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 Lin Jiale Dalian
Lin Jiale Dalian
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Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today eight year nineteen God, I got my badge   

  • 2006.01.01 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2006.01.01 , I wrote my first blog post: [Announcement] Sina Student Blog Circle Recruitment Notice.
  • 2007.02.05 , I uploaded the first picture to the album.
  • So far, my blog has received 68,940 Visits.

Over the years, Sina Blog has accompanied me to write my life bit by bit!

(2014-01-19 21:19)

grow up




Miscellaneous talk

Classification: "All sorts of thoughts..."

    The lunar calendar in astronomy mainly refers to the calendar arranged according to the phase cycle of the moon. Today is my lunar birthday, the 13th day of the twelfth lunar month in Guisi year, accompanied by the moon. In the past, I seldom had a birthday because my Gregorian birthday usually met the Spring Festival by accident. My friends spent the New Year at home and could not celebrate my birthday. In the past 20 years or so, I didn't talk about my birthday. I had a happy New Year and my birthday ended. Take a deep breath, hold it, and blow out the candle with all my strength. Then I was twenty-three years old.

    "Loneliness makes people blind, missing makes people flustered. Can you be liberated by drinking more wine and blowing more wind? Life is a bit busy, and it's hard to insist. Can you close one eye and light a cigarette?" At this moment, the song "Stand by and watch" has been repeated in the ear.

    After calculation, I have been in Shenyang for some time. My life is still stable, and taking care of myself is not a problem. But if something happens one day, maybe I will be overwhelmed. It is often said that the weather is unpredictable and people have joys and sorrows, which is the normal state in the world. How I want to live each day safely and reliably, but the future is always full of twists and turns, although it is always using the lighthouse representing the light to summon people who are crawling and rolling along the way.

    II. Two jobs, two cities. Over the past six months, I have experienced changes in my life path, and I am trembling and unprepared. I gave up the salary that can feed and clothe myself, gave up the friendship of friends and colleagues that I have already known, and even left the city that I love so much. For a moment, I wondered whether I was crazy. After graduation, I never thought that I could choose to resign after more than two months of work, because I didn't feel that I had the strength to find a new job as soon as possible, so I was not happy during the period of unemployment after my resignation. I stayed at home for a month. Every day I got up in the afternoon, washed my face and began to sit on the sofa. I turned on the TV, picked up "Love Shooting" and watched TV dramas that had not been finished before. I often forgot to eat lunch. At that time, it was still September and October, and the weather was not cold. When I went out at night, I just wore a short sleeved T-shirt, put on a sportswear casually, drank two bottles of beer with my friends in the shop, and chattered, and the day passed. The topics I mention usually focus on the world's major events and current political news. The purpose is to make fun of those "working dogs" who are tired of working. Because I have nothing to do all day long, so applications such as "Tencent News" and "Toutiao" downloaded earlier have become my good partners. When it comes to major events in the society, I can always talk freely and feel that I am really omniscient and arrogant. But in fact, when my friend talked about what happened at work, I couldn't get a word in. I could only use words like "I have nothing to do every day, and I am very free" to disguise my feelings. It was like an ice lolly falling on the ground in the hot summer. It was very uncomfortable.

    I'm not indulging myself. Of course, I know that it's the most important thing to feed myself. So I click on various recruitment websites almost every day to browse recruitment information hundreds of times. It's no exaggeration to say that the industries involved in resume delivery, except cooks, housekeeping, etc., are almost all cast, regardless of whether it is suitable for me or not. At that time, the idea was to cast hard, not to care so much, finding a job is the most important thing, and to cast resumes, That can't stop at all. Seeing that I have been unemployed for almost a month, I am nervous and afraid. I am afraid that my future life will be destroyed by a wayward impulse and irresponsible choice that I can never forgive. Regret! At one moment, I really couldn't understand my own behavior. There was always a little regret in my mind. But a man's voice told me: "If you are a man, you should be brave to take responsibility." So I ignored any idea that would shake me, shielded anything that makes my heart fragile, and kept insisting on finding a new job.

    With my heart's insistence, I came to Shenyang with some changed clothes, a pair of Nike shoes sent by a friend who went to school in South Africa, and several necessities. I left Dalian, my beloved hometown. An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course. How I want to live each day safely and reliably, but the future is always full of twists and turns, although it is always using the lighthouse representing the light to summon people who are crawling and rolling along the way.

    III. Silence, love for three years, lucky for three lives. A month before graduation, something happened to my family, which made me really unbearable. Now if I were to make a sentence with "neither... nor...", I would certainly say that I have neither "one person" to call nor one person to honor. My relatives and friends are aware of what has happened to me for months. Whenever they ask me, I keep silent and avoid answering. I can't straighten out my emotions at all. So far, I haven't been clear about the cause and effect of the matter, nor can I easily draw a conclusion. I can only wait in anxiety, waiting for the society to give me a reply. Of course, it's painful and indignant. When people feel heartache, they always want to point their spearhead at other places. Just like me now, I feel that the world is really unfair. Why should I let the scenes in the TV play happen to me so vividly? Art is not higher than life. Please let this kind of fictional art stories continue to be far higher than life, and do not override my life. But who can hear my heart? I often swallow my pride and laugh. After a long time, I got used to it.

    Everything in Dalian's home is managed by me remotely in Shenyang. Thanks to several brothers who often give up their own affairs to help me take care of my family, and help me get things done, so that I can work in Shenyang safely. I always have no clue about something before I start to prepare for a solution. Later, I found that this was not a solution at all. I began to realize that everything must be prepared and arranged at ordinary times, and it was too late to make a decision when it was time.

