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(2014-10-29 02:59)


Classification: one
The story I want to tell, It is a story that has ended.

When I was very young, I had a plastic iron box filled with Alpine sweets. After the candy was finished, I used it as my secret box to hold all kinds of odds and ends. I still remember there were many stickers inside. At that time, because one day, I accidentally read a character's introduction in the book, and wrote "stamp collecting" after the column named "hobby". "If I could tell others what my hobby is, it would be cool." So, in order to say something like "what my hobby is" in the future, I decided to find a hobby for myself. However, in my opinion, the depiction of traditional Chinese customs and the stamps marked with a few cents in the corner, no matter how it looks, do not look like a very cool thing. More importantly, I am determined to do something different from others. I decided to collect stickers because they are almost cartoon characters, not only cute, but also rich in variety. I thought that one day when I collected a box, I would show it to my friends. They would cry "wow" when I opened the box.

I started collecting free stickers in magazines and food. When I went shopping with my mother, I accidentally found that various stickers can be bought in the jewelry store. But most of these stickers cost more than ten yuan, which was not a small amount at that time. I know that when I speak to my mother, she will scold me and say, "What's the use of buying this?". Yes, on second thought, I don't know what the actual use of these stickers is. Maybe there is only one, which is to collect a box full of envy and envy when showing off to friends.

But one day, I suddenly had an idea. There are so many patterns of stickers that I can't collect them all. Thinking of this, I suddenly no longer interested in collecting stickers.

Later, I entered high school. In the second semester of senior high school, the sensibility in my body suddenly woke up, which taught me to catch the cold of adolescence. I began to become very melancholy, and thought that such a temperament was attractive. I began to collect all kinds of small objects, notes written by others, small gifts and stationery left behind, and gave them feelings and meanings that only I can understand, and finally put them into the candy box. " You see, this is the neutral pen you forgot in the drawer at that time. "I imagine that in a certain scene several years later, I will open the box again and take out the black civilized neutral pen, Pass it to her I put it away. Because every time I see it, I seem to see you. " Tell her this, she will be moved. Thinking of these scenes and the tears she left when she was moved, I unconsciously moistened my eyes.

One day, a girl in the class gave me a candy. I still remember clearly that she put one of her own into her mouth after giving it to me. And I put the candy into my mouth, smiled and said to her, "Thank you, I'll eat later."

That night, when I got home, I opened the lid of the box and put the candy on the bottom of the sticker, exposing some gaps so that I could see it as soon as I opened the box. It makes me believe that the future is always under my control. And the love scene that will happen in the future will also be released as scheduled.

In a twinkling of an eye, my senior year was drawing to a close, and the parting atmosphere deepened my sadness. "Since we are going to separate after graduation, what's the use of my efforts here?" I said, like everyone in the class, I want to remember this class. But I know that in fact, I don't remember the whole class so much. What I remember is only a few people, someone. But at that time, I was so humble and weak. Only by including someone in the concept of the collective, could I be a little brave and say the intention of "remembering". I prayed silently in my heart, even if she didn't say it, she should also know it. One day, she will know. I can't say this emotion clearly, so I repress it in my heart, until sometimes, I can't restrain myself.

When I came home and saw the candy box full of secrets and secret love, my heart suddenly filled with sadness. I didn't give up. When I opened the box and saw the object full of memories, my sadness became more deadly, even my body hurt. I finally understand that she will never know what I have done for her. Those objects that I was full of joy and expected to be full of beautiful plots only became the perfect evidence of my secret love, cowardice and tears that witnessed countless failures in the past.

Finally, I put the candy box into the bedside table where it can be easily seen. As I no longer see it, I can't remember to be sad again.

After a long time, one day, I opened the box and found the candy by accident. I almost forgot the existence of that candy. The recliner, which used to be very precious, has now been covered with dust, faded its luster, and even shows signs of mildew. I carefully twisted the sugar coat and lifted it up. I could not tell what it was like. Suddenly, I didn't know what to say to this symbolic candy.

Later, because of moving, I lost the box. I thought I would be very sad, but the fact is not so. On the contrary, I experienced the lightness and comfort that seemed to have never been experienced before. The gloom accumulated in my heart for a long time seems to disappear with the disappearance of the box. With an adventurous attitude, I tried to imagine all the melancholy and sadness I had experienced before, but it seemed that I couldn't remember. Memory seems to lose its authenticity in an instant.

