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 Dietitian Zhao Yingmin
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reduce weight




Light abstinence

Classification: Slimming section

By: Zhao Yingmin


            In the process of losing weight, the most common question we have encountered and heard is, why did I not lose weight? This is not mitigated, there are several kinds. Some people began to lose weight, but soon rebounded. Some people lost weight for a while, and then gained weight again after a while. Some people did not lose weight significantly... These are all called weight loss failures. This crime was also suffered, and starved and endured the temptation of delicious food. In the end, all these efforts were in vain, and after several times, all confidence would be lost. So, what is the reason? Today, I will explain one by one the methods of weight loss, and you will know why.


            Let's start with the popular light diet

            The method of light weaning is different. some



reduce weight


Classification: Slimming section

I have a good friend for many years, who is in his 40s. He keeps exercising every day, waiting to show his abs.

I think of many friends, many girls who want to slim down, envy others' abdominal muscles, envy others' good figure, but they are slow to act, or give up after acting for a few days.

If I help you to lose weight through diet, this is just the beginning. In order to build a more perfect body, a better physique, a younger body and appearance, we still need to do it through exercise in the end. Maybe the face is born, but the body is something you can build.

I always want to say rudely that you are too lazy, you don't love yourself enough, you don't have requirements for yourself, or your requirements are just envy, but never really


reduce weight





Classification: healthy life

By: Zhao Yingmin

It is estimated that many people are interested in this "easy way", because this is the first time I mentioned this method, and I have never told you before. The so-called "natural" means that simple things can't be simpler, which will make you lose weight a little bit automatically when you gradually develop the right eating habits. You don't have to endure the pain caused by dieting, counting calories, cutting off food, etc., so that food and weight loss can coexist.






Zhao Yingmin

Classification: healthy life

By: Zhao Yingmin


Every day, whether working people or stay at home moms, what they ask the most is what to eat tonight and what to do in the morning? Yes, what to eat has become a big problem in our daily life. What kind of dishes are we going to choose, which dishes will be more healthy, and which dishes will be loved by our families?







Classification: Slimming section

By: Zhao Yingmin

Every day, we can see all kinds of slimming propaganda, including WeChat selling slimming products everywhere. Even if I saw them, I would not make any comments on them, because it is just business for them, and they are not responsible for your health. But here I can tell you all my opinions and suggestions, because I not only want to help all people lose weight successfully, but also be responsible for everyone's health.

See me



reduce weight




Classification: Slimming section

By: Zhao Yingmin


Most of the answers to this question are in the fattening season, because after the autumn and winter, most girls begin to gain weight more or less, and their appetites become stronger. So is it doomed to gain weight in winter? How to lose weight in winter? I said slowly, look carefully.


Miscellaneous talk


  1、 Girls, you must eat natural, healthy and nutritious food. Don't eat nothing. Only in this way can you maintain a healthy body, slim figure and look more elegant. Don't take those big mouthfuls of food, look like you want to eat everything, and eat more when you eat. One day you will feel embarrassed for your own today.

2、 Don't just take care of your face, but also take care of your feet regularly. Don't let your feet look rough and dry; Wear comfortable and good shoes. Don't let your heels and toes get worn and scarred by shoes. If you can't afford to buy them at this time, you can buy cloth shoes and shoes that are as comfortable as possible; Have at least 3 pairs of shoes to wear. Don't always wear a pair of shoes in summer, so that your feet are streaked or otherwise black and white. Because your feet will reveal what kind of girl you are. A pair of feet will give you a lot of points and also make you lose too many points.

3、 Clean your room, wardrobe, drawers and various storage boxes regularly. Let your room look comfortable and clean, let you open the wardrobe to know what clothes you have to wear, what clothes need to be eliminated, and what can be matched. This is not just about the tidiness and order of the room, which will make you work more efficiently and have an unexpected impact on your life.

4、 Don't buy fashion




Big s


Classification: Slimming section


Article: Zhao Yingmin Pictures from the Internet

          At her daughter's hundred day banquet, Big S, dressed in a red skirt, smiled all over her face. She and her husband Wang Xiaofei were busy receiving guests, and the atmosphere was quite warm. However, it is easy to see that Big S is still quite fat after birth, with swollen eyes and faces. Many netizens call him "too fat to recognize". So many people ask why Big S always gives people the feeling of serious edema? How much does it have to do with her previous vegetarian diet and old children? How can a new mother with a big S shape lose weight after childbirth? The media have all thrown me all these questions, and I hope I can explain them to you.


In fact, it's not surprising that Big S didn't make an amazing appearance. One reason is that after years of waiting for her son, she finally asked for a baby, so she devoted herself to her daughter. For a mother, especially one who has asked for her son for many years, nothing is more important than her baby at this time. She is not eager to return and make money.


Miscellaneous talk

Many people feel that they meet their own requirements after reading the title of the book. Finally, they can eat more and move less, and have a good figure. However, people who are not very sensible and understand my weight loss methods and concepts will scorn and say: "Eating more and moving less is nonsense!"!

The so-called "eating more" is not to let everyone eat wantonly. The past diet has not changed, even more wanton, because I have the weight loss treasure of teacher Zhao. It tells us how to eat, how to eat more nutritious food, and how to make our bodies more useful and healthy. Think about what we want to lose when we lose weight? Do you want to lose fat or protein, vitamins and minerals? Is it just a rebound after the temporary weight loss or a real reduction of fat, not easy to gain weight?

The truly nutritious food is not easy to gain weight when cooked correctly. The poor nutrition will make us gain more weight. If something we eat is useful for our health, it will only form nutrient essence and deliver it to the place our body needs to promote our health and enhance our vitality. In other words, the food you eat is not good for your health. If it cannot form a nutrient essence and is not used by your body, it will only become fat accumulation and make your body worse and worse. You simply do not have enough strength to help you consume fat. It is strange that you are not fat.

Say less. Doing less is not to keep you still, but to exercise reasonably, not to exercise crazily and violently when you think about losing weight. I wish that the fat would be lost with sweat immediately. And exercise, like diet and healthy weight loss, does not start today and end tomorrow, but


15 days


three meals



Classification: Slimming section

By: Zhao Yingmin


Day 9:

Still remember to drink a glass of plain water every morning, before lunch and dinner ten Drink a glass of white water every minute, and other drinking water can be arranged by yourself.



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