Tour of Korean Traditional Market
Tour of Korean Traditional Market
There are many traditional markets with unique charm in South Korea. Here, you can taste special folk snacks that are not available in high-end hotels, buy folk handicrafts and clothes with unique styles, and buy local specialties with the best quality. In this issue of Yuebo, let's follow the camera of Sina blogger and walk into the traditional markets in Seoul, Busan and Jeju Island to feel the unique charm of the traditional market in South Korea.
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Yuebo Supplement Issue 71

Seoul Traditional Market

Tongren Market: Taste the popular copper coin box lunch

Tongren Market, located in the center of West Village, is a place where tradition and modernity, life and culture coexist. It has been selected as the "traditional market with Seoul characteristics". Korean popular variety shows such as "running man" and "two days and one night" have been filmed here, and many Korean locals also often come to eat.
When you come to Tongren Market, you must taste the most creative, unique and favorite local food - copper coin boxed lunch. As the name implies, the boxed lunch here is not a direct payment for the current Korean coins, but a purchase of copper coins equivalent to Korean coins in cash. Then you can go to the booth where you can use the copper coins to choose your favorite food, and pay the copper coins according to the "two numbers" of each food. This coin box lunch can not only satisfy your taste buds, but also reproduce the scene of people's commodity trading in the old days. It is delicious and interesting, and must not be missed!

Nandaemun Market: Experience the street life of Seoul residents

Nandaemun Market, which has been operating traditionally for more than 600 years, is a place that truly reflects the life of Seoul's citizens. It is a comprehensive market that sells clothing, ceramics, daily necessities, jewelry, precious metals, kitchen supplies, household appliances, wedding supplies, stationery, and local products. Most people can buy high-quality and inexpensive goods here, and it has the widest business scope in South Korea The largest comprehensive market, with a wide range of goods, a complete range.
Here, you can freely choose your favorite Korean specialties and local specialties. The premise is to remember to exchange enough Korean coins at the exchange point first, because you can't use your card here, and only US dollars are charged for foreign currency. I walked around the market at random, bought some interesting trinkets and refrigerator stickers, and watched the slow life of Seoul people in the city, comfortable and carefree.

Dongdaemun Market: the legendary Taobao hot spot

Seoul Dongmen Market was born in 1905. Since it was designated as a clothing wholesaler street, it has developed at an astonishing speed. It is said that about 30 shopping malls, more than 30000 stores and more than 50000 manufacturers gathered here, making Dongmen a bustling business district for everyone in Seoul and one of the largest wholesale markets in Asia.
       Taobao often sees the words "Dongdaemun Explosives", which is the Dongdaemun Market. Now Dongdaemun Business District has become the "barometer" of the fashion industry in Seoul. As soon as the clothes of popular movie stars appear on the TV screen, the dress designers of Dongdaemun will stay up late to make identical fashions. In terms of retail, it mainly serves the youngest and fashionable customer group aged 17-25 years old. Its business hours are up to 18 hours. It can be said that this is the world's longest business clothing wholesale market.

Busan Traditional Market

International market: Busan market worth taking time to visit

Busan International Market is located in the 4th street of Xinchangdong, central district of Busan wide area. It is reported that after the end of the war in 1950, people who fled to Busan to avoid the war gathered together and began to engage in trade activities, forming the predecessor of the market.
It was once the largest trading market in South Korea. Centered on the space in Hutong, it connected with each other, connecting small markets such as Fuping market and iron can market. All the articles needed for daily life can be bought in the market, with a wide variety of goods. The reason why this international market is so popular is actually from the Korean film "International Market" of the same name. It is said that it is very moving, so it has set a box office record. The music melody in the film is moving. Most of the things sold in the international market are for living at home.

Tin can market: enjoy baked paintings in special shops

The tin can market is located at 17, 53rd Street, Zhongqu Road, Zhongqu District, Pusan Guangyu City. The name "tin can market" originates from the fact that after the end of the 6.25 war, with the arrival of the US military, military supplies and other goods were also imported into Busan, especially canned products such as fruits and seafood, so people affectionately call it "tin can market".
       At that time, it also became a market with large sales scale of imported products nationwide. Nowadays, foreign wine, clothing, decorations and other commodities in the tin can market are selling well. Especially in the night market, there are 11 traditional food stalls and various special snacks and small commodities from Japan, the Philippines and other countries. If there are Temple Street Night Market and Women's Street in Hong Kong, and Shilin Night Market in Taiwan, the permanent night market in South Korea is the Fuping Iron Can Market, known as the first night market in South Korea.

Jeju Island Traditional Market

Occasionally come to the market every day: look for special food like a runner

Xiguipu Daily Occasional Market is the largest market in Xiguipu City, Jeju Island. It is a traditional market formed naturally in the early 1960s and has laid a foundation for the economic development of Xiguipu. It plays a central role in the civilian economy of Xiguipu City, with a "king" shaped structure inside, which is very convenient for shopping.
Every day, I come to the market occasionally because the Korean variety show Running Man was filmed here. During this visit to Xiguipu, I came to the market every day to experience the task of visiting the market and looking for the special food of Jeju Island. The five special foods we were asked to look for were: fruit based drinks, fish like cakes, round and white and purple cakes, raw seafood, and fried rice cakes. Did we finish the task this time?

Dongmen Market: a good place for shopping with high cost performance

Jeju Dongmen Market is a commercial base of Jeju formed after the liberation of South Korea in 1945, and a traditional market that perfectly shows the life of the residents of Jeju Island. The Dongmen Market has a long history and retains the characteristics of the traditional market intact. It has more varieties of goods and cheaper prices than large supermarkets. With the development of tourism in Jeju Island, and the market is close to Jeju Airport, it has become a good place for tourists to eat and shop on the island.
At present, the Dongmen market has reached more than 300 stores, and the business varieties include fruits, aquatic products, clothing, local specialties, groceries, etc. Jinan, represented by Hanafeng citrus and orange, has a wide range of specialty products with favorable prices. Therefore, it has attracted many tourists visiting Jeju to come to Taobao and become a popular shopping attraction.

About Yuebo Supplement

Yuebo is an in-depth current affairs interpretation column exclusively planned by Sina Blog Channel. Yuebo Supplement is a supplement to Yuebo, which deeply interprets culture, life, film and television and other interesting aspects.

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