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Harry Potter

Miscellaneous talk

Hello, Chinese friends!


After three consecutive defeats, people are asking: What happened to the Lakers? It's true that there was something wrong with our energy during this period. No one wanted to see consecutive defeats, but this period will occur in the long season, especially in the away game. At this time, you need to escape from the low point as soon as possible. The performance of the whole team in the past three games is not good enough, and I have to be responsible for three consecutive defeats. Phil told us not to lose again. As he wrote on the tactical board, "Get back on the winning track", we must do that.


The following is the game against the Rockets. It will never be easy to compete with them. Although there is no Yao Ming, the Rockets still have many dangerous guys. It will not be easy to win, no matter who the opponent is, but we must move forward, move forward.


Some Sina netizens "show off" with me. They have already seen Harry Potter 7, which is really a show off, because I haven't had time to see this film. You know, I love the Harry Potter series so much that I want to see it, but I don't have time. Seriously, I hope Harry




Miscellaneous talk


      Hi, Chinese friends, how are you?

      Recently, a magical guy appeared beside me, Pau Gasol. People have begun to discuss whether Gasol will become the MVP of this season? He can definitely. He made 8 out of 10 shots in the previous game against the Warriors. It was a perfect night, wasn't it. Pau Gasol has made great contributions to us this season, especially considering that Andre Bynum cannot play because of injury. I have always said that Pau Gasol is the biggest man with the best technology in the world and a great comrade in arms. His current performance is absolutely worthy of all honors, and MVP is naturally among them.

      Some Sina netizens mentioned that Charles Barkley rated me as the fifth greatest player in NBA history a few days ago. Hehe, we all know Charles is a very interesting and generous guy. But really, when people say that I am one of the greatest players in the history of the Lakers, I am flattered. When I was a kid, the magician, Jabbar and West


Miscellaneous talk

Hello, Chinese friends!

        A few days ago, I just became the youngest Mr. 26000 in the NBA. Sina netizens have already expressed their wishes to me. Thank you. Generally speaking, when I reach such a great milestone, I will feel very proud. But as you all know, I no longer pay attention to these records. At this stage of my career, I have learned to focus more on the team's goals, which is really beneficial to the championship.
Of course, 26000 points, which is really a big number, hahaha!

        But what really affected me was the two consecutive defeats the team had just suffered. I just reviewed



Miscellaneous talk

      How are you, Chinese friends?


      In Sacramento, I just got a triple double, which is my 17th triple double in the Lakers. Many people said to me: Congratulations. Thank you, but to be honest, my teammates didn't tell me until the fourth quarter yesterday that I was one rebound away from the triple double. If King hadn't given up the game, I think I wouldn't play again in the fourth quarter, and nothing would have happened later. Triple pair is wonderful, but this is not what I think. You all know what my only concern is.

      In addition, this triple double, in fact, comes from my teammates, Paul, Lamar and Matt, who threw the ball I passed into the basket, so they have those wonderful assists. To be honest, watching my teammates throw my passes into the basket one by one is really great!

      It's a wonderful start to 5 consecutive victories. A Sina netizen asked, who is the greatest contributor of the Lakers so far in the new season? No doubt it's Gasol. He's never been to the lake




Yao Ming

Miscellaneous talk

        How are you, Chinese friends?

        A few days ago, Magic Johnson sold his shares of the Lakers, which I also heard. Dr Soon Shiong (Chen Songxiong) accepted the shares of the magician. I have met this new owner of the Chinese Lakers several times, and I also know that he has been committed to global health and philanthropy. Chen Songxiong once told me that he is a crazy basketball fan, and he also likes playing basketball.

      The regular season is coming. We will play against the Houston Rockets in the opening game. Before that game, we will get the championship ring of last season. I can't wait for that! In addition, I also know that Yao Ming and his Rockets are ready for that game, and I just wish Yao to stay healthy on the court this year. I really hope to see this. Yao Ming is a great player and a great friend.




