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 Li Xiaoming
Li Xiaoming
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(2020-05-06 15:02)

Compared with the red movement of the Brownian rush Long term rest brought by non cellular organisms is comparable to facial cramps caused by laughter ..

I am still in winter vacation or summer vacation in Northeast China, where the average temperature has reached more than 10 degrees Go to work on time every day Online teaching, drinking water, exercising, dithering on Weibo, always performing the job that I dreamed of At the same time, there is also inexplicable anxiety in the bottom of my heart. Students should still be in a state of idle death and not learning Cause to gradually wear away the ever strong desire for control The shooting method of Shaoqing's short video immediately diluted his inexplicable anxiety that he had not enjoyed the sunshine of Chunsheng and Xiamao for many years

The classroom is still full of the beauty in the youth idol drama and the stories of each scene, but now it is quiet and can calm the readers' mood Make the story more warm and free from roaring waves Artificial lawns and green tree walls are lush, because the real grass has disappeared. Finally, the serf turns over and steps on a few feet, and can clearly hear the broken grass stems It's like an epic achievement with the first footprint in the snow Supermarkets and bookstores that used to be crowded with people are attributed to Yinshi. The sun is constantly washing away the stinking copper door, and unknown grass sprouts in front of it. Finally, it exudes the elegance of a grocery store And the spirit of the booksellers No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need to listen to the bell. No need Luo Tuo indulges himself in everything and is proud of himself. No need to bear to play the role of a strict teacher Although the wind and dust are rich and the lines sing There are also male toilets that can accept meals inside


(2018-11-22 20:38)

The middle-aged crisis happens as scheduled, and you will fall from the tip of a needle into the air and sink to pieces in a trance Balance of power between laziness and panic Only by looking down at the road can we look up at the stars ..

Running around in the early morning for self-study and escaping from bed with cold air may no longer be a century's problem for middle-aged men Go to the office, open the computer, play music, boil water, browse microblog, brew coffee ... a red office full of communist atmosphere of party journals and exercises will occasionally drift into a small undercurrent of capitalism But it will not be rampant Next People's teachers who have worked hard for communism all their lives are ready to collect their homework

Wandering in droves, absent-minded in watching Unconscious experience can never satisfy people's extravagant hopes The constant change and persistence will gradually precipitate in the absence of time Only then has the burning value spirit and the listening life structure It is far easier to plan the society than to plan yourself. We should live up to every frame of fortune and the color of painting. We should not be greedy. We should miss every section of the coast ... only the ink bottle at the corner of the table and the track of the years we have been chasing can we temporarily enjoy weightlessness and count our peace of mind

Years do not decorate life with white. Only change and invariance can make its shades appropriate Occasionally enjoy a moment of peace or complete supplies Standing in the imaginary life battlefield with the world as friend and enemy To stay away from the crisis of old age at the end of the crisis of middle age

(2018-11-08 18:47)

The combination of the crispness of the rain hitting the colored steel tile and the sharp friction of the book page catalyzes the compound reaction of this group's anxiety midsemester And the weather at the end of self-study I never noticed the weather after the beginning of winter before The newly purchased snow removal tools are waiting for the first snow rush to finish This winter rain Maybe you should show us something

The activities of youth organizations are always fast and there is no sense of existence The school wide essay contest started yesterday and ended today This is indeed the organizer's full trust in Baidu The reform and opening up is difficult to destroy the Chinese Science and Technology Commission born in the new century After reading the notice for soliciting contributions, some nerve in the memory gap began to beat spontaneously Vaguely aware that this is also a work of Baidu When the dust under the cerebral cortex waves and stays on the keyboard to think about the national plan, the picture carved from time to time becomes clearer

When the small circle in the south is blown away by the national wind, we are walking on the road of time full of development Projection thirty year Dreams haunt the mottled future of life and will always come true inadvertently The choreography ten years ago is still alive today At the same time, youth is no longer idle and depressed, and the precipitation of years is now heavy ... the verb object collocation used to red style is less than the random patchwork of intentions, which makes people feel sour for standing up Maybe time really changes the definition of the best self It is nothing more than an ideal country wandering in the sun Thank you for remembering the beauty under the mottled words, which is undoubtedly the best centripetal force back in time no