    When I first came to Shenyang, I was most worried about not having a place to live. Fortunately, my best friend in the university arranged a small hotel for me, which was clean and well equipped. The key point was that I didn't have to bear the cost. I spent a month of training at CMB in the mood of hesitation and helplessness. Speaking of the new unit, I am particularly grateful to China Merchants for giving me a chance to live a "full and warm" life when I was in the lowest ebb of my life, so that I now work with a smile every day with a grateful heart. No matter how hard and difficult the work is, there is no complaint at all. Everyone here was very kind to me, sincere and enthusiastic, which made me quickly integrate into the excellent group of the sales department. Moreover, I think that I always work with a learning attitude here, and CMB is really like a charming university, which makes me indulge in it and forget to return. Sansheng is lucky to be associated with Shenyang and China Merchants Bank. I believe my choice is correct. Later, my friend discussed with his parents to let me live in a house that no one lived in, so that I could have a place to stay at the beginning of my work. This kindness is really unrequitable to me. I like the warmth of friendship when I am in trouble. I also appreciate that life gives me a little hope when I have no way out. Although it is only a little, I already feel enough. Although the first day I came to Shenyang was drenched in the pouring rain, I made major mistakes in my work, and although it was a luxury to return to Dalian to feel the warmth of home, and although no family can only spend the New Year alone, I am still ready and sure to persevere in the end and make my life better again. I know that the world is unpredictable, but also know that the world is inconstancy. As the saying goes, "Don't be afraid of the clouds, just be at the highest level". It is the right way to do well in yourself, identify the direction, and make continuous progress. It may also be that persistence is just a belief. How I want to live each day safely and reliably, but the future is always full of twists and turns, although it is always using the lighthouse representing the light to summon people who are crawling along the way.

    Take a deep breath, hold it, and blow out the candle with all my strength. Then I was twenty-three years old. Every day, Qingcheng, Spring Brother, Fan Brother, Fan Sister and Qiaolin accompanied me to spend this cold birthday night, and then went to a colleague's party. Everyone also sent me a blessing. Under the music and light, a glass of Marguerite was drunk. No worries and entanglements remained in my mind. Thank you very much for your concern.

   When I got on the elevator and returned home, the air was warm. I used to walk to the window and open the window. The neon lights on the road are much dimmer than before midnight, but they still flicker hard, as if to tell the dark night that where there is light, there is hope. There are still several windows in the opposite building, which are constantly shining. Maybe it is the signal light for staying up late to struggle, or the light for enjoying the weekend night. Whatever it is, I wish everything around me is safe, everyone around me is happy, and the world is peaceful. This is my birthday wish.

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(2012-02-02 23:19)




Miscellaneous talk

Classification: "All sorts of thoughts..."

    The five koi in the aquarium are always arranged side by side. They are quietly asleep in the lower left corner of the aquarium. They watched my every move in the room with their eyes open. They dressed, scratched their heads, trimmed their feet, and watched the newspaper. In essence, I am a naughty character, always willing to make a little bad heart. While the fish were snoring, I suddenly knocked on the cylinder wall, and the awakened fish swam around as quickly as if they had lost their souls. I didn't think it was interesting. Blinking, I saw that more than ten koi, except the five fish, were still "drinking water" and were safe. So I got a newspaper that had been shelved for several days and cared about what earth shaking events had happened recently.


    I wonder whether newspapers everywhere follow the same distribution rule, that is, they do not send newspapers from the first day to the seventh day of the first lunar month. I thought with great expectation that the newspapers in the eighth day of the junior high were a thick stack, which could enrich my empty spiritual life in the past week. Unexpectedly, there were only a few pages of the newspaper that I walked out of the door in my autumn pants and braved the cold wind, roughly the same as the pages of Carrefour, McLaren and other promotional publications, and there was also a considerable amount of space for advertising. Could it be that nothing happened during the Spring Festival? Inadvertent investigation, I basically looked at the weather forecast when I read the newspaper. Knowing that the recent cold wave is approaching, I not only don't complain, but also think that it is a good thing, which provides an excellent reason for me to stay at home.


    "Dwelling" always wants to find some fun for yourself. Tell my sister about the exam papers, from "Ohm's Law" to "suppress first and then raise", from "feudal society" to "perfect tense"; To study the use of pearl powder, compare the viscosity of the mask made with one spoon of water and two spoons of water. I don't know whether it is more effective to dilute it or use it thicker; I do 60 sit ups every day. I totally don't know what the result will be. One month later, there will be six obvious abdominal muscles still piled there. No one told me how many groups to do at a time, and how many groups to do is appropriate. In short, I slept more soundly every time I did these 60 exercises last night; When I read books about securities knowledge, I didn't even read the four famous books. Without reason, I was enthusiastic. After reading the books, I didn't mention much interest when I read them, because I really felt that the knowledge in the book was knowable or unknown; I used to want to hire a secretary to take care of my computer. I totally brought my personal life style to the virtual world. Whether it was the computer desktop or the backpack and warehouse of the tasks in the games I played, the chaos was beyond comparison, and I had no comment on others, I remember that in a game mission, because of heavy casualties, I had to find the city scroll in the backpack. As a result, because the backpack was arranged too disorderly, I died in a panic in the hands of a monster. I immediately felt that the virtual mission had hated me, and I would not be spared if I were a ghost. By the way, I'm playing Legend, and it's still a private server.


    The transition from computer games to mobile games should also begin with the purchase of the first touch screen mobile phone. Because I don't want to spend money to buy genuine game software, the games that can only be automatically locked after playing half of the game and have to wait for another day when playing out of game currency are really exhausting. Gradually, I lost interest in them and turned my attention to music and video production. When I input the first note in the music arranging software, I was excited to hear the sound of "mi", which also doomed me not to continue my "music arranging career". Frustrated on all sides, I began to fall in love with a voice - the "bang" of pressing down the laptop screen with my right hand. This action is very difficult. You can neither slowly close the notebook, see the screen outgoing in advance standby interface, nor quickly and vigorously tap it to make it suffer a little damage. Now I can handle it just right, handsome, bloody and clean. When the screen is close to the keyboard, I can see a little dust floating from the gap.


