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 Nine bunches of wood
Nine bunches of wood
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(2018-11-05 22:49)

The air is getting colder, the clothes are getting thicker, and the spirit and body are becoming lazy. In the ordinary recent days, the stomach is abnormal and inexplicably nostalgic for the taste of whisky. What's the extent of the craving for wine? I didn't sleep in the middle of the night. I picked up my neighbor on WeChat and asked if you had any wine at home? Heaven is attached to the neighbors. They not only have wine, but also beer and red whiskey.

In the middle of the night, I wrapped up my clothes and went downstairs with my hat on, as if I was soaking in a vat of wine the next second. After two cups, it's not enough, but it's hard to bother for a long time. Put on your clothes and get up. Exposed to the cold air again, your cheeks are slightly red and hot. There is an unspeakable subtle feeling in the cold wind. Although the wine is good, it is better to drink by yourself. I bought a bottle online and delivered it the next morning. When the courier knocked at the door, I was lying on the bed, like a hungry dog smelling the call of food, and jumped out of the bed in an instant.

Think about whisky. It was many years ago when I first met him
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(2018-10-17 23:00)
The autumn wind rises, the white frost falls, and another autumn is getting colder.
The temperature drops to the lower place, and the solitude every night adds a sense of ritual.
Not confused
The fine lines increased in January, and the skin color became darker and darker. More and more smoke.
The most secure feeling comes from work unexpectedly.
In old age, there is no restlessness, no rebellion, and most of them are talking to themselves.
Only listen to your favorite music. Even if there is no alcohol, lighting a cigarette in the middle of the night and strings of jazz music can make people drunk.
The older you get, the more you like being alone. You don't want to share your space with anyone. Sometimes you don't even want to talk. You want to be a mute day by day.
Stunned, stunned, silly, are so comfortable.
With his chin resting on the corner of the table, he closed his eyes and sat cross legged on the paved floor. A song can be read carefully for a long time.
Hunger clears my head
The appetite that is losing day by day, however, can always kill a rifle in the dead of night.
Just like tonight, I'm talking to myself again, and I don't know what to say.

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(2018-04-18 23:33)

At one o'clock in the morning

Get out of the station in the haze

The wind by the river is bone chilling

Opposite bank

Like the light in the yarn

Gently swaying on the river


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(2016-10-04 20:05)

The wind is rushing in the starry night. The sky is so big and there are so many stars. Even the clouds are bright white and can be seen clearly. The wind was so strong that it could not enter the window sill a foot wide. The sky is vast, looking up at the Milky Way, leaning against the windowsill, letting the wind brush past your face. There is a one foot window sill between me and the outside world, but the wind always slips through the window and never crosses the window sill. Reach out, touch, but can't see, can feel, but can't embrace. When the wind blows, the grass sea turns into waves, but no boat can chase the wind and waves.

The sky is so high and wide, where is it going in a hurry? Under the street lamp, the light and shadow whirled, and the leaves fell one wave after another. Pedestrians are also sparse, and only the sound of passing vehicles can be heard at the moment. The insects disappeared, and the cat was quiet. There was only a repeated piano music accompanied by the orange night light in the corner. Get up and go downstairs and buy two bottles of Xiaoerguotou.
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(2016-08-23 21:20)

Time is like turning a book. People live like mayflies.

When people are under the scorching sun, the shadow behind them seems to be attached to them. The air is hot and dry, and the dust is flying in the sun. People come and go like waves in this dust
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(2015-12-10 22:08)

You walked into the fog

soundless and stirless

Wind near ear

Rolling your breath


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(2015-11-22 20:54)

      When I woke up in the morning, the whole world was white, and no defects could be seen. The skyline was foggy, with snowflakes, and the distant high-rise buildings were wrapped like pillows filled with cotton. Pedestrians hurried. I wore a coat, a scarf, and leather shoes, and walked in the cold wind and snow street, smoking the last cigarette. A few days ago, the gorgeous leaves were covered without trace. Occasionally, a string of sparse footprints could not be traced to which direction when walking. That scene reminds me of the heavy snow in the film "Hibernation". It is boring and the plot is general, as if there is no end.


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(2015-09-14 21:34)
This summer, we walked very fast. We walked all the way to the end of April, and the weather gradually forced us to withdraw our spring clothes. The hot wind carried by the spring breeze directly teaches people to dry their lips. This is how summer comes. The continuous heat makes people covet the coolness of spring and autumn. The heat is steaming, and the whole person seems to be asleep in depression. The weather this year is naturally much better. Unlike the past two years, clear skies and white clouds are a luxury. This year, they are like regular visitors. After a gust of wind and rain, they will shine with the morning light all day.

A rare and occasional trip to Beijing also encountered a rare good weather. Riding a tricycle, I ran like a flash in the alley near the Forbidden City. The trees on both sides of the road are not big or lush, but the sunshine is mottled. If you close your eyes and raise your head, the flickering light is like catkins in the wind, rubbing your face and making you drunk. still
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(2015-03-11 13:34)



grow up

Beginning of Spring

The Waking of Insects

                  Just after the Spring Festival, I saw several people posting the opening monologue of "Beginning of Spring" on microblog or in the circle of friends, After the beginning of spring, there is no sign of spring in the city, but the wind is really different. It seems that the wind becomes gentle and moist overnight. As soon as this wind blows, I want to cry. I know I am moved by myself. " I remember watching this movie at that time, I was also attracted by this monologue. I felt that this paragraph was beautiful, but beautiful and lonely. I felt that another paragraph of Wang Cailing made me feel that a person's heart, sometimes, is like a monologue, even a black and white silent film, acting alone and performing for myself. Every spring
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(2014-07-24 15:32)

This kind of thing rarely happens to me. When I imagine that something will happen, it is just wishful thinking. There are too many illusions, but they are only illusions after all.

Get off work on time every day and no longer work overtime. The weekend time is used to sleep late, do something to eat, or be in a daze. Every day is very mediocre. When I was waiting for the bus after work yesterday, I suddenly thought of someone. I was wondering if there would be any sudden connection. Sure enough, I really received the message after getting on the subway. Ask me if I have time to have dinner together.

Delighted, like picking up gold on the roadside. I said just
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