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 Li Zixun
Li Zixun
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"Man cannot step into the same river twice" is the famous saying of Heraclitus, the philosopher of ancient Greek materialism.








          People's life is always going on in uncertain situations. Although some people are willing to spend a lot of time and thought to predict and plan the future, when they think about it, everything seems very simple. When they do it, they find that the plan can never keep up with changes. If they knew this early, they would lose more than gain by spending time thinking carefully about the future.    


          Westerners like to say "just do”, The implication is that you can think well by trying to do it. The pursuit of life purpose is a macro power, but don't "just think", thinking is one thing, doing is another



Create three environments for children's healthy growth

Postscript to The Secret of Early Education

If the life system of the earth really comes from the breeding and evolution of nature and becomes human after 450 million years of squareness, then the natural environment or ecological environment should be the first environment for the birth and development of life.

Chinese families lack courtyards, but it is advisable to prepare a simulated small natural environment for children, including sunshine, starry sky, clean water, plants, natural wind and morning dew, and furniture is made of natural materials, such as wood, cotton, linen, sandstone, etc. When a child is pregnant, the mother's womb is the product of natural evolution, but the mother's mentality, emotion, thought, behavior, diet may have been completely socialized or humanistic. As a compensation for natural information, a pregnant mother to be can get closer to nature. When she is free, she can go to the countryside to breathe the fragrance of soil and grass, and bathe in the sun and breeze, It is necessary to feel the comfort of being embraced by nature. The pregnant mother maintains a slightly joyful state of mind, which is not joy and happiness, but a feeling of tranquility, stretch and satisfaction after kissing roses and taking deep breaths. Because the mother's heartbeat is the rhythm of the child's life, excessive emotions such as excitement and sadness will upset the fetus. Life and nature are integrated. In the initial stage of the birth and formation of life, infants' perception and nature are open and connected to each other. Therefore, the pregnant mother and children under 3 years old will be more in contact with nature, which will add wisdom and spirituality to the children.




Food safety, traffic safety, trust crisis, violent crime, corruption and abuse of power... The rise of microblog gives us the opportunity to learn about these social events at the first time. Although it helps people to understand more truth, it also increases our sense of insecurity, as if we are always living in a world with crises and traps. "I want to say that it takes courage to know the truth". The truth may collapse when we were young



From a philosophical perspective, people can only live in the present, not tomorrow or yesterday Life is always spent in today. Only when tomorrow becomes today can people really Enjoy it. People can live for tomorrow, because human perception of time is connected with consciousness The product of continuity, tomorrow is a segmentation mark of time invented by human beings, but it doesn't exist At. Human beings are in a state of being able to predict the external world and self existence in the near future The animals and plants in nature have no such mental ability. For them Things are unknown. They can only be felt when they are in the scene. People don't know Can clearly know, but rarely feel. Living in the present is based on feeling, how much It excludes rationality and reasoning, so when reading Living in the Present, it said, "What should I do When "how", I can only smile, because "how" must be related to tomorrow. The life system is largely recognized


Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today six year two hundred and twenty-eight God, I got my badge    

  • 2006.01.22 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2006.01.22 I wrote my first blog post: "Our sense of security comes from the culture we choose".
  • 2009.10.18 , I

Miscellaneous talk

The third EAP executive training of Li Zixun Studio will be held in Beijing from June 28 to July 1, 2012. Please follow the website of the studio http://www.lizixun.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=123 thank you!

Miscellaneous talk

Children are natural spirits



      Humans originally had a simple understanding of the world. They accepted nature in a natural way. Before children were bound by language, nature was presented in a free way in children's eyes, which was far more beautiful, natural and colorful than adults' view of the world. Life originates from nature, so all information contained in nature nourishes life. Naturally, children do not need to work hard to adapt, because it is a whole with children. Children need to adapt to the society and environment established by human science and civilization, especially urban life and interpersonal environment. Every parent should be aware of this fact. All our efforts to teach children are aimed at pushing them into the human society. If human development is also the result of natural attributes and arrangements, love, language, art, family, urbanization... life expresses its advanced form in an aesthetic way.

      But if we count war, killing, deforestation, animal extinction, chemical pollution, etc., do we have the courage to say that we still belong to nature? If human society has already deviated from the arrangement of nature, then parents' efforts to teach children to learn discourse, communication, competition, and technology is to gradually keep children away from nature. Objectively speaking, such efforts do bring many opportunities and benefits for children's social development in the future, but if the guidance is too early and too fast, sometimes children will take a big risk


Miscellaneous talk

Family is the "cradle" of children's growth


      The family is the "cradle" of children's growth. Many parents tend to ignore the gradual order of children's psychological and behavioral development or personality needs when raising and educating children, and are eager to "clone" a good child according to the model of society. This practice of cutting feet to fit the shoes will make many children


Miscellaneous talk

        Li Zixun Studio, following the post-modern online training primary class held in 2010, is now ceremoniously launching an intermediate class plan. The course adds practical operation guidance on the basis of teaching psychological consulting technology. For psychological professionals and enterprise staff, it has set up psychological consulting improvement technology and EAP (Employee Assistance Program) skill application courses, with the purpose of "knowledge teaching" and "interactive experience" , "case teaching" and other forms to achieve the perfect combination of psychological skills and EAP implementation.

      Note: EAP Employee  Assistance  Program )Employee Assistance Program Promote the development of the enterprise with systematic, targeted, integrated and long-term services and scientific and standardized operation methods, reduce the work pressure of employees, improve interpersonal relationships and improve the quality of life; Assist enterprises to create a creative working atmosphere, improve enterprise performance and reduce operating costs.


      1、 Enrollment target


Any psychotherapist, human resources worker, psychologist and enthusiast who is interested in engaging in EAP project.

Managers and workers of the human resources department within the enterprise;

Psychological counselors and EAP service professionals within the enterprise;

Management personnel, contracted consultants and trainers of professional EAP service agencies;

Enterprise trainers;

Party and government cadres


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