    After such a long holiday, my mother always complained that I didn't do any work at home, and often forced me to wipe the table, windowsill, sweep the floor, and clean the garbage. I quickly perfunctory, and then sat in front of the computer or TV, to watch those news reviews. When my mother saw this, she purposely reported the washed clothes, which were still on my bed, and shouted, "Fold all the clothes!" I should follow her and roll up two socks together, then open them, roll them up, and then open them again. Finally, I wore two socks as gloves for a whole day. Thanks to the socks under the towel, they were really warm.


    Just wear a pair of socks and gloves at home. Sweaters and thermal pants must be put into action. In addition to the poor heating effect of the heating itself in the house, the quarrel between my mother and I also made the atmosphere of this home "smoke charcoal in the snow". I had my idea, but my mother didn't support it, so the quarrel began. Under the contradiction, I thought about running away from home. But on second thought, I had no capital to leave. In such a cold day, living and eating were both problems. If I had to leave, I would wait until the weather was warm. The cold war atmosphere was not obvious, the form was not clear, and the content was very rich. The confrontation between my mother and I was extremely "peaceful". I can still have a hot meal. Fresh fruits are often placed in the living room. The conversation is still natural and peaceful. But whenever I want to test whether my ideas and requirements can be recognized, rejection and negation always give me a hard blow. If I can't get opinions and suggestions, I will only get permission. I also forget what kind of logic and courage I am based on to stick to my ideas. At present, I try my best to pay attention to my mother, because the few lucky money collected during the Spring Festival is also facing the situation of being forced to "recall", even my sister can't escape this "bad luck". My sister made a statement early: "No! I want to buy MP5!" After listening to it, I secretly laughed: there is no MP5. He who laughs stealthily will never have the last laugh. One day, my mother said to me, "Give me the lucky money in front of your sister, or she won't give it to me." I didn't hear it and quietly returned to the house.


    Back to my room, I sat quietly by the bed, waiting for my twenty-first birthday. On the seventh day of the week, I don't know how many days in the three years of college were counted in weeks. My life is phased and scheduled. A semester has about 18 weeks of courses. I usually mix my days with nine weeks as the boundary. First year, the first nine weeks, play, the last nine weeks, learn. When I was a sophomore, the dividing line between playing and learning was moved back artificially. It was not only influenced by the seniors and students, but also because of my weak position and self-control, so I played for the first 16 weeks and learned for the second two weeks. Half of my junior year has passed. This semester I have played for 18 weeks, until the holiday. I still have plans to play until the beginning of school. When I saw Ke Zhendong's achievements at the age of 20, Pele, the king of soccer, celebrated his 20th birthday with 25 goals in the Brazilian team. Microsoft was founded at the age of 20 by Bill Gates. Racing became Han Han's best friend at the age of 20. I unconsciously looked back at my 20th birthday. There is no great achievement to be proud of, and even I have traced back my first 20 years, I can't find the impressive mark of success. Over the past 20 years, I have eaten many things I have never seen before, enjoyed various amazing performances, made friends with different personalities, witnessed my mother's growing up from a younger age to a more powerful one, and obtained the novel things I wanted in different ways. I have been coquettish in everything, angry with friends, fought in childhood, scolded people in private, and drunk at the table after college, I vaguely remember saying "Mom, I love you", and I heard "Dad's voice" three years ago.


    In the 20 years since I grew up at the seaside, I haven't visited the city where I live, but I want to leave my mother one day and find another place to live. Now I understand that the outside world is not necessarily better than here. What we should cherish is not the past and the future but the present. I dare to say that from the day I remember my son, I no longer want to get the perfect gift when blowing candles. All my birthday wishes are one: I wish my mother good health. Birthday is not the most important day in life. It is the clock of life. It constantly reminds me that from this moment on, I should continue to be desperate, regardless of what happens, and move forward in order to dream. The rejection, denial and incomprehension I encountered along the way are my greatest encouragement and support. No matter how fleeting time may be, there is no regret in life. It is better to enjoy life than to accumulate happiness.


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    At the thought that the sky at night would be torn by fireworks, my heart began to become restless. About five years ago, I didn't like to wear thick down jackets, borrow a cigarette end from my uncle or uncle, or find a stick of incense from home and light it, then run to the door to set off firecrackers. Facing the cold wind, watching the glittering sparks and splashing paper scraps in the fierce performance once brought me infinite joy on New Year's Eve. Now I can't stand smelling a small piece of firecracker igniter. In the cracks between tall buildings, no matter how gorgeous the fireworks are, I don't want to look up. When I see a long string of red firecrackers in front of someone's house, I will cover my ears and hide far away. Setting off a whip during the Spring Festival is the most popular thing for children. I don't know whether I am a child or an adult now. To be sure, I am growing up, but I am not enthusiastic enough.


    When I was young, I waved fireworks sticks in the dark night, as if there was a high-level orchestra in front of me, and I was conducting my music. Like magic, the sound of fire "sizzling" made the New Year's Eve very quiet. Years later, I felt that the burst of fireworks in the night sky was that everyone was throwing bombs into the sky, one by one, unorganized and without scruple, regardless of how painful and uncomfortable the black color in the distance was. The sound of fireworks exploding is disturbing. I always turn the TV on at its loudest so as not to miss anything in the Spring Festival Gala. Sometimes it is unavoidable to complain loudly outside the window, but the interesting baggage in the sketch can instantly melt my resentment. I am enthusiastic about watching the program, but I am not enthusiastic about setting off a whip to scare away mandrills.


    My college days were just like a sparkled fireworks. When I first entered the university, I tried my best to find my own position. I was worried that I would not be able to fully blossom when I was in a crooked or remote corner. At that time, I was extremely anxious. Looking at the people around me, some of them have exquisite packaging, some are large and full, some are short and tough, some have no core, and even more, they are straight up in the air. I don't know who to go with, nor who to match with to bloom most beautifully. A year later, I slowly had the opportunity to show my colors, and flew to a high enough visibility, only to find that there were fewer people with me. At that time, it was very sad. The loneliness of the night could freeze all the light. Who said that the future is bright and the destination is so dark, how can one do? I miss my friends who fought side by side at that time, but I don't know how to express my missing now. As we grow older, we all have our own views on the people around us, compare with each other, and inadvertently show envy, jealousy, sympathy, pity and hatred. Innocent, I always think that it is a pleasant scene to bloom together, but not every fireworks wants to share a wonderful night with others. A lot of placed bombs came unexpectedly while I was flying upward, which made me tremble and dare not turn back. I ran with red gunpowder, but finally green light was scattered.