We are three aspiring young people on the street who are about to release their ideals on New Year's Eve

Greetings on New Year's Eve Listen, festivities are standard equipment for generations around 80 After college, I will receive a hundred blessings at the right time. At first, the words were true. Now they are similar ... It can only be said that the development of mobile communication equipment and means has gradually reduced its connotation and value Can't help but miss the most original call . From ringing to screen display From the unexpected to the surprise. From asking about the current situation, feeling about the years to congratulating each other in the New Year Although there is only one record of incoming and outgoing calls However, the display of that string of figures or a group of Chinese characters that are extremely out of proportion to the front and back is enough to enjoy a little peace and memory after this jubilation

The significance of time node lies in looking back and moving forward It is full of colors, sounds and tastes different from daily life, which are highlighted for this annual event ... and the children who are not familiar with the world are not very well adapted to it. It is precisely because my father thinks that A few words of red and a few dishes of delicacies are only willing to stay in the festivity and beauty that has not yet opened the deep memory ... The children choose to pray and stay alive by pressing their faces tightly on their father's shoulders when night falls Reflecting the bright and dark toys, I can't help but talk about my longing and hope ... he seemed to hear that Tongyi nodded in response from time to time Feel the temperature and strength, enjoy the rare dependence and meaningful communication. Suddenly A warm current has branded the depth of this time node

Lobbying in the northernmost part of the country and transcending in the southernmost part of the country

(2017-02-13 23:30)

Inside and outside of the mirror, I am asking each other a dignified and heartfelt answer

Emotional and material experiences should be separated into chapters in the book of life Arrange in sections according to the content, select the font size, and input each black dot between the title page number and word by word ... and the directory is a sense of achievement and satisfaction that can never show the ups and downs of an ordinary thing and that an ordinary person may be despised but very concerned about I call this ideal And the ideal is not to vote for the majority And fighting for it should be the essence of life

There is a reason why the red one hundred yuan is never as bright as the five-star red flag The timely bgm sings that it is not afraid to lose the so-called glory, only afraid that the memory is too short, only afraid that the regret is too long Youth The same goes for middle age Exhaustion and renewal will never become the survival theme of this vulgar individual Pre selected equipment for team mate assistance Can lead the general of Changkeng to a beautiful and warm life peak Every day, the unequal exchange that takes place is convinced that this is the blessing of life ... let a certain direction appear in the direction of being confused towards the light

When everything is worth telling you to be on call, I believe that the rain will definitely make it sunny

At that time Send out a bunch of luxuriant and hypocritical flowers at the right moment Maybe most of life is hard to be meaningful

Parting is the normal state of life And still wave and yearn to wave Just as the contradiction now lies in the lingering and expectant yearning But for the greedy reality, there must be revenge Besides, the society never gives the herbivorous group the right to choose, but only thanks for the next level that is constantly welcomed You can only enjoy the lively sound effect of stepping on the little monster ..

The challenge always has a pleasant feeling of eating abnormal spicy food It can be accurately described as there are senior and junior For the service object with few common topics, it is always the grass eating group who is crying out for blood ... but sighing that it is all experience that can make me feel a sense of honor even if it is painful that others do not have Get ready early It's time to welcome someone who is caught off guard and overwhelmed Make challenges easier to write into my story

Time wasted for youth is reasonable Calm is my most urgent state of progress. I want to accumulate, precipitate and blossom The nodes clearly cut the years into one paragraph after another ... and then sorted into chapter after chapter of discussion and memories It's good to be so old and want something

One hundred days hope that one hundred years will be beautiful now

(2016-12-31 22:37)

Maybe a subconscious person manipulates his body to browse the circle of friends he brushed three minutes ago, and then he knows how terrible the war at the beginning of modern history is

Live broadcast Confessions King Glory This is the youth of today But I'm still writing microblog and listening to Stefanie Sun Don't care about the youth of each era Just care about the 2007 when it was orange Look up and see the sun at the desk. You are either eating or reading

