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chinese medicine

diet tyerapy



        Asthma, sore throat, phlegm... Sudden cough symptoms often make people "unprepared". In fact, in addition to taking medicine for the symptoms, fruits also have unexpected effects, which can help you alleviate cough symptoms. When coughing with asthma, or dry cough without sputum, you can eat apricot.


Because apricot contains amygdalin, which has the functions of relieving cough and expelling phlegm, warming the lung and dispelling cold, its kernel has stronger antitussive and antiasthmatic effects. In addition, when coughing, eat bananas or pineapples, the effect is also good.


Inflammatory cough, may as well eat some oranges

If the cough is accompanied by a sore throat, it is an inflammatory cough. You may as well eat some oranges. Tangerine contains volatile oil, limonene, etc., which can promote the increase of respiratory tract mucous membrane secretion, alleviate bronchospasm, and has the effects of expectoration, cough relief, and asthma relief. In addition, hesperidin in oranges contains vitamin





health preservation




Urban people are very busy in their daily life. They often fail to take into account their own physical problems. Some problems are not noticed when they are relatively shallow. When they are found, they are very serious and even life-threatening. Therefore, we must pay great attention to the alarms sent by our bodies, and always pay attention to the signs that will appear before our bodies get sick. Six of these transient symptoms require special attention, otherwise life will be in danger.


   First, numbness and tingling of arms and legs, mental disorder, dizziness, trembling and incoherent speech. Especially if the above situation occurs on the face or one side of the body, it may be a stroke, that is, a precursor of stroke, indicating that the artery supplying oxygen to the brain is blocked or broken.


   Second, chest pain or discomfort, arm, jaw, neck pain, sudden cold sweat, extreme weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or shortness of breath. This is a precursor to a heart attack. In addition, some patients will have "painless" heart disease, the most critical precursor is: sudden dizziness, heartbeats and



reduce weight

skin whitening

Tender skin


Miscellaneous talk


As we all know, lemon is a nutritious fruit rich in vitamin C, which is generally regarded as a beauty food.

In fact, the substances contained in lemon, after reasonable deployment, are very effective weight loss substances. It can make you become an outstanding woman with beauty and body while enjoying the delicious lemon.





Dry skin and long spots are signs of water shortage in the body. In addition, headache, nausea, irritability and other phenomena may also be signs of water shortage in the body. Now let's have a self check to see if there is a lack of water in the body. After that, you might as well eat more food to replenish water and be a wet woman!


Performance of water shortage in the body

1. A headache. As a result of lack of water, there will be headaches. If you feel some headache, don't rush out the pain killer. You can drink a glass of water first to relieve it.






    For many people today, they are busy working and studying every day. They have no extra time to do sports and take care of their own bodies. Some uncomfortable symptoms are always not alleviated. As a result, they may accumulate serious diseases over time. Therefore, even if we don't have time to exercise, we should also take appropriate activities, Do some small actions to alleviate. Here are seven simple small actions that you can do every day to gain great health.






Oral ulcer is a common symptom in daily life. One has encountered it more or less in his life. Usually, oral ulcer can heal itself through rest, diet adjustment, and keeping the stool unobstructed. Some patients only need to take local medicine or several Chinese herbs to recover, and generally will not have serious adverse consequences on the whole body. However, if oral ulcer occurs repeatedly, it will affect people's daily diet and normal life. Especially for oral ulcers with unknown causes, we should not blindly use drugs, but go to the hospital to find out the causes and treat symptomatically.

  Oral ulcer is related to oral environment and other factors
Oral ulcer, also known as "aphthous ulcer", is a superficial ulcer that occurs on the oral mucosa. Ulcer has the characteristics of periodicity and recurrence, and it tends to occur on the lip, cheek, tongue edge, etc. Although its etiology and pathogenesis are still unclear, it is clinically found that its occurrence is related to the following factors.

Oral ulcer is related to oral environment. It is generally believed that oral ulcer may be caused by "getting angry". When we eat food with too high temperature or too heavy taste, it is easy to cause damage to oral mucosa, which will lead to oral ulcer. However, there are many other reasons for the formation of oral ulcer. For example, virus and bacterial infections, microcirculation disorders, genetic factors, endocrine disorders and other reasons caused by oral hygiene may lead to oral ulcers. At the same time, when the body is short of zinc, iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B1, human immunity will also decline, which is also the cause of oral ulcer



chinese medicine



health preservation

          Traditional Chinese medicine experts point out that it is good for health to massage the abdomen in traditional Chinese medicine. Regular massage of the abdomen can make you live longer.