    Cry, be called weak. Pretend to have nothing to do, and be said to have big nerves and no ambition. My friends all told me not to care too much about other people's opinions and to stick to being myself. Over the past year, I have been looking for the original me, the fireworks with youth and vitality, ready to show their skills and work hard to bloom once again. However, everything I have done has been proved by the facts in front of me, which is useless. When I am tired of flying, I want to stop at the current height and look for an opportunity to blow myself up, and then turn into smoke and dust. To my surprise, I didn't even have the enthusiasm to destroy myself. Lack of enthusiasm is my biggest enemy at the moment.


    A glittering fireworks, embarrassed but interwoven. Whether to stay in the sky and watch the lights, or to fall quickly and hesitate. Sometimes, the world is not warm enough. I have more nights than days. Who can accompany me.

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(2011-04-30 21:34)

short message



    I am 20 years old this year. I know that my life is destined to be extraordinary this year. So far, I have received three messages from my mother. It may be a surprise to others, but I can't forget it for a long time.


    "Son, you should not study too hard, too inferiority, too strong. You should compare who has tolerance, who has opinions in his heart, who can't see it from the face. You should keep three points to the mouth, watch more, listen more, consult more, be image, be patient, be inspired, not let people see it, be not excited, be quick, be ruthless, not mean, be noble, be feminine, smile, be dignified, respect the old and love the young Be polite. I don't understand. Please ask Mommy for advice. "


    A short message with no punctuation and many wrong words left me speechless. I don't remember what kind of situation I received this message at that time. I only remember that I choked up and couldn't speak. I immediately showed my phone to my good friend and jokingly asked him to help me break my sentence. A mother who could not even spell sent such a short message because of her son's complaint. He had participated in the school election and ended up with no results. I seldom call my mother, so my mother hardly knows my activities at school. But I complained that my mother didn't comfort me in time, even if it was a text message. I hated my complaints at that time because my friend's mother sent him a message that moved me deeply when he was successful in the election. My envy and jealousy made me throw my cowardice and grievances into complaints to my mother. Now I can understand why my mother always stays up at midnight and lights the room at two or three o'clock in the morning, because


    "Le Mummy didn't buy you something to eat. I'm sorry. Can I buy you something tomorrow? If you have a safe idea, please reply."


    This is the second message. When I received this message, I might be busy with some work and didn't care too much. When I lay on the cold bed in the dormitory at night, I suddenly found that the message my mother sent me had punctuation on it. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't sleep through the night. I can imagine how long my mother looked for this punctuation on the input software. I can imagine how many words my mother typed again to mark this question mark.


    "Le Mommy won't give you some delicious food if she has toothache. If you want to eat fruit, go to the door and buy less food first. I will send it to Mommy tomorrow evening. I'm really sorry."


    The apology expressed in words is so vivid between mother and son, and has been magnified many times. The words "sorry" pierced my heart. I always felt sorry for my mother when I grew up, but my mother just apologized for not delivering food to me in time. Until now, I don't know what kind of way and perspective to describe it. I really don't know how to express my love for my mother.


    I often ignore my mother's advice to me. I always feel that what I get from her is so natural, so there is no doubt about it. But now I don't even have one yuan for taking the bus. I always think about it when I went to bed the night before, whether I need to go somewhere, and whether I can save this yuan from lunch and dinner. Are you too mean to yourself? Are you nervous? I don't know. I just think that the mother child relationship between my mother and me is very different from that before. I now add a sense of respect to this parent-child relationship. Sometimes I want to say "Hello, Mom" when I answer my mother's phone. It's interesting to think about it for myself.


    I remember my mother once asked me what an Apple phone is, and I said to her that it is the best phone in the world, "Why do you want to buy it for me. One month ago in the evening, when I came home from the dormitory, I saw my sister reading aloud with a pinyin drawing. With her sister's voice, my mother echoed again and again with non-standard pronunciation. I have edited several short messages on my mother's mobile phone, such as "Lele calls back when she has something to do", "Lele is going home tonight", "Lele has dinner", "Lele will pick you up at what time", so that my mother can send them directly to me during my class time. But until now, I have not received a preset message. I know my mother wants to send me a handwritten text message with a touch screen mobile phone. I know my mother is embarrassed to learn Pinyin from her niece. She loved her son, so she learned Pinyin and text messaging. I have laughed at my friends and teased my mother for not being able to send messages for many times. I never care. Maybe my friends have looked down on my family with low cultural quality for a long time, but I still take this as a joke. I have no scruples about my mother's feelings. It can be said that I have never, in anything.


    I still can't take care of myself independently, and I need to depend on my mother. My mother loves me very much. There is no punctuation, and the words are full of mistakes. They are very warm in the communication between my mother and me. Thank you, Mom, who can text.



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grow up

Classification: "A thousand regrets..."

    I think the world is very beautiful. Every day when I open my eyes and open the quilt, I can feel the warmth of the sun reflected from the wall of the opposite girls' dormitory building. I can plant a plant on my desk. In the morning and evening, I can eat the bovine colostrum and milk calcium chewable tablets that my mother specially drove to me. I can go shopping in the mall to buy clothes I like whenever and wherever I want, It has always been my wish to have a camera. With this realized wish, I can shoot the beautiful world everywhere as I want, because I think the world is beautiful.