Miscellaneous talk

      Hello, Chinese friends!

      Our training camp has started. It's really great to get together with our teammates again on the court. Many fans care about my injury. Thank you very much for your concern. My knee and fingers have some problems, which makes me occasionally absent from training and affects pre-season games. But you don't have to worry. After the new season starts, I will be the KB24 before. These injuries are not a big problem for me. I have been used to them.

      A Sina netizen asked me whether the goals of the new season include the MVP trophy, the regular season MVP and the All Star Game in Los Angeles. I think most Kobe fans know me and know that the only thing I'm really interested in now is winning the championship. I really don't care about those individual awards anymore, but I still want to thank the fans for their affirmation. Of course, this year's All Star Game will be held at my home, which will be a wonderful feeling for me.





Triple Crown

Miscellaneous talk

      Hello, Chinese friends!

      Recently, everyone is concerned about Anthony's trade rumors. Some media reports say that the Lakers also want to chase Mero, and that we will use Andre Bynum and Vujacic to exchange. Some fans asked me about this. I must say that I like the Lakers' lineup this year very much and hope to enter the new season with this list. Believe me, these so-called "transactions" are just a patchwork of the media. They just like this and create some gimmicks.

      My teammates and I are not in the mood to see that. All our energy is focused on chasing three consecutive championships. The key to achieving this goal lies in how to concentrate and keep healthy. The team training camp will start on Saturday. I can't wait!



Dream Nine

Olympic Games

Miscellaneous talk

      Hello, Chinese friends!

      Some time ago, I watched many games in Istanbul on TV, and I am very proud of the members of this American team. In my opinion, they won the gold medal of the World Championships by defending, and players like Andre Iguodala built a solid defense line. My teammate Lamar Odom performed brilliantly in the final, and Kevin Durant is just crazy. This guy is really a genius!!!!!! In addition, I would like to send congratulations to Coach K!

      A netizen asked if I would join the US team in the London Olympics in two years. If circumstances permit, I would definitely like to play in the London Olympics. Winning the gold medal of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 is one of the most wonderful moments in my basketball career, which I can never forget. It will be my honor if I have the opportunity to attack the Olympic gold medal again two years later.




world championship

Dream Nine

Hi, Chinese friends!


I believe you are the same as me. You have seen the performance of the US team in Turkey. KD (Kevin Durant) is really great. He scored 38 points in the semi-final. A new record has been born. His performance is even better than when he played against us in the playoffs. Congratulations to him. Congratulations to the whole team. They reached the final.


It will always be a very difficult game to meet the host in the final of the competition. We all know the advantages of home court. Although the boys are used to playing away in the NBA, when they rise to national honor, the situation will be completely different. Tekoglu is a dangerous guy. He is the kind of person who may miss the first 10 shots but hit a winner at the last moment, or may hit all the first 10 shots but send a wonderful pass. If you want to limit him, you must disrupt his rhythm throughout the court, keep an eye on him, and never relax.


Some fans want me to say something to the boys of the national team. Well, what I want to say is: two years ago, I tasted the taste of standing on the podium to receive the gold medal,


Miscellaneous talk

Hello, Chinese fans!


Did you watch the performance of the US team in Turkey? I just watched the live broadcast of the game, and the boys won three consecutive victories. Although it was hard to beat Brazil just now, the opponents in these three games were really good. I know how difficult Barbosa is. He is like a Porsche sports car and never gives up. Anyway, we have been winning all the time, which is a good phenomenon. I hope the team of Lao K can go on like this.


In fact, we should also thank Brazil, a respected opponent. When your game is always smooth, the danger is not far away from you. It's better to encounter difficulties in the group stage than to be caught unprepared in the knockout stage.


Many fans asked me what advice I had for the American team. They are very talented players. They need to adapt to the rules of the international arena, but the most important thing to win the championship is: don't underestimate anyone!


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