Massage has many advantages. It is easy to learn and easy to operate. It can relax the body and also play a role in health care. The parts we often press may be the feet, waist and neck. In fact, there is another part we should pay attention to, that is, the abdomen.


  TCM Massage Abdomen for Longer Life


In fact, abdominal massage has long existed in Chinese history. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine records that "kneading the abdomen is a recipe for health preservation". Sun Simiao, a famous doctor, once wrote: "It is better to rub the abdomen frequently, and you can cure all kinds of diseases." These medical classics and famous Chinese physicians have long proposed this wonderful method of health preservation. However, how can you press and rub your abdomen to have a corresponding health preserving effect? Health preservation does not mean that you can press it, but you need to pay attention to skills and tips. Now, let's follow Xiao Bian to listen to what Chinese medicine says.


Massage includes kneading, pressing and kneading. It is suggested that the thenar of the palm of the hand be used to massage the acupoint of Kupan, while the finger is used to massage the acupoint of Jianjing. Massage should be gentle, moderate in strength, comfortable and not too forceful, otherwise it may



Traditional Chinese medicine health care focuses on regulating the balance of qi and blood, yin and yang. There are two parts in our body, which are the focus of health care, namely fingers and the abdomen.


   Knead fingers to dredge main and collateral channels

When you have nothing to do, you can often knead your fingers, because on both sides of your fingers, there are well points of the human meridians, which are generally the endpoints of the meridians.


Kneading fingers can dredge the meridians and regulate yin and yang.


   Three Ways to Keep Your Abdomen Healthy

The lower abdomen is the center of the human body, so it plays a key role in balancing qi and blood.


Take a belly pat once a week to expel toxins. The fat on both sides of the navel is the most abundant, or press it to the place where there is fat caking. Use both palms of your hands to beat continuously for 10 minutes, with slight force, to shoot out the red, purple, blue, black and other different colors of ecchymosis, which is the expression of the internal cold, damp, fire and poison stagnation. Drink a cup of warm water immediately after shooting to speed up detoxification. Beat it once a week. After several times of continuous beating, it will be found that the ecchymosis gradually decreases, and in the end, the ecchymosis will basically not reappear, which will play a role.


Knock Tianshu twice a day to knock Tianshu point (on both sides of the navel, with three horizontal fingers) to pass the intestines, defecate, and pass the intestines. Fat will not accumulate and metabolize smoothly. Knock at least two times a day for 5-10 minutes each time until the abdomen is hot.




reduce weight



Miscellaneous talk



Traditional Chinese massage has always been popular with people. Correct massage can not only cure and prevent diseases, but also help to maintain health. Frequent pressing the navel can prevent constipation and eliminate abdominal fat; Often pressing the ear can prevent frostbite and help nourish the kidney; Pressing the chest can strengthen the cardiopulmonary function; Press the back to improve immunity and prevent colds; Pressing the spine can promote digestion and prevent common spinal diseases.


   Special Zone 1: Abdominal navel

   Key words of health preservation: eliminating abdominal fat, prevention and treatment constipation

The belly and navel is the health care "fortress" that health care experts attach great importance to. Traditional Chinese medicine calls the central belly and navel the "divine palace". Massage the abdomen and navel to stimulate and regulate, which can benefit the lung and kidney, calm the nerves and calm the heart, relax the liver and gallbladder, clear the triple energizer, prevent diseases and strengthen the body.

Massaging abdomen also has a good auxiliary treatment effect on arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and obesity.

Health care methods:

Overlap your hands and press them on your navel



delicious food


health preservation



Porphyra is a kind of marine plant of red algae, which is mainly used for soup with rich nutrition and delicious taste.


Laver has always been regarded as one of the precious seafood, with high edible and medicinal value, so it has the reputation of "longevity vegetable".


Porphyra is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B12, B1, A, C, E, etc.  


It contains almost the same protein as soybeans, 6 times as much as rice, 67 times as much vitamin A as milk, 9 times more riboflavin than mushrooms, and 70 times more vitamin C than cabbage.


It also contains choline, carrot, thiamine and other nutrients.


Due to its high protein content, laver is easy to digest and absorb, and is very suitable for the elderly.


Laver can prevent human aging. It contains a lot of


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