I'm so lucky that I lost the box. More importantly, I seem to have rediscovered the secret of happiness. At that moment when I felt like regaining a new life, I made a new decision for myself - "If someone handed me candy in the future life, I would take the candy, and then remove the icing, Eat it quickly

I quickly forgot that I had eaten this candy.

So, the person who gave me candy also showed funny surprise for such straightforward me. And I never explained.

Because they never know, the goodwill represented by this candy may make me look forward to something. This expectation may make the world that I have been slowly healing for a long time easily collapse at the moment of eye contact. It's not that I don't want to believe it. It's just that the facts prove that all the stories that once let me bury my expectations, today, there is only one thing that can remind me now, and I can smile without regret. Only one piece.

So they will not understand that without expectations, there will be no pain caused by the failure of expectations. Without expectation, there will be no regret for inaction. No expectation is safe and protected.

"One day, when I am brave enough, I will not expect anything to happen. I do not expect anything to happen, I let it happen." Thinking like this, I finally do not expect anything to happen.

At the end of the story, I didn't finish it. After all, I didn't know the end until that day came. Now I "don't expect anything anymore", so I have to hold the idea that I don't expect anything and keep looking forward to it.

(2014-08-06 03:02)


Classification: one
After dinner, I decided to go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of water. One and a half liters of cool water. The checkout line on the far right is relatively short, so I decided to leave the line in front of me and queue there. When it was my turn, I saw the girl.

The girl is not accurate. What makes her special is that I don't know whether to think she is a kid or a lady. She seems to be in the transition zone between the two, and her behavior has a different kind of charm.

If the story happened like this, I would not write such words with my current temperament. What prompted me to continue writing was that when she took the easy reward money on my key and brushed it off, I stretched out my right hand. She carefully avoided touching my hand and gently dropped the key over the palm of her hand.

That's exactly what she did, when I met her for the first time at the campus shop, the day when I just finished my graduation ceremony. 

I fell into her at the first sight. She was using a scanner to check items at the cashier. Her short hair. Her seriousness. 

She dropped the change into my hand, carefully avoiding touch. 

I asked her out for ice cream at night; I went to a remote bank for dealing with my offer with her accompanied; we stayed up all night at KFC for preparing her final exams; I took her hand when she was teaching me roller skating; a story about an umbrella which I told her in the library; we slept under the roof of stadium, with hundreds of people around us; we took a walk me at the playground the night before I left.

I wanna tell you I like you.
I've known that.

I wanna ask you do you like me.

she didn't answer, which answered me.

"I love Kelly. Goodbye."

That's the last sentence I said. Had it rehearsed.

Thank you Kelly for sharing the time with me. Though it was as short as two weeks, I never felt any regret, and they gradually become my precious memory. For the rest of our journey, we would be blessed by these memories and find someone to walk together. 

I loved you. Take care.

(2014-07-17 03:56)


Classification: one
If we use two words to describe the past 24 years, there is only the word "perceptual". Most of the decisions in life, most of the things that happen, are the inexpressible excitement that makes the body tremble, and the decisions made in an instant.

I often say that I am a man of great spirit. "A conical strawberry cake, the gap between not eating and eating the first bite, has reached its climax". All my previous pursuits in life were the blank. It has never existed physically, but since I was conscious, I knew that it was all the meaning I wanted to find in my life and all my happiness.

I once thought that in my previous life, there had never been a moment of real freedom. The completely dominated spiritual independence must be supported by materials, which is my understanding of freedom. Only when I really start to earn money, I think that is the beginning of the true meaning of my life.

However, I didn't seem to prepare specially, because once I prepared deliberately, the blank that fascinated me like a mystery seemed to be destroyed.

Near graduation, I imagined myself stepping into the working environment. I feel that I am about to start the life that I have been waiting for for a long time.

However, in some previous scenes, something happened that made me change my mind. I can't remember those things, but this idea has become more and more clear with the constant shock of life.

What I think of is the word that describes "the inescapable reality" and what I understand as "conditional happiness". When I thought that I was about to arrive at the "pure happiness" that comes from time and growth, I began to change my mind and said, "Let me think about it". It's ironic.

This is the price of enjoying happiness, the condition of life, and the beginning of another kind of life.

Let me keep 99% of my sensibility and be myself forever. The remaining one percent is reserved for the new you.

