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 Mei Yong is useless
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Mei Yong


Random impressions

Miscellaneous talk


Classification: Diary essay

Mei Yong


The first face-to-face teaching in the new semester is in the class of Leadership Literacy and Leadership.

Talking about When "respecting consciousness", Professor Huang Yifeng of the Provincial Party School said that we must know that "people are different from each other".

In his opinion, due to many factors such as birth background, growth environment, academic experience and life experience, everyone has different personality and behavior characteristics.

It also quoted Zhuangzi ·In Autumn Water, the dialogue between Huizi and Chuang Tzu, "Zi is not a fish, and you know the joy of fish?" "Zi is not me, and you know I don't know the joy of fish?" is used to warn that you should not judge others by your own subjective standards.

As a leader or manager, you should not try to change your subordinates easily. You may not even be able to persuade them to influence them at all. Instead, you will become more worried. Learn to accept others' differences and make good use of them


Mei Yong


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family affection

Classification: Diary essay

Mei Yong

This is a day of light sadness and deep yearning.

Today is the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. I used to call it "half of July", or "Ghost Festival", and the official name is "Zhongyuan Festival". Deep in my memory, the "half of July" in my hometown is full of mysterious and solemn ritual.

On that day, the elders will prepare fruits, cakes and other sacrifices at home. Most importantly, they must add several pairs of chopsticks and fill several cups of wine at dinner. In the words of the old people, Tai Zu is going to come back to serve. In fact, what bears more is the endless care for the lost loved ones.

Before that, the old man had to prepare a paper bag for Taizu, which contained the paper money "sent" to them, with the corresponding name, ancestral address, and the names and current addresses of our younger generation on the outside.

When night falls, every family will be in the open space in front of the door, and they will burn up the paper bags one by one


Mei Yong


Random impressions

Miscellaneous talk


Classification: Diary essay

Mei Yong

It is said that "iron camp, water soldiers".

The fate of people is a kind of fate that is not clear. I don't know why we met or when we parted.

In the army, there are always new recruits and veterans who have retired. The same is true in the workplace. It is common to change a department, or even transfer a department.

Just as I thought that the Water Conservancy Association was the end result of my lifelong career, who would have thought that one day I would be transferred to the emergency management department due to institutional reform?

Time flies like a fleeting flash. On the 20th of May, I joked with Xinji Brothers, "Today is the fifth anniversary of our togetherness".

I didn't expect that time would pass so quickly. Five years is not short, and a hundred years of life is only twenty. Five years is not long, and it will pass in a flash. I still remember that when I arrived at the emergency management department, the flood control and drought relief office only stayed for two or three months.

A transfer order, I was assigned to the office, start


Mei Yong


Random impressions

Miscellaneous talk


Classification: Diary essay

Mei Yong

After busy work, I seldom have time.

On such a short journey, I put down the burden of thoughts and tasks, and accompanied my family with a relaxed and happy mood.

Only three days of public holidays are available, so the schedule is very tight. My uncle hasn't seen her since her second child was born. My wife said that her main purpose is to see her baby. She is going to primary school soon. It's summer vacation, so I can take her around.

Therefore, the arrangement is very simple. Buy the high-speed railway to Shenzhen in advance, and leave after work on Tuesday, arrive at night, and settle down a little. The next morning, I went to my wife's and brother's house. Xiao Bao was very cute. The family dinner also made the foreign country warm.

The next day, the key is how to make fun of it. To tell the truth, it seems that in these years, there has been no other travel except taking her to Mount Lushan. This opportunity is worth cherishing. Unfortunately, Xi Xi is too young to bring it out.

For me, Shenzhen is not a suitable city for tourism. First with


Mei Yong


Random impressions

Miscellaneous talk

high speed

Classification: Diary essay

Mei Yong

I saw the news in the morning. At 3:30 on August 3, a sudden flash flood and debris flow disaster occurred in Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, causing the collapse of the bridge between the tunnels of Kangding Luding section of Ya'an-Kangding Expressway, resulting in the fall of vehicles and the loss of contact between people.

The first reaction, how is it high-speed again?! This year, the flood control situation in various regions is very severe and complex, and many unexpected or unexpected events have occurred. Objectively speaking, some extreme storms do bring great pressure and challenges to the defense.

But then again, it seems that it should not have happened to the expressway in succession. We often say that we should learn from disasters, draw inferences from other cases, and comprehensively investigate and rectify major potential safety risks.

Tragedies that can be deplored are staged again and again. At about 2:10 on May 1, a road collapse disaster occurred on the Chayang section of Meizhou Dayang Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. The affected road collapsed about 18 meters, covering an area of 184 square meters, resulting in 23 vehicles trapped, 48


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