Working with youth only shows a little social darkness and vulgarity Maturity is the constant restraint of wanton and indulgence in the novel to calm the years Ease of life style Driving people to spend their lives as adults The values of successful people command to dispel the once proud dreams and fight for money in the same way reason It is the greatest frustration to restrain youth. When the plot gradually becomes vulgar and straightforward, even the actors will get tired of it one day Then the plot should be reversed before being forced to end

Nine maximizes everything It includes my most handsome Green Dragon Sect and the day difference between me and my children ... It will make me become a young audience willingly from the leading role of youth, and occasionally become an important supporting actor of youth Besides, the most glorious Communist Youth League will accompany me in the last fight ... although youth is fading away, in fact, youth may return to the novel like living state of orange and orange that I care about most in the next lines of every article just The theme has changed from campus literature to another campus literature under the green shade of Lingdong courtyard

(2016-06-26 21:21)

Since the first student rushed to tell me about evolution, the summer of two years has begun

From the last class to the last exam, we are happy to say goodbye to our studies From the last ceremony to the last certificate, we are confident to bid farewell to our alma mater ... from the last group photo to the last dinner party, I was saying goodbye to this group. I don't know what words to use to slightly modify to show the carefree and unruly of an elder But reluctantly ... Yes, I'm no longer a trendsetter this summer But an old man who is not good at color ..

July two years ago Depressed write: I was riding a fast driving high-speed train. I leaned against the window and sat in my seat, looking around ... unprecedented fear comes from the postcard that has not visited the destination and has not told the direction of the train I can only complain about grievances at the same time. I was forced to come here . I imagined that there was green in spring

Now the train stops at the station all the way I dragged the trunk out of the compartment door when the sun was not without strong, only one glance at the complete comfort in the past Set up the trunk Be prepared for the composure that an elder should have, smile at the same time, wave and watch the train slowly accelerate to leave

The only thing left is me, who mocked my cowardly self at that time

(2016-04-30 09:47)

This year is not inferior to the same period of last year's war turmoil

But I didn't want to experience the temperature of shaking hands with strangers more frequently. I began to choose to show or hide what to express. I had to go in and out frequently or practice my fear Pay close attention to what we are going through in the future ... helpless natural existence. But face it earlier There will always be some challenges and waves in life At least there will be some talk

In the teaching building at No. 29, Lingdong Road, there were two offices next to each other on the fourth floor One is a suite The I-shaped nail board on the inner wall records the progress of each work. Two large desks are placed at the inner side near the window. A large room is also very large, and there are many neat and messy carriers for recording words In a certain period of the rule of lively and noisy It seems that the thin wall without sound insulation in the middle blocks the two opposite space-time No matter which door you enter, you should change the state of the previous second ... sometimes the formation of this habit Slowly seep into the biological clock and intermittently dress up different roles in a play Be confused and rejoice or mourn for yourself

Don't want to use the disguise to define yourself. At least there is a hole for honesty

If so, I need to take more responsibility. Then I should first learn to keep secrets!

(2016-03-27 13:44)

I don't know when I grew up Mom never criticized me for breaking things I didn't punish me for my bad temper ... more after careful wording Be careful about safety or comfort ... maybe I have entered her society She has fully understood the bitterness and annoyance of new adults who are unable to handle with ease And the task of growing up is convergence and tolerance ..​

Start to understand the essence of those simple and firm bookcases Start to touch those who are hard to watch and can be reflected in the classic well-known Start to listen to those obscure and profound proverbs that can be passed down from ancient times to modern times ... just want to draw wisdom to the maximum Seek belief Capturing real history or virtual passages to reflect in my life Capture achievements you care about Exculpating the so-called suffering makes the short and long life beautiful and meaningful

I bought a I-shaped nail board and some stationery I started running downstairs in the third class every day I started to follow the news Whether it is national or nearby I began to pay attention to my hair and beard after getting up early every day And insisted on wearing shirts to work I started to focus on health and weight Well, keep it at 130 kg And he would have breakfast if he didn't want to I began to pay attention to others as much as possible Think about yourself And try to resist loneliness and temper ... maybe These show a layer of childish brightness for a person who is about to enter 30


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