(2014-02-11 19:46)


Classification: ust
The MTR slowed down slowly on the approach bridge above the ground at Kowloon Bay Station, I stood with my right hand holding the handrail, The line of sight stops on the window unconsciously. The scattered stores in the night light up yellow light, in the background of dark night, the light source around the indistinct hazy. These lights occasionally appear, meet my eyes at some time, and then hide behind the invisible door. My heart was moved like a riddle. This is my first time here. I am fresh and nervous, unfamiliar and familiar, and I am looking forward to people and things in the future. I stepped back, my heart was purer than before for a second.

Get off and walk through the not narrow waiting area and enter the opposite carriage. Because there is no special reason, I have to still look out of the window. Grasping the handrail and standing to look out of the window is probably one of the most natural things when taking the subway. When the train accelerates to leave the station, the subway on the opposite side appears unexpectedly and tacitly. It drives into the station in the same direction and slowly slows down. Before it can stop completely, it disappears into the visible line of sight.

I was a little surprised, so I had this idea. People always inevitably get off a train that is going to stop, cross the waiting area, take another train opposite, and go to the next place. Among these people, one sat on the bench in the waiting area and quietly observed the interlaced crowd. It was the look of someone I chased, stopped after the door of the following carriage closed, and then chased the next one. It's not because I'm tired and have no strength to stand up, but I've sat here for too long, and I've forgotten where I came from and where I'm going, The train after train before me has become a senseless landscape and the reason why the hair falls into the corner of the eye. When I noticed in a moment, what appeared in front of me was the oppressive roaring train that even felt difficult to breathe, and the thin vibration and coolness left in the air after the train disappeared. This is the comfort zone, It can not be crowded, can be protected, and can sit down. To this end, I have missed many opportunities, They paid a huge price.

"Maybe at some point in my memory, I knew where I wanted to go."

(2013-12-14 00:27)


Classification: ust
"What a coincidence." The only thing left for the seaside party was chocolate and orange juice.

"Yes. What a coincidence." There was no rain in the elevator, so we had to fold the umbrella.

"Have you finished your exam?" You should wear glasses when going out, otherwise you will be recognized when crossing the street.

"There will be an exam next week." Be careful when you cross the tunnel or it will become a prophecy.

"Oh, so. Review and cheer up." It's tea time to have dinner.

"Well, you too. See you again." I'm not fourteen years old. Do you think so when I wear a black windbreaker to discuss the exam  

"Well, good." Even if you catch a person sitting, you can only be tacitly gentle and silent in green.

"Let's talk about it next time." Under the street lamp in the night wind, I seem to see your face clearly for the first time.

Now I'm still a zero. I haven't been able to protect myself and anyone else. Therefore, some words cannot be said casually, because after they are said, they must bear the corresponding consequences and responsibilities. But I know that such a day is coming to an end, and I want to make myself as strong as possible before the end, so that I can do what I want to do, protect the people I want to protect, and say what I haven't been able to say.

This is the beginning of a story that is inconceivable in any case. I don't want to break it, so be patient, don't force, continue to maintain courage and smile, honest and kind, to deal with such a miracle. Time will make people understand themselves and another person, And some things can only be proved by time.

"Let's talk about it next time." It didn't rain today. I really want it to rain.

(2013-11-26 16:50)


Classification: ust
In Wuhan, I went out with girls several times. As for places to play, they are probably Qunguang, Jianghan Road, Optics Valley, etc. It's not that I didn't want to go to the Botanical Garden or Moshan, but I'm really not interested in the natural scenery. I feel that it's the most comfortable thing for two people to walk and talk on the road full of the smell of the market (Guangbu Village on the weekend is just a specimen of the "smell of the market"), or to find a place to eat. But after all, they can't walk all the time, so most of the time, two people take the bus just before dinner, find a place to eat, and then walk back together. When there is a subway, I will take the subway, but I still try to walk back. Occasionally, I thought, "Hey, why don't you get off at any station and go shopping?" But I didn't say anything after all.

In subway carriages, especially on the journey from Guangbutun to Jianghan Road or Optics Valley, there are always girls in cool clothes. I have seen more (the normal school will not talk about it). As time goes by, I can roughly judge their age from their appearance. For example, wearing hot pants, short sleeved T-shirts, Converse shoes, two or three people are chatting around the handrail while looking left and right; Wearing black silk, suspenders, and eight centimeter high heels, two sophomores are sitting in their seats playing with their mobile phones respectively; Wearing a short skirt, wearing color matching flip flops with her boyfriend, and holding his neck and laughing hard is a junior; Wear a one-piece dress with suspenders, bare legs, and black rimless glasses. When you look at you carelessly, the most innocent one is the senior.

