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Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original
  At the age of 9, Mengmeng goes to boarding school. She usually pays close attention to school learning, and her weekend mom comes home with more attention: English , Olympiad Maths, painting, piano, dancing, and signed up for five excellence classes at one time. "The delay is too long, and the child's vision is no longer possible to recover." Two days ago, Ms. Li, who took her 9-year-old daughter to check her eyes, was paralyzed by the doctor's words. Peng Zhihua, director of the ophthalmology department of Wuhan Eye Hospital, said regretfully that the culprit of the girl's "violent blindness" was excessive eye use. (Wuhan Evening News)

Wen/Xiao Jun

At the age of 9, the child's body is developing and his independent thinking ability is still in the embryonic stage. In the eyes of parents, they are the most obedient, because they always obey their parents' orders, dare not and will not express their views, such as learning. It is hard to imagine that a pupil who is only in the third grade will have to deal with heavy learning, not only that, but also to participate in additional classes for excellence. Parents are actually overdrawing their children's childhood and precious life when they are trying to set a starting line for their children.

Blindness will not happen suddenly. It must happen


Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original

  Since this year, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities of Hebei Province have stepped up their efforts to deal with cases, insisting on punishing corruption with zero tolerance. As of the end of October, 14808 cases had been filed, including 238 cadres at or above the county level. A number of "petty official corruption" cases have also been investigated and dealt with. Among them, hundreds of millions of yuan in cash and 37 kilograms of gold were found in the home of an official suspected of bribery, corruption and misappropriation in a city, and 68 housing procedures were completed in Beijing, Qinhuangdao and other places. The degree of corruption is shocking. (Beijing Times)
[The director of the civil affairs office of a town in Henan misappropriated 520000 public funds, 267 passbooks in Chinese]



Xinrui Zhenming

  On October 19 this year, the 12-year-old twin brother Xiaoxiao and Tian Tian (not his real name), together with his classmates, went to the Wulong River to catch crabs and drowned. Their parents, Mr. Hu and his wife, who set up shop in Fuzhou to make a living, were extremely distressed when they lost their children in middle age. Who would have thought that when children were buried, the "exorbitant funeral expenses" spread a handful of salt on their wounds!



Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original

  Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said: if we build 20000 football characteristic schools in three years, we will have a football population of 20 million if calculated by 1000 people per school. If there are 10 more people in each school to participate in regular games, we will have 200000 football learners. Among the 200000 football learners, we only need to cultivate 100000 excellent football players, Can our football not improve? (Zhengzhou Evening News)


Wen/Xiao Jun


Director General Wang's lofty ideal has surprised many Chinese fans. He has the posture of "practicing football", which is like a dose of medicine.


Before Director Wang proposed to build 20000 football schools, he mentioned that it was a fact that not only Chinese students, but also the whole Chinese people's physique was declining. It is a good thing to advocate the national movement, and people are willing to participate. However, to play football all over the country, we should ensure that every student can play football well, which is a bit inconsistent with reality.

Chinese football, whether entertaining or competitive, is far from the world football.


Football and weightlifting, gymnastics, diving, etc



Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original

Fan Huixiang, a 25-year-old girl from Henan Province, has cancer and is in advanced stage; Her boyfriend is Yu Haining, 24 years old. Because of love, this Shandong guy never gave up on his girlfriend. The other side repeatedly proposed to break up, but he refused. He said, "As long as you are free, you can take your life for it." - After the matter was reported by Dahe Daily (see yesterday's A06 edition), various portal websites forwarded it one after another, and countless netizens were moved by the couple's sincere love. A wedding photography studio in Zhengzhou was willing to take wedding photos for her for free after seeing the report of this newspaper. It also took the wedding dress to the hospital to try it on for her. (Dahe Daily)



Wen/Xiao Jun


That year, a film called "Life and Death in Blue" made people witness the sad and beautiful love in TV. A man's infatuation could not save a woman's life. She told him to live well, but he gave his life to a speeding truck... The heavy sad tone trapped a group of viewers and cried bitterly. At that time, bags of paper were lost to tears!


Now, there is a couple in Dezhou, Shandong




Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original

  On the afternoon of August 8, a shopping mall in Optics Valley in Wuhan launched a marketing campaign of "free for you to strip off your clothes". Customers who only wear underwear and shop in the store can get a free reward, and can wear a set of clothes worth 1000 yuan on the spot, limited to 100 people. There were more than 100 people queuing up to participate in the event, and 100 people finally got a free ticket. Such sales promotion by merchants has aroused heated discussion, some people think it is fresh, others think it is vulgar. (November 9, Chutian Metropolis Daily)


Wen/Xiao Jun


"Take off free of charge", it's ok to make a fuss.


The word "Tuo Tuo" is very vivid and very attractive for business. It has a distinctive title and party characteristics and attracts customers' attention. Judging from the popularity of the marketing activities in the mall, it has attracted many young contestants. They have their own open and unique value orientation. Many people do not care about taking off their clothes in public. The prize of the event was a tempting thousand yuan clothes, which also contributed to the "flash in the pan" of the event.


I think it's a flash in the pan


house property


Classification: New and original

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the housing prices in various regions have declined month on month, while the school districts in some places have become "strong houses", rising against the trend, or even in short supply, from speculating in real estate to speculating in "options". Reporters interviewed in Beijing, Guangzhou and other places found that some people spent 1.35 million yuan to buy a 4.4 square meter house, which could not live at all, just to buy a entrance permit for school. Even so, it is still difficult to find a "pit". (Xinhuanet)


Wen/Xiao Jun


The school district houses in each city are the only ones who can go against the current in the declining housing prices and gain a sense of existence.


In the Nanjing subway station, you will see endless real estate advertisements, which say "High quality school district housing for sale", a striking phone number, popular with parents. By comparison, the school district houses in Beijing, Shanghai, and some first tier cities have become "auctioned" for those with high prices, and the former people who used to buy and speculate in real estate have also begun to focus their investment on school district houses.


school district




Xinrui Zhenming

On August 26, 2014, at Wutaishan Stadium in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, in the women's football final of the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, the Chinese U15 women's football team won the championship 5-0 against Venezuela, scoring 17 goals and losing none in four games. Zhang Jiayun made two passes and one shot. Ma Xiaolan and Wu Xi each scored a long-range goal, while Wan Wenting and Xie Qiwen scored one goal respectively.





Article (original)/ Xiao Jun


Compared with the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games has less incentive to pursue gold medals and more surprises to share youth. This is a pure sports event.


Taking the Youth Olympic Games as an inspirational film, the Chinese women's football girls are undoubtedly the best actors among them. Unlike fictional TV dramas, they are playing their own real youth. They are the pride of the Chinese women's football team when they put on their war robes. When they take off their war robes, they are just budding




Classification: New and original

To commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, yesterday (August 27), the Chinese navy held a maritime memorial ceremony in the waters off Liugong Island, Weihai. This is the highest level commemoration activity held by the military since the 120th anniversary of the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895.






Xinrui Zhenming

Classification: New and original

Since he decided to change his gender, he has chosen to be strong and choose his own preference. Liu Ting has become a thing of the past. Liu Ting is about to be born, and then she will use her own blood and tears,


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