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 Zhong Xiang's Tavern
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(2019-04-13 21:00)




"The wine is good. Usually the grapes are good this year, but the wine is bad. It must be that the winemaker did not brew well."




Big brand





Barrel flavor

Sorry, the barrel smell in your house is too heavy!


For many winemakers, this comment of the wine reviewer can be said to be a must, and they must feel puzzled, "Damn, I've done it lightly enough!"


two thousand and eight In, the boom in barrels around the world began to subside, Jesse . Robinson( Jancis Robinson





Why do you sell your wine so expensive?
This question is my answer to another group question besides "why so many scum".
I always say, because what you shake in your cup is the masterpiece of time. You know, there are countless efforts behind a bottle of wine from the land to the opening.
Wine comes from grapes, and grapes come from land. Although grape is the most widely planted plant in the world, not all lands can or are suitable for planting grapes.
When the winery owner faces a wasteland and announces to plant grapes on this land, climatologists, geographers, soil scientists and grape growers will take turns to carry out feasibility studies from their respective professional perspectives, and then determine appropriate rootstocks and grape varieties, as well as the corresponding planting management system.

Then we began to level the land and screen out the huge stones. If the results of the physical and chemical analysis of the soil were not ideal, we had to improve the soil. Finally, we planted the seedlings that we had cultivated in the nursery for a year. After three cycles
"Why are there so many wine dregs? Is there a problem?"
When encountering such problems, I usually answer with a smile. No problem, just drink it with confidence, and don't drink it with dregs. Because in most cases, people encounter tartar, which does not affect the drinking of wine, but the appearance is not very beautiful.
As the product of grape juice fermentation, wine precipitates over time, which is natural. Most natural precipitates do not damage the quality of the wine, and only a few precipitates represent quality problems.
As long as the type of precipitation is clearly distinguished, we can roughly judge whether a bottle of wine with precipitation can be drunk.
There are three main types of wine precipitation in terms of appearance: crystalline, powdery, and flocculent suspension.
The first type of crystalline precipitation is tartar, which is a crystalline precipitation formed by tartaric acid, potassium, calcium and other metal ions unique to grapes and precipitated during the long aging process of wine. White wine shows transparent or white granulated sugar crystals, while red wine shows purplish red, deep red or even black due to pigment adsorption.

I haven't logged in to the platform for a long time, and the number of subscriptions hasn't dropped. I'm a little touched.


Zhong Xiang is grateful to those friends who have not passed the test, whether you really pay attention or leave the pub in the corner because of forgetting. I want you to know that it's you five thousand The presence of readers encouraged me to turn on the computer and knock down people and things related to wine while staring at the mountains outside the window.






If "77 Days" tells me what freedom is, then "Okayama Boqi" shows me what faith is. After reading it at different times, the two words that burn in my heart are hot.
Although the scenery in Tibet is absolutely beautiful, it is often the human beings themselves who are shocked by their spiritual practices. Compared with 77 Days, when a man riding a bicycle carries out the music that is sometimes played in the Qiangtang no man's land, Gangren Boqi is absolutely quiet. A group of Tibetans gather together for different reasons and kowtow a long time to their holy mountain Gangren Boqi, a 2500 km mountain road, for a whole year. This is strange to outsiders. It is so natural for devout Buddhists.
Adults tell children that a good kowtow is informative;
The butcher told his friend that he had killed too many cattle and that he kowtowed to atone for his sins;
On the pilgrimage, when a new baby is born, the family will feel great happiness;
During this period, some old people died. For all people, they died at the foot of the holy mountain

Territorial Convention


Shanghai Jing'an, Ruiji Hotel, Landmark Conference, 9 master classes, 18 global landmark leaders, 85 world top landmark celebrities, and more than 2000 people drink big wine and do things together. This is the key word that I can think of the Shanghai Wine Landmark Conference organized by Zhiwei last weekend.
In order to participate in the "Wulin Conference" of this industry, we received the "Hero Posts" and flew from Yinchuan to Mordor, where we had drunk for three days. Attended a master class and a dinner party, listened to a day of local customs class, visited a day of Mingzhuang Wine Show, met several old friends whom I haven't seen for years, and looked at each other's busy life with their families. In addition to feeling that youth is perishable, it is a middle-aged oily man whose "M" hairline moves backward, and time leaves a mark on each face without hesitation.
Sun Jie and I said that this is a land where once you step on it, your heart will beat faster and your pace will speed up. We looked at each other and said with a smile that we had also been to so many places in the world, which is regarded as having seen the world. However, when we came to Shanghai, we would still be inexplicably nervous and confused. Maybe used to the "slow" of the wine world


Drinking and chatting with Paige, I said that designers are a good profession, beautiful or ugly, which is clear at a glance. Unlike us, many wines are not necessarily understood by people, but also have to meet people who understand.



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