are here too—— Zhang Ailing


When love comes, it really comes




  In the hot summer, sweating always makes bangs stick to your head. There is no shape, there is no wood!!! The first thing I washed in the morning and the second thing I washed in the afternoon was oily, and I felt uncomfortable all over!!! The already difficult hairstyle is getting more and more annoying. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? Teacher Yilin, the master of magic hair, appeared in "I'm a Beauty" to point out the hair problems in summer and create a cool and beautiful look in summer! At the same time, pay attention to the official Weibo of Sina, a beauty. Maybe you can find the answer to your hair troubles!



Causes of scalp oil loss:

1. Internal oil: love to stay up late. Love to eat fried and stimulating food. Hormone imbalance.

2. External oil: not cleaning hair. Use the wrong shampoo.



1. The shampoo for washing hair should be separated from the shampoo for shampooing scalp.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis can lead to excessive dandruff, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


Quick oil control tips:

1. Caviar is refreshing

2. Dry cleaning spray is a good first-aid product for hair in summer.



Teacher Yilin created: cool hair style in summer - horsetail

Long face MM Fashion ponytail teaching



Focus: long face MM Never tie the ponytail too high

Step1: Triangle partition at the widest part of cheeks

Step2: Comb the hair in the off duty section with wax

Step3: Tie the ponytail at the level of the ear tip

Step4: Triangle partition in the upper half partition

Step5: Tie up the middle zone 1 cm from the scalp

Step6: Grab the middle partition with your fingers

Step7: The upper layer is bound 1 cm from the scalp

Step8: Overlay the upper layer partition to the middle layer partition

Step9: Bind all sections after selecting hair accessories


Teacher Yilin creates cool hair style in summer - hair editing

Hair style has an important connection with the face and shoulder. The perfection of any hair style is 99.9% of that of the shoulder Oh!

Bevelled fringe: adopt the characteristics of centipede braid, weave the fringe to one side, adjust the height, and make the facial line more perfect.



braided hair: Braid the braid to the end of the hair to catch the messy and lazy effect.



Curly hair: Use hair editing to match slightly.



Short hair: Artfully use hair editing to create romance.



  After reading it, do you think there are more ways to create fashionable and beautiful hair styles in summer? come on DIY Your own hairstyle! Turnback rate 100% You are the cool and charming street beauty!



Qu Dan Qu Tong



Miscellaneous talk

   It has rained every day since I returned to Shanghai, and it is the plum rain season again. As long as there is a little rare sunshine, I will be excited. Recalling the three layers of sunscreen in my hometown a few days ago, it is a world of difference!

   After the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, another group of students have been liberated! ha-ha! Congratulations! It is light but comfortable to share the new film with you.



























Shanghai Auto Show

Qu Dan Qu Tong

Horse hooves


Miscellaneous talk


    The Shanghai Auto Show is over, and nearly half a month of busyness has finally come to an end.

Now I'm in Nanchang, so I'll take a little vacation!

Now let's review our auto show.


On the 18th, we officially entered the exhibition hall for rehearsal. At this time, the cars of each booth have basically come in! The concept car D101 is behind me

Rehearse the new car press conference. This security brother, you really stole the show! http://s6/middle/53610ec8xa2463e525195&690

Basic makeup, the handsome guy in the middle is the chief director. His video interactive show is very shocking! Enjoy the pictures below!















My sister is enjoying yoghurt. I temporarily got the new car release process for tomorrow. Hurry up and get ready!

On the last day of the auto show, the last performance was over, everyone changed their clothes and was ready to leave. The last group photo, less than one third of the people, could have a rest, some excited, some sad. Looking forward to the next meeting with you.


Twin Qu Danqu Tong



leisure time

No matter how complicated and impetuous the outside world is


What we want to do is simply ourselves


Contentment is easy




If a woman does not sleep from 10 to 12, she is shameless; If you don't go to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning, you will die. Do you often live a shameless and lifeless life? Go to bed early.



Happiness is not what you get, but what you know you want and work hard for. This is the real happiness



I don't want much, a glass of water, a piece of bread, a word I love you; If you are extravagant, I hope that you poured water, cut bread, and said I love you. We are very happy now, aren't we.



A beautiful woman is your advantage, and a beautiful life is your ability. Don't expect others to give you a wonderful life. You can create it yourself.


Don't complain that life is unfair to you, because life doesn't know who you are. In any case, we should move forward with a proud attitude.



Small as the bird is, it really plays in the whole sky.



If something happens, go straight to the topic. Don't challenge my blacklist with your ignorance. This is the rectum.



If you can't hold the sand, simply raise it and don't compete with yourself.


If there is too much difference between the positive and negative sides of people, they will split. Be a simple person.


Anyway, remember to be a good girl

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