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 Ice Sea Lingfeng
Ice Sea Lingfeng
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Wang Laoji

Change father's family


Wang Laoji, beware of falling into a trap

Author: Binghai Lingfeng, free commentator


      Wang Laoji has been on fire recently. The "red and green dispute" of Wanglaoji trademark, which was listed as the "first case of Chinese trademark", has entered the legal process, and the battle for Wanglaoji trademark between Guangzhou Pharmaceutical and JDB has entered a "war state" without gunpowder. The lively fight between the two sides on the stage can not help but make the audience like the author worried, because this is not only a simple interest struggle, but also a conspiracy behind it.

      In 2004, Jiaduobao Group introduced a positioning agency to make a new positioning of "fear of getting angry and drink Wanglaoji". After that, Wanglaoji's vitality burst out. In just seven years, its sales revenue soared from more than 100 million yuan to nearly 17 billion yuan. In 2011, it steadily broke the 20 billion yuan mark. Its domestic sales exceeded Coca Cola's and its brand value exceeded 100 billion.

      From this point of view, Wang Laoji is no longer the same as Wang Laoji in the hands of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical at that time. From a rational analysis, Wang Laoji's brand appreciation is due to the efforts of Jiaduobao after birth, which is just like that Guangzhou Pharmaceutical is the father and Jiaduobao is the adoptive father. Therefore, Wang Laoji has two "dads" and evolved into today's "father changing door".

      Wang Laoji's glory today can almost be said to be the credit of "adoptive father" Jia Duobao. Although Guangzhou Pharmaceutical is the father, it did not "train" well and only played a role of "fertility", which can also be seen




"Streaking"? Or "show love"?

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator


      One year before graduation, I proposed to my roommates to do something spectacular as our graduation ceremony. The roommates responded in succession, but they had different opinions on what to do. Some people say they run naked around the playground, some people say they go out for a long trip, some people say they go to an Internet cafe to fight for three days, and those who don't fight for three days are cowards. Others say they should collectively woo their favorite girls, whether they are famous or not

      For us, this may be our last chance to waste our youth, so we must leave a deep impression in the long river of life, so that we can remember the situation clearly when we die. Based on this consideration, we ruled out several plans for long-distance travel and Internet surfing, and finally locked in streaking and collective love!

      For the school, these two ways will cause a sensation, and we can also become the focus of attention as we wish. Unfortunately, just two days before we decided to run naked, the same incident happened in a nearby school. This undoubtedly stole our limelight, and the scheme of streaking naked died at birth.

      The second plan is to express love to the beloved girl collectively, even at the risk of being beaten by her boyfriend. university




Ice Sea Lingfeng


Why can't we grasp happiness?

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator


      A simple and complicated question - what is happiness? Maybe some people will say that happiness is a famous car and luxury building, and maybe some people will say that happiness is sweet love or even a message greeting, bright smile.

      When we live in this impetuous society, happiness, on the one hand, has been eclipsed, on the other hand, has been pursued painstakingly and even become a luxury. Perhaps this is destined to be a tragic society. When we complain about happiness, we cannot realize that happiness is in front of us. As long as we observe carefully and realize that happiness is within our reach.

      People who have lived in the prosperous metropolis for a long time may have become numb and can no longer feel the most primitive taste, but when they squeeze the train home for the Spring Festival, they will also realize where happiness lies - the kind feeling of meeting parents and relatives, and the feeling of meeting friends again after a long separation.

      Whenever I talk about this topic, I remember that I haven't been home for a long time to have a good chat with my parents. When I think of my mother making my favorite rice cake when I was a child, when I think of the wooden toy gun my father made for me, when I think of my sister letting me eat, my eyes are wet

