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 Tianmu Mountain People
Tianmu Mountain People
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(2012-09-24 15:45)




Classification: Fantasy
Recently, when I was going to Prague, a word lying in my memory came alive again: Bohemia( Bohemia )。

Bohemia, it sounds very romantic. How can it not be reverie and fascinating... Wait a minute, who can tell me what Bohemia is?

Prague is in Bohemia, maybe you can go there to find out. But it is more likely to get nothing. Because I was born without Bohemian cells - not in the sense of genetics - but with a natural temperament.

Bohemia and Gypsies are inseparable. The Gypsies set out from Bohemia, regarded the border as nothing, and roamed the European continent. The Roma are free, frank and sincere, which endows Bohemia with unrestrained character;

black tea

Kung Fu Tea

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Tales of Tianmu
Anyway, time will slip away, so let it slip away in the aroma of tea.

Tianmu Shanren, who are used to drinking Tianmu green tea, have suddenly become interested in drinking black tea recently. First, I was inspired by my friends because I found that those who have made little achievements in Guangdong seem to have a set of tea plates and tea sets on their desks, plus precious black tea or green tea, and then dragged me to the tea plate without saying two and a half words. After a dazzle, a steady stream of fragrant tea soup came, which made me feel amazing! Second, I occasionally see the effect of black tea, which seems to warm my stomach and reduce blood fat, which is quite right for me now.

So recently I am eager to try, and I also want to do some Kung Fu. The old way is to shop online. However, I didn't know how important it was. I bought too much accidentally. Seeing that there was a large box delivered, I didn't know whether to be happy, worried or faint. Maybe the shopkeeper also found out that I was generous, and he was sorry. He gave me some tea sets as gifts. I was worried about whether to make a large cup of green tea and sip it slowly. This can solve my urgent need. I can drink authentic kungfu tea!

Although it was the first time a big girl made kung fu tea on a sedan chair, I am not vague at all. I have not only eaten pork, but also seen pigs run. Why is it difficult?

There was a fair cup, a small covered bowl, and two smaller tea cups in front of me. They were white porcelain and thin. They looked pitiful. But since porcelain is made in fire, it can stand the boiling water. I searched my heart to remember other people's bubbles

lunar eclipse

Golden Moon

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Through the lens

After hearing the news of a lunar eclipse on December 10, 2011, I began to pay attention to the weather forecast a week ago. Although everyone knows that meteorological information is only for reference, it is better than nothing. When it was confirmed that the cold air hit Shanghai two days ago, it would be a cold sunny day at the weekend. I felt relieved immediately, charged my camera, and began to look forward to it joyfully.

I have had the experience of taking pictures of the moon before, and I have also summarized "lessons", but the lessons have not been learned - I felt that the tripod was still stable, and the PTZ was not strong, but I have not been willing to buy more. After all, the PTZ of 2000 or 3000 is no more than that, which has exceeded the prediction of "playing occasionally". Similarly, the focal length of 200 mm is not enough. Although it is over 300 when multiplied by 1.6, the moon still only occupies a small part of the picture. It would be great if you could add a 2.0 multiplier lens... It's another 2000 or 3000 yuan, and I can't afford to be hurt. Forget it. Let's make do with it. These things are burning bottomlessly.

Pick up the small "shortcomings", I put forward a big battle. Set up the tripod, press 7D+Xiaobai, the shutter cable is necessary, and connect the laptop at the same time, everything is ready





Classification: Through the lens

(Holy Family Cathedral in Gaudi)

Spanish bullfighting is "famous in the world". It can be called the quintessence of its country, national technology, and it is unique. There is no other branch. However, not all Spaniards are proud of this, and there are many opponents, especially Barcelona, who, in the name of "ethics" in modern society, call for the abolition of bullfighting. As a result, after the last bullfight performance held not long ago, from January 1, 2012, the legislation of Catalonia province where Barcelona is located will abolish "barbaric" bullfighting. I don't know whether I should lament or despise the hypocrisy of human nature. Anyway, I am an outsider, and the tour group will not have the opportunity to arrange a bullfight. Anyway, the bull will become a steak

It is said that the bullring near the Spanish Plaza will become a trade center, and the traditional culture will become a modern business. The ethical and moral issues must be solved successfully. It is better to change to a small commodity market, so that the Spanish economy can catch up with Yiwu.

Forget the Spanish bullfight. Don't play with empty things. Look at "real" things. It is still Gaudi -- another world cultural heritage -- Saint Family Cathedral




Classification: Through the lens

One of the few drawbacks of group travel is the lack of theme. For example, the left bank and the right bank of the Seine River, such as the wine luminous cup, such as Mozart's musical journey. If free travel or self-help travel may be a novel (or nothing at all), then the team lobbying is a prose, and it is both physically and mentally scattered. However, being careless is not a bad thing for travel. The purpose of travel is nothing more than to relax your body and mind. You don't need to be as honest and rigorous as you are in the scientific examination. When you arrive at one place, you can see it and occasionally have a little surprise.

But this trip to Barcelona in Spain, out of expectation, let me find a theme. Not Barcelona, not the Olympic Games, but a completely unfamiliar name - Anthony Gaudi( Antonio Gaudi,1852-1926)。 He is an architectural designer. I don't know how many rows he occupies in the history of world architecture, but I know that our trips in Barcelona are filled with this name.

