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Vegetable Slimming Soup


fried flour

Slimming soup


Weight loss soup is a method that many friends who want to lose weight will try. Vegetables are good for both body and mind, and their weight loss effect is obvious to all. The soup made of vegetables is more integrated and easier to be absorbed by the human body. Let's take a look at the Seven Day Vegetable Weight Loss Soup, so that people can be as thin as they want.

Seven day vegetable slimming soup becomes slimmer as you drink it

Main ingredients: 150g cabbage, 50g onion (white), 100g carrot, 50g celery, 100g potato (yellow skin), 100g tomato

Accessories: 50g fried noodles with oil, 30g cream

Seasonings: 8g garlic (white), 8g scallion, 20g butter, 2g sesame leaves, 5g pepper (red, sharp, dry), 1g pepper, 5g salt, 1g monosodium glutamate

1. Wash and cut onions and carrots into petals;

2. Clean and cut celery into sections;

3. Peel potatoes and cut them into triangular pieces with cabbage;

4. Chop garlic cloves into mince;

5. Put the tomato (tomato) into the boiling water, scald it slightly, remove it, peel and cut it into pieces;

6. Put the pot on the high heat, pour in the cooked butter, boil it on the high heat, and then put in the dried red pepper, pepper, sesame leaf, onion cloves, and carrot pieces;

7. Add fried noodles and chicken soup (100g) when it is six ripe, and put cabbage, potato, celery, shredded green onion, chopped garlic and tomato into it;

8. Turn to low heat after boiling with high heat, boil the vegetables thoroughly, add refined salt and monosodium glutamate, mix them well, put them into the soup plate, and pour cream on them.

The above is a simple diet soup. This vegetable diet soup is good for promoting dampness, strengthening spleen and eliminating fat



cervical erosion

Cervical lesion

Malignant tumor

Lumbosacral pain


According to the survey, many professional women have different degrees of health problems, especially the incidence of cervical erosion is high and growing rapidly. It is often understood that cervical erosion is a phenomenon of cervical erosion, and its treatment is only noticed when symptoms appear. In fact, these belong to the misunderstanding of "cervical erosion".

Doctor's explanation 1、 Cervical erosion is not an independent disease, but a manifestation of chronic cervicitis. In fact, cervical erosion does not belong to real erosion. The occurrence of cervical erosion is usually caused by childbirth, abortion, puerperal infection, surgical operation or mechanical stimulation, and infection caused by pathogen invasion.

The main symptoms of cervical erosion are increased leucorrhea or purulent leucorrhea. The leucorrhea is yellow, smelly, bean curd residue like, and has blood filaments. In addition to these symptoms, some patients will also have

Lumbosacral pain, abdominal distension and other symptoms. Mild cervical erosion is less harmful, but moderate and severe cervical erosion has significantly increased secretion, thick texture, and contains a large number of white blood cells, which is easy to consume the activity of sperm, and at the same time can prevent sperm from entering the pelvic cavity, which is easy to lead to infertility.

Clinical data show that the incidence of cervical lesions in women with cervical erosion is 5-10 times higher than that in women without cervical erosion. In recent years, the number of life-threatening cases due to cervical lesions has remained high. Recently, some data show that the average age of patients with cervical lesions is 34.5 years old, which has shown a trend of younger age.


Planning Division

Washington Post


feeding bottle

Bisphenol a


The US government health agency released a preliminary report on the 15th, saying that animal experiments showed that the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) usually contained in plastic bottles may cause cancer and other functional disorders. BPA is widely used in the manufacture of baby bottles, compact discs, food containers and other plastic products. Some US lawmakers called on the government to re-examine the safety of BPA.

Plastic manufacturers believe that the report does not prove that BPA is harmful to human health.

The National Toxicology Planning Office (NTP) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said that the animal experiment results showed that BPA might cause cancer, and the Planning Office expressed concern about this. In the experiment, the mice exposed to BPA had symptoms of breast cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers. The Planning Office said that it was necessary to further study the security of BPA. Mike Shelby, director of toxicology planning office, said: "The research results are a warning, a signal, which needs attention. We do not rule out that BPA may cause similar harm to human body."

The Toxicology Planning Department adopts a 5-level warning system, ranging from "serious concern" to "negligible". "Some concern" is of medium concern. The National Toxicology Planning Office rated the warning level of BPA's potential harm to fetus, infants and children as "a little concern", and the potential harm to adults as "negligible".

The Washington Post said that the report shows that the US government has changed its attitude on BPA security. The US Food and Drug Administration admitted last month that it has set up hundreds of government and academic institutions


Vitamin d



sympathetic nerve

      If children are given vitamin D orally or injected excessively, the absorption of calcium in the small intestine will increase. When the blood calcium is kept at a high level, it will excite the sympathetic nerve. In addition, the blood vessel wall of children has a strong sensitivity to angiotensin, which can cause skin vasoconstriction, make it difficult for the human body to sweat, resulting in temperature regulation disorder. The body heat can not be dissipated and accumulated too much, thus causing fever.

      In the market, there are many kinds of food fortified with vitamin D, such as fortified milk powder containing vitamin D, liquid milk, malt milk extract, etc. Generally, parents are worried about their children's calcium deficiency, and they know that vitamin D should be supplemented at the same time as calcium supplementation. Therefore, in addition to food fortified with vitamin D, some parents also give their children cod liver oil or vitamin D. But they don't know that too much vitamin D will cause adverse reactions, and fever is one of the common symptoms.

      Children are in the stage of growth and development, and the development of the nervous system is not perfect, especially the regulation function of the autonomic nervous system is poor, so that the temperature is vulnerable to interference from various factors and changes. If children are given vitamin D orally or injected excessively, the absorption of calcium in the small intestine will increase. When the blood calcium is kept at a high level, it will excite the sympathetic nerve. In addition, the blood vessel wall of children is highly sensitive to angiotensin, which can cause skin vasoconstriction, make it difficult for the human body to sweat, lead to temperature regulation disorder, and the body heat cannot be dissipated and accumulated too much


Baby health

Elephant song

thirty years of age

Ding Guier



Time flies, once much criticized eighty In the later generation, a considerable part of them are now in their thirties, and they have married and had children, and become husbands and fathers. Whether they were young and ignorant or unrestrained, they were gradually replaced by maturity and steadiness with the years and realities. Especially since this generation, the education level is generally high, so compared with seventy


Lush vegetation

a farewell

Bad mood

Transfer method



        Many expectant fathers and mothers have such perplexities. It was supposed to be a happy thing to usher in a new life, but I encountered some unexpected problems during my pregnancy. Therefore, there are often restless emotions. In the face of these bad emotions, we should actively adjust them to avoid some adverse effects on infants and families. Here are six ways to say goodbye to pregnancy!


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