      Parents have


Motor train rear end collision accident

Ice Sea Lingfeng

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Review ● Random talk

Reflection on the rear end collision accident of motor train

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator


      At 20:27 on July 23, when the train D301 from Beijing to Fuzhou was running to Shuangyu Road in Wenzhou, it collided with the train D3115 from Hangzhou to Fuzhou, causing four carriages of the train D301 to fall off the viaduct.
      What kind of thinking did this major accident bring to us?
      First, why did such a serious accident happen? It is reported that the D3115 stopped after power failure due to lightning during driving. Can this be called a natural disaster?! It's unbelievable! First, there is no backup power supply for the power failure of motor train caused by lightning? Second, is it impossible to automatically alarm? Or is the dispatching department unable to dispatch the railway system? Thirdly, is there no communication tool to report to the superior railway department after parking? Fourthly, doesn't it mean that the bullet train has fully automatic speed monitoring? Once the speed is too high, resulting in the distance between this train and the front train being less than the "safe distance from the emergency braking of the front train", the train will be automatically decelerated, but why does the accident still occur?
      Some time ago, a retired railway engineer said this when he left his job: I will never go out on high-speed railway in my life. But our dear Academician Wang Mengshu said,,


My father is the village head

Ice Sea Lingfeng

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Review ● Random talk

BMW Drug Abusing Woman Crazy My father is behind the village head

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator


      The era of "My father is Li Gang" continues
      A woman suspected of driving with drugs was found in Lishui, Zhejiang Province, and then a small packet of methamphetamine and a drug hose were found on her body. It may be a toxic attack. The woman suddenly pointed at the police in a hysterical way in the police station and shouted, "My father is the village head".
      In the era of "my father is Li Gang", perhaps this sentence "my father is the village head" is not a shocking word, but we will imagine how big the village head is?
      This is the place that makes people sigh!
      Not to mention, don't take the village head as a cadre! Do you still remember that "Roaring Village Head" Zhang Jiacheng from Shenzhen opened a casino and went to Macao to take villagers' private rooms to take drugs? Do you remember that the director of Maoming Village Committee used evil forces to interfere with villagers' voting?
      When you see here, you should not feel ridiculous, but more indignant. Behind the indignation, we seem to have more doubts. Why can such a line shock the world? Presumably, it is not so simple as shouting, but more importantly, it implies the arrogance and corruption of power behind it!
      It's not easy to drive a BMW


College Collection

No expulsion of cheating students

Ice Sea Lingfeng


Classification: Review ● Random talk

Why should colleges and universities collect money to pardon Grade IV cheating students?

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator                                                                                                                                        



Wedding graduation photo


Ice Sea Lingfeng


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Campus ● Education

Five reasons behind the craze of wedding graduation photos

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator                                                                                                                                      



Film review

Single men and women

Classification: Review ● Random talk

                            Single Men and Women reflects the lustful nature of men on earth  
Author: Binghai Lingfeng, free commentator  
        It was just on May Day that I heard a friend recommend Single Men and Women. After all, I am just an unsophisticated pseudo fan, so I only want to talk about my personal views.    


Ice Sea Lingfeng

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Review ● Random talk

Whose fault is it for a senior girl to be raped and killed in a famous enterprise?

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator                                                                                                                                          



Mother Kneels to Save Daughter

Ice Sea Lingfeng

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Review ● Random talk

Binghai Lingfeng: Who is planning "Mother kneels to save women"?

Author: Ice Sea Lingfeng , Free Commentator


      Is it unscrupulous planning for mother to kneel and save her?
      If Xie Sanxiu is really trying to save her daughter suffering from eye cancer, if Xie Sanxiu does not play an invidious role in the whole planning event, if she really has to plan together, if her confession is sincere, if
      If yes.
      This is tantalizing the nerves of society, a cold and cruel society. I don't want to say much about the Internet promoter "Young Xia Jinquan", but I think it is a society acting. It can also be said that it is a dramatic punishment given to human beings by society.
      It is fruitless to ask for help in ordinary times. What can I do as a mother? Meeting this network planner is nothing more than a straw to save her life. Maybe it is not this way to provoke this indifferent society and no one will pay attention to you anymore. Of course, this is also a moral bottom line sacrifice.
      In fact, why is it fruitless to ask for help? What's the reason? Perhaps this is the fate of the poor, which should be the best explanation at present.
      Perhaps this is a society with characteristics, and the Internet pusher is also familiar with the social rules


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