What, you said in winter? This one.

It's a coincidence that when I went out to play with girls, I never met the former girls who followed the same path and went out to play with me in the same restaurant (even the things I ordered were the same). However, it is hard to avoid such a situation when the atmosphere is good on the way to dinner.

"By the way, there is a funny thing. The thing I told you about the library last time is actually..."
So he talked for a few minutes. As expected, she covered her mouth and laughed. I still have some experience in making short haired girls in the Foreign Language Department laugh at me.
"Ha ha, it's very interesting." She stopped smiling, lifted her chin with her right hand, and turned to look out of the window at night, Say gently, "But you didn't tell me about the library."

So now I ask, "By the way, have you heard about the library?"

(2013-10-28 04:40)


Classification: ust
"It's better to become mature from tomorrow."



Classification: ust
I used to think that in the future, people need to live by themselves, so I just need to learn the skills that can make "one person" live.

But recently, I gradually feel that, Everyone, especially me, who is so sensitive, can't live alone in reality.

If there is no mood fluctuation, no desire, there will be no pain and relaxation, but not happiness.

Once there is an emotional fluctuation, negative, even a little bit, will also hysteria, lift off the roof. I admit that I can't calm down and engage in rational work because of such emotions. This is my deathbed. Some people once said to me that I would not disturb my study or work because of emotional fluctuations, but I can't. Very weak.

If I want some people to accompany me, sit with me, stand with me, or walk in such an emotion, let me hold their hands and let them pat me on the shoulder, would that be selfish.

This time, I gave up resistance. I admit that sometimes I can and would rather walk, eat and listen to music alone without being disturbed. But if I am asked to live completely in such a life, I cannot continue to live. When I was in college, I always felt that the more noisy the study room was, the better I would learn. Because if there were many people, I would feel relieved. If it is in winter, I will feel warm.

Sometimes when I walk alone in the crowd, I will not feel lonely and wonder if I will meet you unexpectedly. I am eager to find a person who can tell, and find a person who is very similar to me. Not to let her guess, but to hope that what I think, others think strange, and she will understand, It's not strange.

If it is selfish to do so, I will not excuse myself, I admit. This is just another kind of selfishness for me, just like before I was just living selfishly.
However, the people I want to know do not have the mentality of using them like this.

I just think, When I was asked to care about them, I felt that I was also cared about by something.

I can't live alone, but I don't feel ashamed.

If I want something in my heart, I will do it and start it. I only want to do it physically, and I will not consider the consequences.

every single day, When I do something I'm afraid of, I become brave. Perhaps the reason for doing so is that I hope that one day, one moment in the future, When I need to be brave, at that time, I will not be afraid.

(2013-09-29 01:31)


Classification: ust
I want to listen to this song, so I turn back to 7-11.

I have noticed more than before. The drum sound, electric guitar sound and piano sound that I didn't notice before can make me not sing the lyrics but listen carefully

Another reason is that every time I walk back at night, I always have an idea. I think it doesn't matter if I go to 7-11 very late, but I may meet someone. meet
You, won't you. Maybe I will not be happy to meet you, because it is very near, isn't it.

So far, I still There is no change. But I don't force, like, forgive, and grow up with him.  

When I walk with my back straight, I sometimes feel a little different.  

Think about it, Think of the sadness of graduation. Nine months, very short, not short. I still have things I want to do, people I want to meet, words I want to say, and people I want to be.
I think that's enough, As long as I'm brave enough.

"I hope I never regret every day here."

Whether studying in the daytime or not, I'm fine if I try so hard, In my life, There has never been such a short, comfortable and delusional moment
This is a moment that can not be measured by material things, such a happy mood, such a mood of "maybe meeting you" every time I go to 7-11 at night, and such a mood of missing you. I think this is the whole meaning of life that I, and another me, are willing to work hard in the real world.

I have a rule for myself. Except making up my mind to go out, I never listen to music in the daytime. Because I said, daytime is the time to study. But at night, I call out another person who is also true. I listen to songs, hum while walking, and don't care about everyone around me.

If you see it, you will be surprised, How brave I am.



Classification: ust
Sure enough, it's all after such things.

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