    In order to play a joke, I went to a college election a few days ago. A year ago, I voted for the candidates of the previous election as a voting representative. At the election conference, my professional sister from the same club asked me: "Jiale, do you want to run for election next year? If you do, I will help you." I said, "Choose, but I'm not strong enough." After the joke, the matter was forgotten, During the year, I worked hard on the club, constantly participated in competitions on campus, also walked out of the campus, headed for a higher stage, and fortunately went to TV stations several times. 365 days looks like a long time, but it breaks down into 365 times to lie down and get up, and it passes in a flash. An exciting Sunday has arrived. This is the election day, and I am among the candidates. Not selected. Without modesty, I adjusted my mind very quickly because of the sunshine. What I can't forget is what the teacher of the Youth League Committee said to me before the election. She said many friends you thought were close to you. When you needed help, none of them disappeared. However, many casual friends or just casual friends, when you were particularly helpless, The helping hand is strong and warm, even you will be surprised. Indeed, this sudden care and selfless help brought me hope for life and dedication to tomorrow. I also gradually changed my view of people and things around me in the process of being indifferent and concerned. This time, I really felt the change of world outlook, values and outlook on life. My friends all said that this was a rare experience in my life and a good memory. I seemed to force myself to think so, because I thought the world was beautiful.


    Sometimes I don't live in the dormitory, but go home to practice driving. I need to get familiar with my ticket just after the exam. The next morning, I took the bus back to school. Through the window, the 5-minute drive from home to school seems to be a wonderful short film, and I enjoy the series that is different every time I take it. Several children walked towards the school, talking and laughing hand in hand. Not far behind, a little girl was carrying a big schoolbag and bowed her head. She seemed to be listening to the mother of the little boy next to her telling her son not to be picky about food at noon. I could feel the sadness, and I was afraid to see other children going out together, Even walking hand in hand through the streets of the city. In a public square, the old couple sat quietly on the bench with a coil of line pulled by themselves and looked up from their eyes. Two rainbow colored kites were flying in the sky with their tails flapping. My eyes were moist as I looked at the flying rainbow, and I had more admiration for my feelings and white hair. Time and effort made the sky bluer, warmer and more flat. The young woman held the flip phone in her left hand and crossed the road while arguing. She had despair and strength in her eyes, the expectation of being loved and the dignity of not giving up. Her right hand trembled and covered her mouth. She did not want to cry and could not stop tears; The middle-aged man slammed the door and got out of the car to argue with another driver who might have scratched his car because of a highway robbery. His loud and rough voice scared the "troublemaker" who didn't know whether he should take full responsibility or not. The crowd had been used to this scene, and no one was around, breaking the middle-aged man's plan of sensationalism; The two old ladies laid cushions on the stone steps of the park and looked idly at the traffic; It seems that the four or five year old child gently touched the tip of the golden retriever's nose with his white index finger, and immediately stopped. The golden retriever ran away quickly. The child giggled and clapped his hands, waiting for the return of the dog. In my memory, there are always pictures of garbage collectors rummaging for survival in garbage cans, flyers distributing dreams in the street, and morning runners marching towards happiness on the sidewalk. I have seen too little, I have experienced only 20 years, but laughter and bitterness have become beautiful pictures here, because I think the world is beautiful.


    People's desires are so limitless that they feel terrible. I want a lot of things and want to do things constantly. I want more good friends, I want a healthy body, I want enough money to improve my life, I want admirable prestige, I want to be proficient in work and communication skills, I want to visit Chinese landscapes, travel around the wonders of the world, I want to have a handsome, intelligent son, I want to open a shop that can not only make profits but also reflect personality. I think so. People are like products produced by nature. I don't know where I was processed. So far, I still think I have passed the qualification inspection before leaving the factory. My instructions have been hidden in advance. I never know what functions I have. Even though I vaguely feel my potential in this area, I don't know how to set it to activate it. I hope that through my own continuous attempts, other people or things can register on the Nature Network for me, and give me a legal identity to access the network. I now have a number, that is, an ID card, but I am not able to spend on my own. My monthly fee in the university is 1000 yuan, and my mother doesn't know why she wants to use my ordinary product. When she used it for nearly 18 years, I learned that she signed a contract with nature for 18 consecutive years to pay fees in exchange for me. In order to prevent her from abandoning it after the expiration, I can only try to participate in various activities and earn many achievements to make my mother forget the signing period of my product for the time being. But now that my parts have reached the end of their life and the surface is also worn to a large extent, I am increasingly worried that I will be abandoned as a completely second-hand product. I hope that nature and society can give me more preferential activities. The best thing is to save 200 and give 200 free and return it in ten months. Try to delay as long as possible, because I don't want to leave my mother. But I think I will have a time of wandering. When I become an obsolete machine, I will certainly disassemble it and return to the factory to assemble a new machine, set up my own family, and sign my handsome and intelligent products. In fact, I don't think I have unlimited desires, but the world can provide too much. I am optimistic that everything will come true slowly, because I think the world is beautiful.


    I hate other people smoking and drinking, but I like a room with a light smell of smoke, and I often go out for drinks with friends. This makes me feel safe, a sense that others care about you and others care about you. These friends in the university all want me to be good, and they also want me to be good. I firmly believe in honesty for honesty. The number of SMS messages received during the festival was enough, but the consolation and blessings I received when I lost the election and won the competition were still as many as during the festival. Now thanks are not enough to express that feeling. I think it should be expressed by worship and disbelief. I am not my brother, but treat me as a relative. Yesterday, a friend carried me down the stairs for fun, but I felt the warmth on his back that I could not find for many years. The fate of the acquaintance was magical and beautiful. I absolutely know that I am immature, but I can really feel that I am growing. I will care about and understand others from the bottom of my heart. My mind is no longer about how I should be, how I can be, but what others will gain and lose because of my doing so. There is no loss or grievance, but it is really giving and affirming. Many people ask me if I'm stupid, but I don't think so, because I think the world is beautiful.


    Call, when encountering difficulties and setbacks, calm down and look up, you will find the world is beautiful; When you are looked down upon or scolded by others, you must reflect on yourself to see if you are sorry for others. If you have the responsibility to correct it, you should be encouraged. If you are calm, you will find the world is beautiful; When you have achieved success and achievements, you must look back at the people who pushed you forward. You should be grateful. Sincerity is the main thing, supplemented by material things, because few people want to return to you and care about others, and the world will be beautiful.


