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      A glimpse and anecdote of the capital of Kazakhstan --- Baby Pipi said. I finally came to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. It's cloudy and cool.
      This Astana (Kazakh: Астана) is one of the youngest capitals in the world. It replaced Almaty as the new capital of Kazakhstan on December 10, 1997. It is said to be the most modern city in Central Asia, but in my opinion, it is just a small city. An Isim River runs through the city, a little angry; How can people live when it gets cold to minus four or fifty degrees in winter; Everyone likes to eat beef and mutton, which are very strong and thick; The girls all over the street are very slim and beautiful, but as long as they have children, they will become more rough.

        We boarded the highest Baydeleek observation tower, and passed through the city by boat along the Ishimu River. Take some photos at random and leave a thought. Besides thinking, I heard and saw some strange news:
      This place has no money for medical treatment, but doctors seem to be all "ferocious doctors": the knife edge is half a foot long when performing an operation on appendicitis; There is a thorn stuck in the throat, and the thorn can only be removed after general anesthesia; A Chinese oil worker working in the Sino Kazakhstan joint venture oil field in Kazakhstan sprained his foot and swelled it to the height,






China Super League

      Evergrande Taobao Team changed its name to Evergrande Taobao Team, which is very awkward - -- Babu Pipi said. While we are still pondering over the World Cup in Brazil, who will win the World Cup in Brazil, Germany, Argentina and the Netherlands? Today (July 7), Guangzhou Evergrande, the Chinese Super League football side, announced that it was officially renamed Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao Football Club Co., Ltd, The new team name of the team will be determined after Evergrande Taobao Football Club studies. So it seems that Guangzhou Evergrande Football Team will probably change its name: Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao Football Team. However, with the addition of the team name of "Taobao", it is really a bit neither fish nor fowl, which is very awkward. The taste changes after reading:
      Is it "Guangzhou Evergrande Escape Team". Indeed, when Ma Yun, who is responsible for the management of the purchase and sale of things on Taobao, smashed more than one billion yuan into Evergrande's football team, Guangzhou Evergrande became a wholly-owned shareholder of Evergrande, allowing Ma Yun to take half of the equity. After "Evergrande" became "Evergrande II", people have already seen that Evergrande will escape from the Chinese Super League football world sooner or later. It is also a foretaste to let the team name have a strange taste of "running away".
      Is it the "Guangzhou Evergrande Satisfying Team". Indeed, Evergrande's appetite is growing. At present, there are no foreign players in the team


obtain employment

college student

Wu Dalang

Mu Guiying


      Employment: Wu Dalang is better than Mu Guiying, who gave birth to two children. This year's employment situation of fresh graduates of colleges and universities is really more severe. More than seven million newly graduated college students are busy looking for jobs, but not many people really find jobs. In particular, female college students encountered gender discrimination from employers who "preferred Wu Dalang to Mu Guiying" in their job search this year.
      In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand the intention of other employers. According to the current policy of two children alone, a girl can have two babies and take two maternity leave after she arrives at the work unit. In addition, she will be busy with two children every day in the future. Will she still be able to work for her work unit well, steadfastly and wholeheartedly? In fact, everyone knows this. Therefore, it is understandable that employers have adopted the recruitment practice of "preferring Wu Dalang to Mu Guiying" since this year. After all, now the units are one turnip and one pit. You are on maternity leave again and again, and you have two children to take care of. Do you have to hire a temporary worker to take over your shift.
      At present, "Mu Guiying" college students who are preparing to have two children or are not allowed to have two children cannot even find a job (not to mention a good job). It is a pity that such heroines have learned a good skill in vain and no place to use it. They can't stop looking for a job and find someone to marry


Huang Haibo

go whoring

Passion burning years



            Actor Huang Haibo is passionate about prostitution - -- Baby skin said. Huang Haibo, the famous actor who starred in "Years of Passion", was detained by Beijing police for whoring last night (May 15). According to media reports, at 8:00 last night, Beijing police obtained clues about someone engaged in prostitution in a hotel. Subsequently, the people's police immediately rushed to the scene and caught a man and a woman on the spot. After interrogation, the man who went whoring turned out to be Huang Haibo, a famous actor. Huang Haibo confessed to prostitution. At noon today, Huang Haibo was formally transferred to the detention center. According to Chinese laws, whoring will be subject to administrative detention for 15 days.
      Like everyone else, I know him and know him by watching the "Years of Passion" starring Huang Haibo. Of course, I have also seen many popular dramas, such as Let's Get Married and Daughter in Law's Beautiful Age, starring him. In general, Huang Haibo is also a serious and honest actor. he
The leading role is always so passionate and somewhat different.



Film review


Xu Zheng

Karen Mok

a knot in one's heart—emotional entanglement

        "Hypnotic Master": The heart knot is relieved in the dream ---- Baby Pipi says. On the last day of the May Day holiday, I went to the cinema to see the newly released Chinese movie "Hypnotic Master". In the dark cinema, the hypnosis in and out of the film lets us wander in and out of our dreams; The reverse description of the inside and outside of things frees us from the inside and outside of our hearts, The people in the film are free, are we free.    
        The story of Master Hypnosis is about Xu Ruining (Xu Zheng), a well-known psychotherapist who is good at hypnotherapy in China Decoration), very impressive. He used his hypnotism to make one patient after another repent and free in his dreams. However, the story is not so plain. Everything happened when his teacher brought him a troublesome female patient Ren Xiaoyan (Karen Mok Decoration). As a result, a contest between hypnosis and anti hypnosis began, and we poor viewers also joined in. The battle between doctors and patients does not seem as simple as Xu Ruining imagined, and Ren Xiaoyan, who seems to be weak, is always fighting against him. What kept Ren Xiaoyan's mind locked, a painful memory of her childhood? Or the ring mark still visible on the middle finger? Is it from parents who abandoned themselves in their early years? Or because of the dead boyfriend? Hypnotic master Xu Ruining tried his best to find himself in a terrible trap, I don't know who is really in the dream, and who is wandering outside the dream. The ending of the story was far beyond our expectation. When




