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 Lin Xiaoha
Lin Xiaoha
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Hua Erfei is a stray cat belonging to a dog
It doesn't hide far from other stray cats
It will just "meow meow meow" and run over
It will only fear that we are not close enough

Basking in the sun
Lying on the roadside looking at you lazily

My favorite thing is to lie there on time every evening
Waiting for us
And then come over here and dawdle

Miscellaneous talk

It won't be great to give up, but it must be cool to persist


Miscellaneous talk





Miscellaneous talk



(2011-07-19 16:53)

Miscellaneous talk

      Before I can react, my role has undergone a major change. If I start from kindergarten, I have changed from a senior student of 20 years to a person who has taken up a job. In fact, what I don't adapt to is not from reading to work, but from dependence to independence. Someone told me that what I suffer now is to make up for the mistakes I made in the past. Yes, I suddenly pushed myself to a position where everything depends on me. I still need to adapt. Fortunately, my adaptability is not poor. After more than a month, I gradually become comfortable.

      The gap between ideal and reality will always exist. This is the same for everyone who has just entered the society. Why is this not what I thought? Why is this not what was originally described? Why should I come here to suffer this? Why are some people and things so difficult to understand? I asked myself these questions, but I soon found it meaningless to think about them and say them. The only thing we can do is to adapt and change. It is not the world that is wrong, but oneself that is wrong. Knowing this, everything will be much better.

      This is not negative, it is just a positive attitude, because only in this way can we integrate into society. We all have ideals, and we all find it difficult to achieve them because we don't know how to adapt. If you can realize your ideal, why not take a detour

(2011-04-14 10:49)

Miscellaneous talk

Things change.

At the same age, there are happy weddings and sad funerals.

Two of my best friends in high school, one was full of sweet longing for the future life, and the other fell into great grief because of his father's death.

I don't know whether it's life or drama. We can always taste all kinds of familiar joys and sorrows in the play, and we always hope that some things around us will end in the play.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

I just think I miss them very much.



Miscellaneous talk

        It seems to be the first time in memory that such heavy snow fell in Sichuan. How beautiful! Excited~~I hope it will snow tomorrow, wahaha!!



Miscellaneous talk

      Today, I got a satisfactory offer and was very happy, so I decided to go to Carrefour Shuangqiaozi to buy donuts and fresh soymilk as a reward. When I came out of the hotel where I was interviewed, I was more and more excited by the cold wind. After crossing the overpass, I just met the No. 92 bus. Good things happen all the time! I jumped up at once. The No. 92 bus has been changed into a "luxury" car of two yuan RMB, but the smell has greatly reduced it... However, these have not entered my thinking range, and I am still surrounded by a growing sense of achievement. At this time, the driver stared at me, and I realized that I had not bought a ticket. Hehe, a little overjoyed.  

      Take out your wallet and look inside. It's a tragedy. There's no change!

      I took out ten yuan of the smallest denomination, regretted not filling the bus card, and asked the driver if he could let me make up from the next passenger later. As a result, the uncle squeezed out a few words with his extremely reluctant mouth mixed with anger: "Change the money yourself!"

      Well, I'll change it myself. After seven years of riding the Chengdu bus, I have learned that I should never get in trouble with the driver, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. I have seen the driver "stop driving", catch all the passengers and swear at him

(2010-03-24 23:06)

Miscellaneous talk

      Today is a memorable day. What Xiaoha had never thought of happened. And it came so fast, so suddenly. I don't know what the consequences will be, and I haven't sorted out my thoughts yet. Should we be sensitive? Or should we be more rational? Let's sleep first.




        One day, Xiao Ha witnessed such a scene in the canteen:

                                                                          A boy vs a chef

      At noon, there was a long queue in front of the popular stir fry window. After an extremely long wait, it was finally the turn of a man in front of me! Moved and excited~~~ http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0143ZHTSSIGT.gif

      The master shouted: "What to eat?"

      A man waved a big hand and slapped his meal card: "Kung Pao chicken! Stir fried meat with lotus root slices! Er, then stir fried eggplant!" http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E_


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