    I think the world is really beautiful.

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(2010-12-18 16:46)

Level IV







Classification: "All sorts of thoughts..."

    The sky is blue, the temperature is high, the bed is warm, and the alarm clock rings. My roommate said "get up quickly" countless times. I rubbed my bleary eyes, opened the quilt, and the cold winter wind hidden in the cracks of the wall still surrounded me. Press the alarm clock, pick up the facial cleanser and toothbrush toothpaste, and stride to the bathroom. The tap water that is cold enough to do the human body freezing experiment exerts force on every pore and crevice of my teeth. I seem to feel that every molecule in my body is shivering, and my waist is always shaking like a hula hoop. As soon as I caught a cold, my fragile stomach told me: "Dear Mr. Lin Jiale, it's time for you to go to the toilet to take a dump." So I stretched out my waist to touch a roll of toilet paper on the table and went into the toilet again to start my excretion. These tedious and necessary steps are repeated every day. Without these preparations, I will never go out, whether it is the door of my home or the bedroom door, even the Yanzhao door.


    The hair was not too oily, so I applied UNO wax that my friend left on me, grabbed it, it was not beautiful, and then rubbed it off and scratched it again. The perfect combination of the large mirror attached to the wall and the small hand-held mirror presents a three-dimensional, omnidirectional and multi angle me, which is beautiful every day. After deceiving himself, he began to choose the clothes to wear. Wear clothes of different grades, different prices, different styles and different colors according to different occasions. Although there are only two pairs of shoes, we must change them frequently. If there are insufficient matching materials, we will bring a variety of clothes and decorations to friends to meet my mood and unlimited customs at this moment. Spray some Adidas sports perfume, and the bedroom suddenly becomes fresh. The fragrance is enough to cover up all the smells of smelly socks, instant noodles, garbage bags, etc. left for several days. The sun reflected from the glass of the opposite dormitory building, hit my chest, gradually reached my neck, and then my cheek. I closed my eyes, raised my chin, and let it caress greedily. At this moment, I am like Song Huiqiao in Bubugao's music mobile phone advertisement, bathed in the sun and looking around the world's grand scenery and beauty. But I can't imitate her smile. Because her smile is a pure smile made by the advertising endorser, and I only have to face a lot of hardships in the face of new books that have not been reviewed.


    I have confirmed the latest New Year blockbusters on the Internet, and I also call my friends to see them together. It's still a half price movie ticket, and it's still potato chips, orange doughnuts. Those taxi drivers waiting outside the dormitory area have known us for a long time and started talking when they got on the bus. Because of the subway construction, the traffic in Dalian began to slow down. The original five minute drive is now at least ten minutes away. The longer and longer travel time and the less and less chat topics make me embarrassed with my friends in the car. What should be said has been said, but sitting together just looking at the tall buildings rising from the ground outside the window is very awkward. Awkwardness and embarrassment forced me to flee alone after watching the film. I go shopping myself, meet my friends again, and eat again. After wasting a good afternoon, I went back to my dormitory and spent just two hours reading the review materials for CET-4.


The sky is blue, the temperature is high, the bed is warm, and the alarm clock rings. My roommate said "get up quickly" countless times. I rubbed my bleary eyes and opened the quilt. I suddenly remembered today's CET-4 exam. Panic, it is a personal panic, of course, for such unprepared people as me. I immediately rushed to the bathroom to wash my face. I didn't care to wash my hair, so I rubbed it casually and began to prepare the test equipment. Radio, battery change, card marker, refill, word list, have a look.


    Everything is connected. In fact, there are omens that my exam today is doomed to be a painful tragedy. Before being hit by the blue Ford with the license plate number of Liao B · 23D51 yesterday, my uncle's salary of 300 yuan in his pocket was used as pocket money for me and disappeared. I thought I would spend my money to eliminate disasters, but I lost my money and met disasters. Today, after seeing the composition topic on the test paper, I basically concluded that I could meet many friends again next year. Let you play!


    As for children, they just like playing and don't like learning. My uncles and aunts who have spoiled me for more than ten years have always instilled this idea in me and my mother, and I think so. Children learn by playing and find interest in learning. But I belong to the kind of people who are especially shameless. They never stop playing. I haven't learned anything from them. If I play carefully, I can explain to myself. This guy has given me a lot of fun. He has no achievements, no money, and no cheek. Next year, if I sit in the same examination room with the next generation of children, how will they mock me? It doesn't matter if you tease me. I'm sorry for everything my mother gave me. Fantasy to buy an SLR and an apartment next to the subway. There are so many fantasy things that I have no capital to play with my friends. What else can I imagine to play new tricks? A person who has not passed Level 4 is not at the same level as everyone else. I am sensible and reasonable. From IQ to EQ, I am inferior. The only person who regrets injury is myself. Let you play!


    "There will always be a day when everything will have to go far. I am at a loss. How can I not teach my heart to be desolate? Yesterday's handsome young man will become an adult today. He can't hide his smile. It's all anticipation and fantasy."


    Let you play!

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Miscellaneous talk

Classification: "All sorts of thoughts..."

    In fact, this topic was on my mind ten days ago when I was in Shenyang, and I still want to remember it. Really, how can I travel alone. You can go alone with a black Adidas schoolbag, a HiPanda T-shirt, a white Adidas jacket, H&M hot velvet pants on your legs, Vancl's shoes, and a Nike travel bag in your hand. I took a bus to the railway station, and my eyes flicked darkly to the flying plane trees on the right side of the road, forgetting the purpose of this trip. One person on the train is accompanied by the music player, but it is inevitable to be disappointed at its short life. Once I forget to recharge, maybe the music can only accompany me for half a time. The first stop is Anshan. The cold of the city far away from the coast seems to warn me that the lonely temperature is like this. All of a sudden, a tear of mine ran to my nostril, joined my nose, and rushed to the uneven land in front of Anshan Railway Station. When night fell, I was afraid that no one would pick me up, no one would take my luggage for me, and no one would accompany me to stay in the hotel. I quickly made a decision and headed north to Shenyang. After more than an hour's journey, a shivering me stood outside Shenyang North Railway Station. The traffic flow is very regular, and everyone in front of us walks forward purposefully. And I looked at whether there would be a warm mass in the cold air, a warm air brought by familiar people. I am numb to think of these things, even at the turn of summer and autumn.

