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 Huabang Xiaodaidai
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Ravpower90w charger

Classification: Daidai Encyclopedia -- Fashion

Da! Finally, I have a dual Type-C interface, which can charge my laptop and mobile phone at the same time!

Just RAVPower 90W The dual port rapid charger almost meets all my charging needs. It can automatically match 45W+45W, 60W+30W, 30W+60W, and intelligent power distribution. The automatic identification device is compact, one circle smaller than the original Apple 87W charger. You can only take this charger when you go out.

After all, this fairy's bag also contains lipstick, powder, hand cream, sunscreen, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, micro single cameras, sunglasses, power packs... There is really no room for a stack of charging heads and cables, but RAVPower 90W, two mobile phones, MacBook pro, tablet, power bank, no matter which two need


Netease Youdao Dictionary Pen


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Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Daidai Encyclopedia -- makeup

Idol Trainees

Actually, I'm tired of watching dating shows

So many beautiful little brothers

For me with pick difficulty

It's mental torture

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/XUXU7HIpDroB1oSaRP82lCAR ibHwWmY5a4dibGhqfbaUSB29 ia1DOw7SwWal4OicFo57UK9j eBBsGkibYr8d1ozGHicw/640

Look at these exquisite baby dogs 🐶

Cousin seems to be watching a large-scale beauty exchange

Now boys are so clever at making up?

The pig spirit girls can go back to the furnace and rebuild!

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/XUXU7HIpDroB1oSaRP82lCAR ibHwWmY5aj


Miscellaneous talk

After the long vacation, did the fairies decide what to wear tomorrow? Are you all itching to think of Meimeida going to work, and worried about how to wear beautiful and warm clothes in this increasingly motherly day?

Cousin has thought for you. It seems that only knitwear can solve the embarrassment of "wearing one more hot and one less cold" in this season. Knitwear is absolutely a must for changing seasons. A simple and versatile, comfortable and warm sweater seems to melt all warmth and gentleness into the bones, and it is a classic and practical overlapping routine that everyone can master.

  Trend of knitwear show

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/XUXU7HIpDrq2dGAc3DUqn6yC l5d8KNHa0REofwetTlZn7CkC uH1atXNzPFzBakhsWHeSwpUx oNIwVoEBbadh5A/0.jpeg

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Miscellaneous talk

If you want to say who is the mask maniac, the ice emperor thinks he is the second, and no one dares to compete for the first

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_gif/XUXU7HIpDrrZcggIKbPibXzr SS6C4dHZoNMkyUkFKzt0srxb w3l6oQJaJzRhhSRty2CKdDrx rGNo2zrTov6bmvg/0.gif

When I saw Binghuang apply thousands of facial masks a year, I also had a myth. After all, the brick experts said that daily application of facial masks would lead to excess nutrition and various problems

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_png/US10Gcd0tQEBNhn1uHVbVL96 04SySChC3YxYRyHGTaoiccJ8 4SXKFb3K5W1GnPAG3nOOERNi aW0RngjE0R1XoNfw/0

But three months ago, my cousin began to apply mask every day! Even sooner or later! why? Because I met the right person, ah no

Meet the mask that can be applied every day LuLuLun

https://wx1/large/46aa4173ly1fikouic0o1j21 kw16onpf.jpg


Miscellaneous talk

Hey, girls, as the weather gets hotter and hotter, small suspenders, bras and shoulder straps are ready. Is there still a fashionable sun proof and meat covering coat missing? The ordinary blue goose coat can hardly satisfy our girlish heart

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_gif/XUXU7HIpDroKUJvsicNTibyW zJkNefiaKUaLlHEzJ0oHdImT XjfWtTvhNjZVSqYuqWBaJwFW GXpIIuWicvvxgv91dA/0?wx_fmt=gif

Actually, there is a kind of coat

The sun shading is elegant, cool and comfortable

Who wears who is fashionable!!!





https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_jpg/XUXU7HIpDroKUJvsicNTibyW zJkNefiaKUaicNwBIaa8K9OT bFReH9GMxfVicAo8A89yIVGb pbCMrKQibRqfavAuLskA/0?w


Miscellaneous talk

https://dn-shimo-image.qbox.me/fZQCewFWZNYMuJQZ/17.png ! thumbnail

Today I want to talk about two low-key and popular jewelry brands.

Celestine is a designer brand in New York. Its design team is not all from the fashion industry, but a group of people who are very enthusiastic about jewelry design and beauty. Celestine Although it is a minority, many stars will wear it when they attend the event.

Celestine CH11 Collar ¥268

From last year until now, Choker has always been a lot, which can be regarded as an ornament with a high appearance rate. It is not exaggeration to say that three of the five street photos use Choker Wear as jewelry.

https://dn-shimo-image.qbox.me/9RoiQCpfCFIRaEnY/18.jpeg ! thumbnail

Choker can be very cool, or can wear a sense of literature like Jiang Yiyan.


Miscellaneous talk

http://wx4/large/46aa4173ly1fctiwdpxwzj21 jk0sgajc.jpg

I reviewed Sense again 8》 It's so beautiful that I can't extricate myself. The first three episodes should be prepared patiently. It's a pity that many people abandon the play at the speed of light after watching the first episode, because the more it looks, the more beautiful it will be... It's impossible to stop!

http://wx1/large/46aa4173ly1fctj7kp46nj20 wv0yugp7.jpg

In particular, 8 people are more like a big chess game after synaesthesia. By the end of the first season, it was almost ignited

http://wx4/large/46aa4173ly1fctj85uxq8g20 8w050qv5.gif

Eight people from eight different cities all over the world, with different identities, different sexual orientations, and different destinies, have begun to connect with each other. They can feel each other's joy, pain, anger, and joy for no reason. Each person has seven selves besides himself. They can hold each other's knowledge, language, and skills, and rescue each other through telepathy

http://wx3/large/46aa4173ly1fctj8nj7kpg20 8w06bqv6.gif




Classification: Daidai Encyclopedia -- Fashion

Take a selfie of a patient with severe cancer. Recently, I began to take a crazy selfie. You know that I can't wait to share the things I like when I meet them. Vivo the other day X9 has just been released, The advertising spokesperson is Peng Yuyan!! How can anyone refuse the temptation of taking Du Mei and male Peng You?!! Anyway, I couldn't help it. One set came at a second. This is Peng You and Vivo X9 is all mine, hiahia!!




Classification: Daidai Encyclopedia -- Fashion

With a mobile phone and a smart cloud mobile phone Smooth II mobile phone stabilizer, everyone can become a director in life!! The first time I took a Zhiyun stabilizer to shoot, I was attracted by the sense of flowing clouds and flowing water. Isn't this the kind of long and stable motion lens in the movie?!! Now with a mobile phone+stabilizer, I can also take such pictures!


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