

It's really a good memory. I remember that I was still in primary school at that time
Original address: Message to Peng Wei Author: Meteor falling


              I went to Shanghai again, not only for one person to experience the feeling of the old house, but also to Zhongshan West Road. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in all the time. I could only see the tree lined road outside silently, the old house I yearned for. Could I really not see it?


(2009-11-20 09:56)




  Wine has a long history in our country. In fact, I love wine very much. Wine can be used to celebrate many things,

    It can also help us forget many things

    Today I want to talk about how wine can help me forget things,

  Do you still remember the sentence that wine turns into lovesickness tears when it comes to sadness? Or the sentence of raising a glass to ease one's worries, even more so

    Either way, they are depicting some sad past events

  They are torturing themselves. Wine can make your heart worse, or it can be a good medicine for your heartache

  When your heart aches, you can drink but don't drink too fast, because you just want to get drunk quickly. It will hurt more when you wake up from temporary anesthesia

  If you want the wine to help you forget your heartache, you should drink slowly and get drunk slowly, because it can make you ache little by little

  Go to rest when you are tired. It will be a good mood to sleep


Salty taste


curtain of night



Miscellaneous talk

    I haven't been here for a long time. I've experienced a lot these days. From heaven to the ground (not to hell) is also a rare process in life. I used to want to enjoy myself, but now I can't. It's just the beginning of life to be beaten and rejected every day. When I want to work hard not to be called a vase by everyone, I begin to find my own difficulties, I used to add some happy photos to my articles, but now I'm too tired to be happy

    When the darkness slowly pulls down, it is actually my loneliest moment. I have tears only when I slowly taste its bitter and slightly salty taste. Yes, maybe I have got too much happiness, so now I have to work harder than others. No matter how hard it is, I have to hold on because I don't want to sell my face. Now that I have made up my mind, I have to bear the pressure brought by him

(2009-10-12 20:48)



Miscellaneous talk

  I haven't been here for a long time recently. After an unforgettable journey, Ah Nan has returned to his original position. He works hard to make money every day and quarrels with Ah Nan every day because of the bad business next door. Alas Why can't we just live a simple life? I miss that time of travel. I live the life I want to live every day. I don't have to worry about my body when I eat what I want to eat. Although my body is slightly out of shape, I have never felt so free and liberated physically and mentally, but I still have to return to reality. Anan returns to the familiar place and starts to make a living with everyone, But I really feel that there are all kinds of people. Why should we be angry if we can't compete with each other fairly? Every day, he quarrels with Funny and Anan

  I don't understand how a man can be so petty? Throw the garbage at the door of Anan's shop every day. Alas The life is helpless, but even if it is difficult, Anan will survive, because Anan has a goal of making money and will have a complete rest when he earns that amount. Maybe when Anan earns that amount, he will also become old and wonder if he has any energy to continue his journey

  Ah Nan has never been for himself

(2009-09-29 21:13)

It's a last resort



  It's the third time for me to hear the word 'have to'. I remember that the first time I heard it was said to me by a person I used to like most. At that time, I felt strange. There was no tears but the feeling of being hollowed out. In fact, I hollowed out my own happiness, It was because I was too headstrong that I lost the love that was admired by everyone. So I had no right to cry, but I just walked a long way in silence. Later, he had a new relationship of his own, and they had a good life. Until now, the marriage day is coming. I wish them well

  The second time I heard about 'forced' was last year, when I fell madly in love with a person I secretly loved. I began to pursue him regardless of everything. When he and I just started to have contact, it was destined to be a painful decision. I didn't care about being a lover who couldn't see the light. I could bear to overcome everything, But after a short period of good times, he still chose his real lover. I began to taste all the pain myself

  The third time I heard it was just now. We didn't finally get together. As for the reason, I don't want to ask any more. Maybe I'm too lazy

(2009-09-24 09:43)




  Fan Bingbing said a cruel youth. I agree that not everyone can have their own dreams. To be honest, I may have only one idea in my mind now: I want to refuel, I want to succeed, and I will try not to let myself fall down and be looked down upon by others. Although the things I face every day are messy and troublesome, which may not solve all the problems, I want to do my best to complete it, although, no, although I am sure I can.

  Although I am very tired every day, and I don't even have time to ask people to eat every day, the person who supports me has gone away. I can never forget that every time he faces with me when I need help, we have gone through many difficulties together, so I have to think of him again when I face difficulties again, But he can only send me a voice of support by phone and send me a warm greeting by text message. I admit that I can't leave him now. He has become an indispensable part of my life forever. But don't misunderstand that he is not my lover, just a friend who knows me better than his family. We are all the same

(2009-09-22 11:53)



Miscellaneous talk

  Almost nothing I want to do has made any progress. I got up early today and was busy until now. I only ate a small piece of bread. I will continue to work hard in the afternoon. I have been in a state of anxiety all the time. Now I just sit here because all the people I want to find have a rest at noon. I was forced to rest. I had only eaten two pieces of bread since yesterday, and my hunger was already filled with sadness.

  Now I feel very afraid and lonely. I am afraid of the dawn just like what happened in the past. I think I can always escape in the dark if it doesn't happen. I know this is wrong, but maybe my heart has always been cowardly, afraid of failure has always hidden everything in the invisible place.

  Some people have always said to me, "You have to stand up, at least you have to face it, in the face of maybe victory, but you escape is 100% lost." Yes, I am now trying to actively face it, although it is messy and difficult to sort out now, but I am still trying to find a clue, at least when any result comes out, I hope to have the result I want.





  This morning I set foot again to the place where I once had dreams, sorrows, hopes, regrets, deceit, dreams, the most beautiful feelings and many, many feelings. On the train, I couldn't hear any voice of people talking at all, only heard the sound of the train whistling past, and my eyes could only see out of the window. Because autumn was coming, I had never been so calm. I began to slowly enjoy such moments and savor such beauty. My eyebrows had been locked deeply on the road, Locked my seemingly static appearance is actually the heart that turns the rivers and seas inside.

  I don't know what memories I can have when I come here. Looking at the street stores I used to walk with my friends and the parks we often stay in, my tears flow into my heart. My memories suddenly ferment. I can't identify whether this jar of fermented wine is good wine or bitter wine. Maybe only my heart can identify it with my own mood, When you are in a good mood, the bitter element in it will be as indispensable as the bitter in coffee. When you are in a bad mood, the sweet element in it will make you feel no more like sugar coated bullets




  I don't know what kind of courage supports me to face my present self. If I can say what my favorite book and movie are, I think they are all the same name. This book is a screenplay remake of a movie that I can never finish. The main character of the movie is myself, without the participation of any major stars, There is no best light photography publicity and many things. This is my only self made, self directed and self acting film, and the plot of the film is only understandable to me. Thank you for every actor who participated in this film for free. You are an important part of my whole film, Now my movie has reached the most tragic part. I can't continue to play it, nor can I guide it. I want to finish it right now, want to rest forever, and want to sleep forever. I'm so lonely now, and I want to have someone who can really care for me and sleep with me, Some people have been working hard to live while others are bent on giving up the right to heartbeat. The last pain of mankind is that when the soul leaves the body, it is too late to regret it. I wonder if you have heard the song "The Weight of Soul" by Zhang Huimei. Maybe it is not the best song

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 Liu Sinan
Liu Sinan
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