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    I have one advantage, that is, high personality and good luck. How can such things as traveling alone happen to Lin Jiale. I was accompanied by Ma Lin from Dandong, Bai Hao from Anshan, Luo Tian and Zou Chao from Shenyang. Although my journey is not very far away, it can not be called a journey. So far, I can safely carry a black Adidas schoolbag, wear a HiPanda T-shirt, wear a white Adidas jacket outside, wear H&M hot velvet pants on my legs, step on Vancl's shoes, and carry a Nike travel bag in my hand to the noisy Dalian Station, waiting for the ticket check and departure of T5305 train. In Anshan, Bai Hao took us to a KTV that was decorated like the Water Cube. The middle private room there was larger than the small VIP in Dalian. The three of us enjoyed two fruit dishes and beat around on the super long sofa with cushions. The next day, I realized my wish to ride a white horse. It was wonderful and pleasant to be able to visit the city I never expected to visit in the last four days of the National Day holiday. How nice of Bai Hao. Then I found two men in Shenyang to take Ma Lin and me to play. Zou Chao, who was dressed in a Mickey suit, was suddenly three or five years younger. After meeting Luo Tian, we went to the cheap Caribbean pizza we had once eaten in Wanda Plaza. Accompanied travel is perfect and pleasant. Chatting and playing with landlords, these small things, small trials and small experiences will always converge into a force, a force that I dare to believe, dare to take responsibility and constantly pursue. Many years later, we were amazed at these experiences when we mentioned them. We covered our mouths and giggled. In the end, we wept and touched the precious memories for a long time. At the thought of these, I let myself play as freely as possible, deal with everything more freely, and enjoy myself without leaving a trace of regret.


    A solo trip? How can you! In this study, I took a table tennis course. Although there is no foundation, after a few lessons, I have a deep feeling. This sport was originally competitive, but the course exam required two people to attack the ball with forehand and backhand, so we understood it as a game of two people cooperation. There are three main characters on the table tennis court: you, ball and him. I am the ball player. Party A and Party B check and balance each other and jointly control the situation. I, who likes to be self-centered, of course, call myself a ball, or I am willing to be the ball you shot. It is difficult to actively toss in your invisible path. I naturally hope that all three of us can treat such an event or game calmly. If one person is unstable and plays hard, I will be dumped far away, while the other party can only run to pick up the ball. There is no way to break up or ignore each other, but at least it would have been a failure at that time. This is also good. It's just singles. The table tennis game in life is not just a game of two or three people. It may be doubles or four against four, 100 against 100. And there are thousands of balls. I think I am the best Double Happiness among them. I am very happy to be able to connect you. You should also be. We are going far away together. We should go together, but not necessarily stay together. When you or he has better goals and ideas, the only thing I can give you is support and encouragement. If you want to repent of any move but fail, come to me and I will give you a cup of modest but warm comfort. If you are attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of you and want to stay, if I want to go out and have a try, at the moment of our separation, don't forget that we have traveled together, enjoyed each other, and trusted each other.


    You can't travel alone. I trust myself to you for safekeeping. I may be your burden and burden at some time, but thank you for not abandoning me all the time, which has not moved me to pain and inferiority. Your acceptance and tolerance are the warmest air in the coming winter, and the warmth brought by the most familiar and dear people.




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The fifth anniversary of blog

My blog today four year two hundred and ninety-five God!

On January 1, 2006, I settled down at Sina Blog.

On January 1, 2006, I wrote the first blog post: [Announcement] Sina Student Blog Circle Recruitment Notice

On February 5, 2007, the first picture was uploaded to the album.

Over the years, Sina Blog has accompanied me to write my life bit by bit.

Number of articles   324
Number of pictures   102 sheets
Number of visitors   55566 times
  • Summary of the past five years:

    The past five years are really a flash. At that time, every stage of life was recorded bit by bit. Today, it turns into my power to succeed or just to be happy. I thank Sina for providing this platform, and I thank myself for keeping a written record of my life track for five years.

  • My mood today:

    Today, I am in a leisurely mood, without any distractions.

  • Make a wish for the future:

    I hope I can get a sincere love, because I have never really tried. We should step out of the stage of children and become mature and brave to take on responsibilities.

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Miscellaneous talk



Classification: "All sorts of thoughts..."

    The reason why I haven't summarized my life in the year since I went to college is that I don't know where to start. I vaguely remember that at this time last year, I was wantonly searching Google for college life experience, what is necessary for the beginning of school, what is a treasure of how to get along with people, what is the certificate I should get during college, and so on. After searching, I slowly found that what I found was other people's life experience, perception and summary, not mine. Before the start of school, I thought about adjusting my major and direction by using some relationships. After the start of school, this idea gradually faded away. Not to say no, but to feel more and more reluctant. I hate the love and trust of my friends in the college, the moment when we work hard and cry for the honor of the college, and the change from angry retort to calm response when our major is looked down upon by others.


    As the new class of prospective college students is about to start school, many children ask me how my college life is, which makes me sleepless all night, because I don't know how to tell them what my life is like. I said that my life is rich and colorful, carefree, colorful and stress free. I said that my life is full of mixed feelings, soul stirring, full of difficulties, and sleepless.


