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 City BABE
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2013 Happy Boys

Wei Yining

Han Chengyu

Yan Yuhao

Wang Bowen


    With the emergence of the top ten players in each singing area of 2013 Happy Boys, fans who follow Happy Boys also have a certain understanding of the top ten players in each singing area. 6 major singing areas, among the top 66 in China. Among these players, there is no lack of talent, nor lack of fresh and natural, and the city BABE will lead you to look for the top ten handsome male players in the top 66 of 2013 Happy Male Voice from the senses.




Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today six year forty-five God, I got my badge    

  • 2007.05.19 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2007.05.19 , I wrote my first blog post: "Sina, Happy Birthday to Me".
  • 2008.09.01 , I uploaded the first

Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today five year one hundred and forty-two God, I got my badge    

  • 2007.05.19 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2007.05.19 , I wrote my first blog post: "Sina, Happy Birthday to Me".
  • 2008.09.01 , I uploaded the first

little dragon maiden

Li Ruotong

Chen Yulian

Liu Yifei

Fan Wenfang

Pan Yingzi

Wu Qianlian

Li Tongming

Weng Jingjing


Classification: Entertainment inventory and review

      The dragon is of extraordinary significance to the Chinese people. It is the symbol of the Chinese nation and the totem of good luck. Chinese people refer to themselves as "descendants of the dragon", so it is not difficult to see that the dragon has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of Chinese people. 2012 is the Year of the Dragon. On the occasion of the Year of the Dragon, the city BABE is dedicated to making an inventory of the Year of the Dragon. Although it is a little far fetched to draw the "dragon" and the "little dragon woman" together, it is hoped that the "little dragon woman" can bring you a sincere and pure love in the Year of the Dragon.


      In fact, in every one of us, there was a dream of martial arts, and in every one's dream of martial arts, there was a "little dragon girl" who belonged to her own. She was peerless in appearance, beautiful and refined, beautiful and superior to immortals, indifferent by nature, ignorant of the world, unswerving in love, dressed in white like snow, and seemed to be born in smoke and fog.


Film review

those years

We one

Classification: Entertainment Theme Video

        The film came to an end in the light loneliness, and the missing and beautiful of the hero and heroine were deeply imprinted in my heart. In those years, those years that we have gone through together, under the interpretation and interpretation of the film, we seem to have returned to the years that belong to each other.    
      In those years, we were so young; In those years, we also fell in love with love and blood.    
      In those years, we also missed a lot, just like Ke Jingteng missed Shen Jiayi and Shen Jiayi missed Ke Jingteng in the film, we also missed a lot of people and things in the immature stage when we were young and ignorant. However, it is these misses and childishness that make us mature, understand and learn on the way of life; Mature thinking, know how to cherish, learn to work hard.    
      In those years, we also gained a lot, just like the friendship we gained from each other in the movies, we were young and fresh, we gained friendship in quarrels and fights, and met the purest you and him in those innocent years. Once young, because of their existence, let each other's life become more full of fun and vitality.    
      In those years, we also had a lot of people who cared about you, who secretly loved you, and who really loved you.    


vocal concert

A moving moment

Faye Wong

Lau Andy

Anita Mui

Zhang Guorong

Zhang Jie, Xie Na


City babe


Classification: Entertainment inventory and review

      Every concert has a certain touch, not only on the music, but also because the stars' every move is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. While intoxicated with music, fans may find that the person they used to like so much has moved them far more than just the music, but also the touch and impact of the soul. Those touching moments, let us find that the worship of stars is not looking up, but real experience and moving.


Beyond's wonderful LIVE in 1996 &BASIC Concert

      Four Wonderful Beyond LIVE held in "Hongkan" in early March 1996& BASIC concert is the first large-scale performance of beyond three sons after Jiaju's death. Near the end of the meeting, Jiaqiang missed Jiaju's song "Have a Good Time", which made the atmosphere of the whole meeting suddenly solidified and all the people present fell into sadness. Next is the final "Wide Horizon", which brings the atmosphere of the whole performance to the climax and makes a perfect curtain call. After the performance, more people formally accepted the Beyond of the three, and major newspapers in Hong Kong published such words as "Huang Jiaju can close his eyes"; "Beyond without Huang Jiaju is still


male star

Same sex holding hands

Leehom Wang

Jacky Cheung

Ruan Jingtian

Zhao Youting

Wu Zun

Zhendong Ke

better man

Classification: Entertainment gossip and ridicule

      Once, Suri's song "Hand in Hand" resonated with many people. For "hand in hand", I think the meaning of hand in hand is more than hugging, even kissing. The hand holding between the opposite sex represents a kind of mutual encouragement and mutual assistance. That kind of emotion has gone beyond the ordinary romance for a long time. Otherwise, there would not be a saying of "holding hands with children and growing old together". While among the same sex, holding hands represents trust, persistence and companionship. It is not as obvious as embracing, nor as sensual and passionate as kissing. But holding hands allows us to see real feelings.

http://s13/bmiddle/4d2ae61enb5bda65cdf3c&690 The 29th Hong Kong Film Awards, Ruan Jingtian, Zhao Youting, Handsome Hand in Hand on the Red Carpet


Top Ten Albums of the Year

Lin Youjia



Cai Jianya


Zhou Bichang

Zhang Huimei

Wang Feng


Classification: Entertainment Theme Video

      I always complain that there are always a few songs on demand in KTV, and there is nothing new. However, it is not so easy to count the Chinese records released this year and select the 10 best ones. City BABE will make an annual inventory with you. In 2011, it will be one of the top ten albums in Chinese pop music. This is the result of the efforts of musicians. When records were put in front of us, we knew that 2011 was really over.


Wonderful Life by Lin Youjia

      It is one year and seven months since the last highly praised "Senses/World", and this "Wonderful Life" has established the clear concept of the album with the portrayal of Lin Youjia's life in a day. Each lyric is very close to the current young people, and it is easy to find resonance, vent, and even get inspiration. Yoga Lin has always had a strong command over her voice. This time, it is still the same. From "Natural Wake" to "Morning Sunset" to "Good Night", each song is a segment of "wonderful life".


Top Ten Songs of the Year

Because of love

those years

Three inch Paradise

The provision of love

Look up

City babe


Classification: Entertainment inventory and review

      The calendar hanging on the wall has unconsciously turned to the last page. After 12 months, I feel a bit absent-minded. I don't know whether we have passed a year or this year has passed us. Time flies, so we should know how to cherish the present, cherish the possession of the present. In the Chinese pop music world after this year, aside from topics and characters, what deserves our most attention should be the music itself, because music is more likely to remind us of the past years. What songs in the past years can be counted as the top ten songs of last year?


Support of love - Yang Mi


Nicholas Tse

Cecilia Cheung

Ni Ni

Yang Mi

Wu Qilong


Gao Xiaosong

Big s

Fan Bingbing

Yao Chen

City babe

Classification: Entertainment inventory and review

      The entertainment industry in 2011 is still the same as in previous years. Some people are happy and some are worried, some are sad and some are worried, some have a high career, and some have a lot of bad luck. In this way, the entertainment industry in 2011 has become the past in the tangle. The following 10 stars became the top ten stars of the year because they received great attention in life or career in 2011.


I can remember the marriage proposal in the past, but now it's gone

Nicholas Tse, Cecilia Cheung (word of concern: divorce)

      The couple Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung, who were once "golden virgins" and had two sons, finally fell apart in the noisy rumors of marriage


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