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 Dou Doujun
Dou Doujun
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delicious food

Classification: Like a baby falling

There is nothing but food and love that we cannot fail to live up to

Maternal love in delicious food


(2016-04-13 07:51)

On September 12, 2015, he began to recite the Buddha's name

We hope that this virtue will be popularized in all, and we will become Buddhists and Taoists together.

I would like to use this merit to dignify the Buddhist Pure Land, report the four blessings and relieve the three hardships. If there is anyone who has seen and heard, he will know the Bodhi heart and do his best to repay himself and live in the Blissful Kingdom.

May the three obstacles and troubles be eliminated, and may wisdom be true and clear. We hope that the guilt will be eliminated and the Bodhisattva Way will be practiced in the world.

With this virtue and good root, I wish to return to all beings in the dharma world and live in the Western Blissful Pure Land, so as to achieve Anuttara, Sambo and Sambodhi.

By December 30, 2015, chanting Buddha's name 1 million times.

By February 26, 2016, chanted the Buddha's name 2 million times.

By April 12, 2016, chanting Buddha's name 3 million times.

By June 19, 2016, the Buddha's name had been recited 4 million times.

By September 4, 2016, the Buddha's name had been recited 5 million times.

By September 11, 2016, the number of Buddha chanted 5123760 times a year.

By November 6, 2016, the Buddha chanted 6 million times.

By January 11, 2017, the Buddha's name had been recited 7 million times.



I've tried my best to be happy

Xiao Lingjun

reaction to a book or an article

Classification: I love reading

Chapter IV   To enjoy oneself is a unique right that a struggling life can enjoy

What you think is a dead end is a smooth road

And if you dare to go on, maybe there will be daylight.


I've tried my best to be happy

Xiao Lingjun

reaction to a book or an article

Classification: I love reading

Chapter III   To live, we must choose the best way to live worthy of ourselves

Be good to yourself, and the world will be good to you

I finally understand that only when you are good to yourself first, can you see more of the world's good to you. The world will treat you well.                    


I've tried my best to be happy

Xiao Lingjun

reaction to a book or an article

Classification: I love reading

Chapter II   Because of dreams, we can go to the end with a smile

The best arrangement in life

"It is up to you to decide whether it is good or not, not what others say. If you think it is good, it is good, even if others say it badly."


I've tried my best to be happy

Xiao Lingjun

reaction to a book or an article

Classification: I love reading

@Xiao Lingjun

September 27, 2015

The blue words are excerpts, and the gray words are written by me.


I fought for my life and enjoyed myself

(2015-09-15 18:33)

Liu Ruoying

I dare to be alone in your arms


listen to the music

Classification: I love beauty
Zhang Jiajia:
        I like Liu Ruoying. It is not a certain stage of her life, but the whole process of blooming.




As before

Classification: Walk around

The original proud plan was still blocked by God. The super typhoon cancelled my high-speed rail flight, so Huali Didi missed the gathering of Enron in the 10th year of the lunar new year. She could only watch the live pictures and recordings uploaded on her mobile phones 2000km south.






Group photos can only be taken in a new way.



hum about

Classification: Like a baby falling
Take time off from work to rectify the most wordy places in the past two years: Weibo and WeChat.
Weibo has been used since 10 years ago, and has been deleted several times intermittently. This time, thousands of articles have been deleted at one time. We also saw the commemorative article "4444" issued three years ago, but now there is no 4200.
Organized the circle of friends, starting in July 2013. In 20 months, from almost no use in the early days to chattering later, there were less than 400 traces left.

There are few opportunities to knock words in meditation, and fewer opportunities to practice calligraphy manually in meditation. Time just passed away unconsciously. Fortunately, in this boring and ordinary repetitive life, there are always surprises, scares and fears that pop out from time to time.

Fat Leaf saw that I had a pimple on half my face that day, and subconsciously grabbed my arm and said, "I've been working too hard recently, you and you.". When he took out Xitang and asked me about my situation, he muttered that he was getting older. I lost an angry sentence that you despised me. He gently sighed and said, you know, I will not abandon you no matter what. I choked on my throat and couldn't speak.
Ah Fi will pay attention to my status from time to time and talk to me like a kid.
Chloe is always a good child who comforts me and gives me positive energy.
Mo Mo always talks to me as an old man. I am willing to listen to him and like to complain more often.
And Yizi, give me a strong push and tell me a lot that I can't see clearly

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Like a baby falling

http://ww2/large/4a17cfc7jw1eodfwwxsolj20 ku0fndhq.jpg

It has been a month since I first recommended this flower shop. Many people ask me off and on whether you have become a shareholder. Why do you have to talk about money? Is everyone sensitive to various recommendations?

The flower shop owner is the wife of her colleague. Two years ago, she put all the flowers in her attic, and managed them through the network and telephone, and friends with friends. (My colleague's surname is Fan, and our nickname is Fan Fan. The flower shop has only a proprietress but no boss.)

I found it on Weibo on Mother's Day the year before last @Moshang Huakai Boutique Shop , buy flowers for my mother. A few words back and forth found that he was a colleague's family. So slowly become familiar with them. Like the elder sister, she cares and cares for our young friends.

From the original backup team that only had meat and Feng Feng, then I added this bean, and then Huahua, Momo and Song Song joined in.

At the end of last year, Moshang moved from the attic and opened a physical store. The landlady and Fan Fan planned in an all-round way, and the backup team came to help from time to time. It was officially opened on December 18.

A leisurely and busy day in the flower shop, and some of the original unfamiliar


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