Steve Jobs



Classification: On the Internet
When I was traveling abroad, I was surprised to hear that Sect Leader Qiao was driving away with a crane. Although I had been prepared, I could not help but regret it. At 56, he died young, not to mention such a front-line man! Sigh at the impermanence of the world, and even more sigh that people cannot defeat the sky!

It is reasonable to say that Mr. Qiao is just a foreigner and CEO of a large company. How can he be virtuous and how can his death affect the global nerves? Touch the iPad 2 that has been held all the way on the plane, and you will know that this person is not simple, and can be called "great".

I have traveled to many countries, seen and heard a lot of Chinese and foreign cultural history, and visited many famous great people - these are legends. The great achievements are undoubtedly brilliant, but they are far away from us. Either it doesn't connect with us all, such as Cervantes and his Don Quixote who "met" a few days ago, or Columbus who discovered the American continent, or it has epoch-making great inventions, but it has almost turned into boring theorems and laws in textbooks, such as Newton, Bell or Edison, which is difficult to resonate with the soul.

It seems that only Jobs and his Apple have changed our IT life and are in front of us.

It is also a PC, the iMac is an eye-catching household decoration on the table, and it is a graphic workstation when opened; It is also an MP3. The iPod, no matter how big or small, looks like a jewelry, and its sound quality is even better; It is also a mobile phone. The iPhone can not only be used to make calls, but also be a secretary and playmate; It is also a tablet computer, and the iPad is close to an artwork,

golden week


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Fantasy
No matter how good it is, it's always annoying after repeated N times, right? For example, work nine to five every day. So, as soon as I catch the opportunity, I think about "running away" - resignation is the best policy. Absenteeism is no different from looking for smoking. Holiday travel is the most emotional thing that rational people do!

The most enjoyable moment of traveling is not on the way, nor after going home, but in the first few days before going out. It's like waiting for a new book at the beginning of school! What's new there? The longing for the unknown and the expectation for the future are undoubtedly very beautiful.

Although at the beginning, for example, the tourist destination has just been determined, this hope is still quite vague. It's just a matter of going out for a walk. It doesn't even matter where you are. You also lack the basic understanding of the country you are going to, but it doesn't matter. A good mood has begun to sprout

Because we know that the farther away from home, the more different the scenery. The customs of another province and city are quite different, let alone another country. Our family likes to see different scenery, whether humanistic or natural, and they are also willing to eat different flavors of food. As long as it is full of local characteristics, we will have a feast. Therefore, a major principle of tourism is: the farther the better.

But I know that I am not strong enough to bear hardships and stand hard work, so I will not accompany you in such things as exploration. Moreover, in order to make my mood even more comfortable, I always take my wife and children to travel together. Therefore, I can't afford to live in the open air, and the easy and comfortable journey is a must.



mobile phone



Classification: On the Internet

Read a long article from a friend at one go Android vs. iPhone , have some feelings. This article is original and highly technical. It discusses the differences, advantages and disadvantages between Android and iOS in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. Although it is not so inspiring, it is also quite enlightening. However, I feel that there are still some points to be desired, and some of the arguments I disagree with, so it is necessary to look at the problem from a slightly different perspective.


As we all know, the mobile phone (technical term is "mobile communication system handheld wireless terminal device") is a computer, but no one will say, "I'll borrow the computer in your pocket to make a call"; Mobile phones are based on mobile communication technology (currently the third generation, B3G or 4G in the near future), but it does not need to know what communication principles are. From children to the elderly, they can use mobile phones. Therefore, looking at a mobile phone from the user's perspective does not require a magnifying glass or a spectrometer.


Even the statistical table of market share is not needed. We just need to see which stores




Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Tales of Tianmu

Shortly after washing the car, the front windshield of the car was covered with a layer of sand and dust. It was dusty, dirty, humiliating and disgusting. I used to envy some cities in Europe and Japan. The air was clear and transparent. We couldn't eat so much dust on the road, but we live in... Now I suddenly feel that I can't absolutely see the problem. It's just to cover some dust. As long as it is evenly covered and not so thick, there are still many benefits!


Benefit 1: block ultraviolet rays. It is covered with a layer of ash, which is better than the window film. Sandy soil is an opaque inorganic substance and a favorite of nature. Its effect is much better than high-tech car film. You know, sand bears two great missions, cultivating plants and building magnificent deserts. Mengmeng glass is a child's skill, and it helps you only when you look up to it!


Benefit 2: Protect privacy. In the era of network information, personal privacy is too difficult to protect, and is always watched. Anyway, I can be a little quiet in the car for a while, right? But it is still easy to be "seen through" after all. Thanks to Dust Gang, hey hey (grimace), it's not easy to see me clearly! If you can achieve the effect of seeing flowers in the fog at one go, you may see some beauty.




Inner Mongolia


horse racing



Classification: Fantasy

Horse racing is undoubtedly exciting. The vigorous steed, the sound of the horse's hooves, the smoke and dust behind him, the heroic posture of the rider riding with his whip, and the wind brought by the horse galloping in front of him are really great. Horse racing is an essential element of the Nadam Conference in Inner Mongolia. If you can win the grand prize, both the rider and the steed will be worth more.


The horse is the spirit of the grassland. Horses seem to be born for the grassland. Don't you see, there are food for horses everywhere on the grassland. When they are hungry, they always bow their heads Can eat enough; The grassland is vast and flat, neither soft nor hard. Horses can run at full speed or walk leisurely. The rider is the soul of the horse, A horse without a rider will only wander around, without any goal or meaning; Only excellent riders


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