    College life is simple. Get up in the morning, brush your teeth and wash your face. The fashionable men and beautiful women who take into account their appearance have to choose a beautiful dress to compare back and forth in front of the long mirror before going out, and grab their hair by the way. According to the mood, if you are in high spirits and radiant, you should hold your hair a little fluffy. If you are listless and depressed, you will smooth your hair so that it is not very attractive. This dress is beautiful. Don't forget your schoolbag when you go out. My schoolbag is usually arranged temporarily. I glance at the timetable hanging on the bedside, grab it on the desk, put the book into the bag, and then go downstairs with a bag of fresh milk in my mouth. In class, I didn't pay attention to the lecture. I turned over the book and felt that the words were boring. So I took out a small book and wrote and drew on it. This year, I found that my painting skills have improved, and my writing skills have not declined. I like chatting with people around me in class, or else I take out my mobile phone to play with plants, zombies and robot tower defense, such as chatting and this state, which is always going on. The Internet function of my mobile phone can also be of use. Once in a professional news class, the whole class forgot to do the homework left by the previous lesson. However, I had an idea to use my mobile phone to search some information in Google, and got praise from the teacher after standing up to answer. So this great story tells us to learn how to use the tools around us. There is always a sense of relief after class. The back door of the classroom is like the entrance of heaven. Students always rush forward at that moment, fearlessly and expressionless, for the gathering of the east and west doors, for the rest of the north door, and for the travel of the south door. "What to eat later" seems to have been the most consistent slogan in the teaching building at that moment. A simple question tells how many people are sad, how many people are looking forward to, and how many people are relieved. After a simple break, it's time for afternoon and evening classes. Fill the thermos cup in the dormitory, soak two pieces of chrysanthemum or lemon, take a wet towel, and buy some biscuits or egg cakes on the way, then you can start again to the place you have been to in the morning. The days before the exam are very harmonious. No one will compete with you in the study room. Laughter can be heard everywhere, whether in the teaching area or the dormitory area. But I don't have to say much about the days of the exam. What I want to say is the days after the exam. As the exam schedule was delayed to one week or even several weeks, the scores were not synchronized and timely. Each subject results in less worry and more peace of mind. But everyone became more afraid because they had passed the first few exams, and the results of the last few exams became sharper as time went by. Some people were lucky enough to escape the attack of sharp weapons, while others were unlucky enough to get home and put cold water between their teeth. Well, the above is a brief description of college life. Is that how I spent my year?




    My greatest pride this year is to know a lot of friends. I like being with you. We played mahjong at the Sunflower Station, talked and played Three Kingdoms Massacre in Nuber, ate a cup of double skin milk for four yuan at the Tea Story, celebrated various festivals with our dumplings in our yard, ate kebabs under the overpass, strolled back and forth in Zhishuyuan Dormitory, and chased each other, We talked, laughed and bickered on campus. We walked to Blackrock Reef to go shopping. We took a bus to Xinghai Park to see the sea. We watched the latest movies in the Ona and Dalian Studios. We went to Haoledi and mass merchandisers to sing all night. We participated in community activities. We rehearsed dances together. We prepared manuscripts together, We went to Dalian Library to read books together, we went to the club to listen to a small rock concert, we went to Harbin to ski together, we slept together, we took a bath together, we bought McDonald's together to celebrate Children's Day on campus, we played truant together to celebrate a friend's birthday, we went to the labor park to avoid mice and ants, and we had a picnic on the open ground together, We have ups and downs together, we have joys and sorrows together.


    The definition of friend became clear again in this year. When I was sad, you talked with me, you sent me all kinds of cute expressions to amuse me, you came to my dormitory to hug me, you invited me to eat special food. When I make mistakes, you tolerate me, and you give me a firm step with a smile. Recently, Peng Tianyang was very unhappy because of his open mouth. I sincerely apologize, but in return, our friendship ended here. Peng was the first friend I met before I went to college. Now that the school is about to start, I may lose him, a friend I care about and care about. After each other calmed down, Peng forgives my fault. I admire his understanding and generosity, and am extremely proud that I can know him and many friends like him. Because of the wide range of friends, we got a nickname - Dongcai Yellow Pages.


    Influenced by the trendy men around me, I think my aesthetic standards and shopping conditions have changed greatly. The transformation from the former concept of "one piece of clothes is enough" to the current concept of "one piece of clothes is enough" is the kind of masculinity I got in one year. I often find time with my friends or even skip classes to go shopping in Chaopai stores, but because of the limited living expenses, I learned to bargain more confidently and wait for the discount season. It is not easy to develop from sportswear to disorderly hair plus shirt plus pencil pants plus canvas shoes. Maybe I am often teased by my friends around because of the excessive foresight and exaggeration of the matching, which makes me more mature. I know that it is better to wear popular clothes. Too eye-catching is easy to cause trouble and coldness.


    Maybe it's too lonely. I love traveling. In winter, I went to Harbin and Shenyang, and in summer, I went to Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Dengfeng, Kaifeng, Beijing and Shenyang. Although it is not far away, there are friends everywhere to greet and accompany you. I feel very practical and full of security. I deeply fell in love with my college life. I experienced what I had hoped for but never tried before, and went to the place I yearned for. I saw the people and things I only imagined in my mind, and ate the delicious food with high praise. In the year of college, my scope of activities seemed to expand infinitely. I had offended people, lost money, abandoned health, copied my homework, and searched Google. The world was changing this year, and we were also changing, so it was relatively static.


    My mother asked me this morning, how many years are there in college? I said that there are two years left. In the last year, we hardly go to school, but we still have to pay the tuition fees. At this time, my friends were told that the tuition had been transferred from my account, but the balance in my account was not enough. I remembered the hardships of asking for living expenses and alimony alone a few days ago. My mother said that it was useless for me. It was not enough for me to pay the cost of learning languages for thousands of yuan. I don't want to think of my nearly collapsed mood on the road that day. I squatted at the door of ICBC and cried loudly. No one paid attention to me and no one helped me. And the pleasure of despair is better than that of masturbation when a person secretly hides in the dormitory toilet. I threw out all the things I should vent.


    I'm tired of squatting and crying. A few clouds floated overhead. When I looked up, I saw the road ahead, and I walked forward.


How about you?


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