Deputy Political Center


go to work

      A few Beijingers are willing to go to Baoding to work. When Baoding was about to become Beijing's "political sub center", it was affirmed, denied and denied. A few days ago, Hebei finally acknowledged in the Opinions of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Government on Promoting New Urbanization that Baoding will use its geographical advantages to plan to build a "service area that will focus on undertaking the capital's administrative undertakings and other functions". Undertake the functions of some administrative institutions, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, medical care and old-age care in the capital. It is said that this is the opinion of the whole family in Hebei, and it depends on further statements from Beijing. However, it may be a matter of time before Beijing's administrative institutions spread to Baoding, Hebei. However, I was thinking, when the time comes, there will be several Beijingers willing to work in Baoding, which is a very realistic problem.
      It is unrealistic to let Beijingers go to work in Baoding and travel on the road every day. Although there is a high-speed railway from Beijing to Baoding, it only takes 40 or 50 minutes to make one trip, but it will cost more than 130 yuan to make Beijing people go back and forth every day, not to mention the time cost. This is
Do you work for Baoding Mansion in Beijing, or do you contribute to the high-speed railway every day. Can Beijingers go like this.
      Let Beijingers go to Baoding to work and live every day


Sochi Winter Olympics

First gold

Li Jianrou

Chinese team

plain dumb luck

        It can't be said that Li Jianrou's first gold medal is a piece of shit luck - -- Baby skin said. The women's 500m final of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games just ended was really ups and downs. Li Jianrou, a 27 year old Chinese female player, was lucky, comedic and dramatic when the first three foreign players (South Korean player Park Seung chih, Italian player Fontana and British player Christie) fell down together one after another, regardless of their own lives Wonderfully, she easily won the women's 500m gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

      Good luck! What a magic horse! Li Jianrou has to be mentioned. She ran into the magic horse luck and the magic horse oblique luck in this year of the horse. She can't win the gold medal this time if she doesn't want to. Maybe Wang Meng was unluckily injured and didn't come to Sochi, so this gold medal is yours, Li Jianrou.


Guo Degang


Spring Festival Gala

Beijing TV Station

Pros and cons

      The pros and cons of Guo Degang's failure to attend the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Horse - -- Baby skin said. The faces of the five hosts of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala in the Year of Horse have been exposed, Baby, we all know that this year of the horse group has a national army, you Qingsi, Liangfu and Liangjian. There is nothing strange, not just Zhu Jun, Dong Qing, Bi Fujian Li Sisi, plus an old "ha ha" Zhang Guoli. However, it seems that people are more concerned about whether Guo Degang can I went to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year to kick the Year of Horse.

      Yesterday, someone was saying that Guo Degang had made a low-key visual inspection to the director group of the Spring Festival Gala At present, it has successfully passed the fourth trial of language programs. However, today Sina Entertainment revealed that the news is not accurate, and the truth is In fact, Guo Degang was completely excluded from the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of Horse. How could it be so tangled up! Baby, my mind is not good at Guo Degang The Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Horse began to discuss the pros and cons:






Mountain City

      Comprehend the taste of Toledo Mountain City in Spain ---- Baby skin said. Toledo, 70 kilometers south of Madrid, is a small Spanish mountain city with only 50000 people, surrounded by the Tajo River. It was famous for its abundant swords. It is said that the props swords in the movie The Lord of the Rings were all produced here, and other sculptures and metal ornaments were also very exquisite. It should be emphasized that there is not a modern building here, all of which are ancient houses. There are more than 70 large ancient buildings, such as churches, temples, monasteries, royal palaces, city walls, museums, which have been well preserved in the Gothic, Moorish, Baroque and Neoclassical styles for nearly 400 years. The urban roads are narrow and sloped, and the streets are intertwined, as dense as cobwebs. The whole city looks elegant, quiet and simple. There are many shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes selling tourist souvenirs along the street. With a sigh, which other cities in China do not have a modern building.
      In the afterglow of the sun, I drove here. Of course, I had to take a panoramic picture on the distant top of the mountain first. Then cross the Tahoe River and enter Toledo Mountain City. Let me feel the taste of the doll:





Public Bathroom

take a shower


      It is popular to ban AIDS patients from entering public bathrooms ----Baby Pipi said. Recently, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council solicited opinions on the Administrative Measures for the Bathing Industry drafted by the Ministry of Commerce. The measure is intended to stipulate that bathing places should set up warning signs in prominent places prohibiting STD and AIDS patients from taking baths. If the operator of the bathing industry violates the Measures and the circumstances are serious, a fine of not more than 30000 yuan may be imposed. The stipulation in the draft on prohibiting AIDS patients from taking baths in public bathhouses has caused controversy among bathhouse people and the public. The opposite view is that normal people and AIDS people will not be infected with AIDS when bathing together. Maybe this statement is reasonable and has scientific basis, but ask normal people in the world who would like to bathe with people with AIDS. It is very good for the state to stipulate what the people and the public are unwilling to do!

      Bathing with AIDS patients, can this bath be clean! How much courage and determination it takes for normal people and AIDS patients to soak in a steaming bath together. It is true that people who do not have direct sex with AIDS patients and do not let their blood, saliva and tears infect the wounds of normal people will not be infected with AIDS. With the popularization of medical science knowledge, people have gradually learned more or less about these common sense of AIDS prevention. But AIDS has always been a big magic barrier in people's hearts. Let's listen to it and run away quickly. I can't hide


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